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marilyn monroe hairstyles

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  • Eidorian
    Aug 24, 10:16 PM
    Update please! My brother will switch immediately.

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  • william shakespeare quotes.

  • awraisch
    Sep 5, 09:05 AM
    store back up . . .no update?

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  • Shorter hair became all the

  • skunk
    Mar 20, 08:39 AM
    The jets and rockets are there to prevent Gaddafi from killing civilians, not to prevent Gaddafi from winning.However, if his armour is destroyed and his defences shattered, and his troops are unwilling to pose as sitting ducks, the rebels will have a damned sight easier task.

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  • Marilyn wowed the world with

  • KnightWRX
    Mar 24, 01:36 PM
    Unless Apple gets clever and uses ThunderBolt for connecting external graphics cards, after all it is a PCI-E based connector.

    That's not clever at all. You'd still be stuck with the Intel GPU on the internal screen.

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  • Her Marilyn Monroe look,

  • Pentad
    Mar 24, 01:24 PM
    I think this is good news. Now, good Apple, could you optimize your drivers to be on par with their Windows counterparts?

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  • Marilyn Monroe wig in scene

  • popelife
    Jan 3, 08:07 PM
    I guess a 14�� laptop with a decent word processor is too much to ask for?

    What's wrong with a MacBook and:

    a) Pages
    b) MS Word (yuck... but ymmv)
    c) Framemaker in Boot Camp


    Agreed, the world of word processing isn't overrun with great apps. Times change, and word processing just isn't sexy any more... even though there are plenty of theses and books and magazine articles still being written.

    (I notice that MS are preparing to give away updates to Office 2007 - and Vista - to anyone that got Office pre-installed on their PC. Talk about abusing their monopoly... No struggling WP developer can hope to survive against those sort of tactics.)

    With a bit of luck Pages 3.0 will be along next week. Hardly a keynote showstopper, but props to Apple for getting into that market at all. Pages is cute.

    If you specifically need the long-doc and publishing features of Framemaker, then it's Windows time. Sad but true. Take it up with Adobe.

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  • marilyn monroe hairstyles.

  • vanzskater272
    Aug 24, 06:33 PM
    I cant wait for the new macbook to come out! I am gonna get it the first day.

    marilyn monroe hairstyles. of Marilyn Monroe.
  • of Marilyn Monroe.

  • paulsecic
    Jul 19, 05:38 PM
    and the train kept 'a rollin', all night long.
    I'm about ready to buy a 20" iMac but I want the new OS. How long do I have to wait?

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  • marilyn monroe hairstyles.

  • Lord Blackadder
    Mar 21, 05:13 PM
    If you inflict swift and high casualties on the opposition, the rest might be detered from dragging out a lengthy insurgency where even more people suffer (including lots and lots of bystanders)

    The idea is to avoid casualties as much as possible by rapidly degrading Gaddafi's ability to wage war. The focus is on inflicting material damage to the Gaddafi-loyalist military, and to disrupt their operations against rebel-held cities - not killing Gaddafi loyalists.

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  • Marilyn Monroe

  • Reach9
    Mar 22, 03:58 PM
    I wish i had that many songs that i listen to :(

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  • Hairstyles for the Bride.

  • dizastor
    Aug 30, 12:11 AM
    Oh believe me, I agree with you 100% percent! I would LOVE to see "Mac pro Mini" from Apple.

    Mac Pro Cube Mini?

    No that's too long...

    Mac Pube Mini!
    much better

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  • marilyn monroe hairstyles.

  • apb3
    Aug 31, 10:12 AM
    Blue sky on wireless? Think a device which works out presence of others, and can connect safely.

    Imagine being able to *share* (not stream, but share) your tunes with others on a "I'm interested in your... can I share/get that from you).

    This goes beyond fair use and would not be legal. Just because I buy a song or CD, movie whatever does not mean I can give it to all my friends. I'm sure you didn't mean that

    If you want to use up all your authorized machines (what is it? 5 now?) for a few friends to listen to a few songs every once in a while - I guess that would be arguably OK, but I think it would still go beyond fair use rules.

    Being on the tube/commuting for ~ 1 1/2 hours a day or so and seeing >6 ipods through glancing for white buds alone, the possiblities are huge.

    What are net connections used mostly for (in terms of Mb up/down) It's P2P. There wouldn't be any roaming charges, any peak rates. You could do it in a lecture room, whilst you were studying, or having coffee with friends (sharing tunes, rather than listening )

    Think one big interacting social darknet :D Think virality without PC's needed.
    Someone has a cool tune, and it could replicate exponentially!

    For more benefits: Linking up to USB wireless receiver chips - you can wireless move files to/from PC.

    Hands free driving - using changeable function paddles/butons on the steeering wheel. Hell - You could have a HUD of iTunes on a car soon (or at the very least, hook it up to those screens in the back of those orrible 4x4s )

    In terms of illegal possibilities, think discogs. The amount of music you'll bump into increases a lot, so the rarer stuff might be out there. You could strike up a friendship with someone who had say, the entire back catalogue of (insert your fave band/movie/TV series). People could be walking lossless discographies of current artists. A discog of an artist is at most probably under 10Gig, so for a >60Gig player...

    Who needs radio when you can stream? You could get it to actively hunt for a MP3 id tag genre - rock/pop, or highly rated artists. You could have the function to hunt for certain artists/songs...

    That's another reason why I want wireless.

    All this still does not tip the scales in terms of cost/benefit. Wireless will eat up your battery. It will be clumsy and frustrating (I would really hate for the new Streets single to break off midway through because iPod girl gets off at her stop or walks out of range). Also, I would not be thrilled adding drain to my battery by engaging sharing/wireless just so a bunch of strangers can mooch off of me. If my friend wants to listen to a song I have there are many ways he can do so without adding cost to the iPod and my time by having to charge the iPod all the time to make it possible in the first place

    As for wireless sync... why? My god man, if we've come to the point where putting the iPod in its base is too difficult, we're screwed. Maybe there'd be the odd time when you forgot your cable or dock on a trip but that should be a rare enough occurence. If you find you always forget your cables, get an extra. You're also not addressing that you'd need that cable or dock for charging anyway (especially since you're going to be using that wireless feature to kill your battery much more quickly).

    The chance that someone with an iPod (who also happens to be willing to kill their battery for my enjoyment) will be in range long enough for me to enjoy a few x-ray specks or spacemen 3 tracks are, in my opinion, close to nil.

    The car options using wireless make some degree of sense (you'd be able to charge the unit by the cig lighter at least), but this seems better addressed by car/stereo makers. They're already doing it. Theree are also adapters for sale that do this.

    I don't have all I need yet in this area but hooking my iPod up to the charger/FM transmitter I have let's me use the steering wheel controls for everything except the menu/scrolling bits (I know that's a big thing but I've got it set up so the iPod in it's charger/transmitter is right next to my knee and easier to manipulate than a cell phone and no harder than using the controls on the radio that are not available on the steering column). The HUD would be cool, though, and would make me a safer driver... I always wanted a HUD for my car. I think Cadillac actually had a model with an optional HUD for the main instrument panel items a while back. I wonder why more auto makers don't do this... or do they and I am just ignorant?

    All in all, I just don't see enough good in adding wireless (of whatever kind) to the iPod to justify it. Now, a non-iPod (new) product that had wireless with a limited music/photo/video feature set (iPhone?, iBerry?) might be on the horizon. That wouldn't be bad as it would give those you feel the same as you the option to get their much needed "wireless," while letting others enjoy the most elegant, easy to use media player on the market without the bloat.

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  • Phishin' it
    Oct 23, 07:53 AM
    What are the chances the macbooks will be updated at the same time as the pros?

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  • Marilyn Monroe hairstyle

  • Gurubarry
    Apr 13, 02:42 AM
    I second this.

    Me too, I gave up FCE when my new mini mac wouldn't run it , then imovie after I spent hours trying to work with SD card captured HD footage . So ,perhaps I may be able to return to mac editing without firing up my hacked imovie HD suite . I hope so , but another $300 each time the OSX is changed is not encouraging me at the moment .

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  • marilyn monroe hairstyles.

  • stevemiller
    Apr 12, 10:07 PM
    i mostly just do smaller editing projects, and obviously information is somewhat limited at this point, but i really do like what i hear. sounds like hardware will be much better utilized to let you play with your footage without as many costly timeline renders. we'll see how the potential pans out, but i'm eager to give it a test drive!

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  • Marilyn Monroe Style get

  • Link2999
    Sep 18, 04:16 PM
    Waiting for the iClear: http://www.bestbuy.com/site/Griffin+Technology+-+iClear+Case+with+Arm+Band+for+4th-Generation+Apple%26%23174%3B+iPod%26%23174%3B+touch/1207257.p?id=1218234048743&skuId=1207257&st=griffin%20iclear&cp=1&lp=5

    Love the iClear, been using it on my 1st Gen since I bought it. The 2 Piece Design offers the most protection of any case I've seen.

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  • marilyn monroe hairstyles.

  • Chef Medeski
    Jul 14, 11:59 AM
    They CAN use the same codecs. The problem is on the BD side is that... all of the Sony (and other studios so far) discs are using MPEG2 for video and standard DD or PCM for audio. Warner Home Video has already released HD DVDs in VC-1... so it would stand to reason they'd just use the same encode for their BDs, but I guess we'll see if that is true.

    Also, the current generation BD decks (Samsung and forthcoming Sony decks) cannot decode DD+, Dolby TruHD audio formats.

    If Sony and other studios started using VC-1 or H.264 for video, things might look better for BD... but they aren't using it. I don't think there are any plans for Sony to author discs using VC-1... ever. It's all MPEG2 as far as I have heard.

    I don't see any reason any manufacture would cripple their own storage capacity when they obviously have other options. If its no for the first generation of discs and players, then coroporate rigmroll is the reason to blame for HD-DVD winning out because that is just STUPID.

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  • Hairstyle Marilyn Monroe

  • pjo
    Nov 30, 02:34 AM
    This is my first post and I'm sorry if it drags on too long but I'm a recovering audiophile and I've been dreaming of a simple to use Apple experience from start to finish for home theater. A one box device would have to be bigger than the itv prototype but in the world of HT processors, amps, and disc players, the average size is much larger and all AV furniture can accomodate it. It could easily contain all the mentioned features of itv, a tuner, an optical drive, and modular hard drives similar to the Macpro to expand storage as needs (or finances) dictate. A surround sound decoder and multi channel preamp outputs would complete the list for me. I think a multichannel amp built in would be great, but heat might be excessive unless class D is used. Leaving out the amps would lead to another possible product, powered speakers and a sub. I'm picturing the style of the Hifi for Ipod. They could be sold solo or in pairs and would need only line level inputs. A price break to buy a 5.1 or 7.1 system would be nice.

    That would be nice, but to do this with existing hardware I plan to use a mac mini; logitech z990s and a TV or projector (no HD content in my country). Two things that setup won't do are HDTV and 7.1 sound.

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  • when the hair is wet,

  • dethmaShine
    May 2, 04:21 PM
    Don't like.

    Maybe that's neat but that's not pc-centric.

    It's easier and more convenient to just drop the app in the trash. :|

    EDIT: You can do drag and drop in Launchpad http://forums.macrumors.com/showpost.php?p=12500515&postcount=62

    Apr 26, 11:00 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 2.3.3; en-gb; Nexus S Build/GRI40) AppleWebKit/533.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/533.1)

    It's already been done.


    Nice try. How about a commercial, for-profit app?

    Good luck with your search.

    WordPerfect Office X5?

    Apr 19, 12:56 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    I can't remember the last time I've read 16 pages of replies on MacRumors without the word "fanboy" endlessly repeated. Guess the trolls are only on the iOS stories.

    Back on topic....... Supposedly, Ivy Bridge (next year?) will support USB 3. I wonder if it will be possible to have some sort of a Thunderbolt to USB 3 interface. I would hate to buy a new iMac now and not be able to take advantage of the USB 3 speed when it becomes more widely used in the next few years. Or is that not something to worry about?

    Sep 6, 08:41 PM
    I rather just buy a dvd for $10-20. I'm not downloading anything from the apple store for that price.

    What if it was HD?

    I think you're right. A lot of people will feel the same way.
    That's way they're not going to try and compete with retail DVDs and Netflix or PPV. Apple is going to create a new market with HD downloads before HDDVD/Blu-Ray movies are widely available...

    Apr 10, 11:11 AM
    I've never been impressed with them but the last time I used an auto was in 1983 so I've obviously never tried any of the fancy auto shifting modern cars.

    I don't have a problem using a left hand drive car with manual gears, you just use your other hand. :D

    Mar 24, 12:30 PM
    Other Animal species have bisexual relationships so it must be natural.

    Other Animal species also are involved in cannibalism and random out breaks against their own kind, so in our species we shouldn't prohibit murder either, its natural.

    Umm..what? All of those things you just mentioned involve victimization of others. If two consenting adults want to be together, there is no harm done to them or you. There's nothing wrong or harmful about gay people. You're being utterly ridiculous.

    BTW- you're talking to one. So I appreciate that you use fair comparisons, and stop comparing me and others like me to cannibals and murderers.