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best funny quotes of all time

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  • PDE
    Nov 23, 07:10 PM
    Well, since I didn't open it yet hopefully they will be helpful. If not I'll return it and just get one online. I'm also hoping that the girl knew what she was talking about...

    best funny quotes of all time. est funny quotes of all time. This time around, I#39;m
  • est funny quotes of all time. This time around, I#39;m

  • stoid
    Aug 7, 06:58 PM
    The cinema display's didn't change, all that changed was the price. So there isn't any "previous generation model" from what I understand.

    Did you miss the part about brighter and greater contrast ratio? :confused:

    best funny quotes of all time. est funny quotes of all time. of All Time; When Photo Ops Go; of All Time; When Photo Ops Go. JRM PowerPod. Sep 9, 09:01 AM
  • est funny quotes of all time. of All Time; When Photo Ops Go; of All Time; When Photo Ops Go. JRM PowerPod. Sep 9, 09:01 AM

  • MrMac'n'Cheese
    May 2, 01:27 AM

    Have it show who plus'ed you and who neg'ed your each post.
    I've seen it implemented in other forums, or just allow a thank you button type of thing, no negative option allowed please.

    People have the cojones to neg you anonymously, but if their name was attached to the negative rep/karma, whatever you wish to call it, it would be a vastly different story.

    Otherwise I'm for the removal of this seemingly annoying feature, faceless jerks can team up to negative rep your posts, and before you know it its war to neg' each other.

    EDITHow long are you going to test this before 'it is permanetly tossed in favor a better, less abusable alternative'?

    best funny quotes of all time. features the all time best
  • features the all time best

  • maclaptop
    May 3, 02:26 PM
    I don't really get this... You already pay fees for the data - why do they care for how you use it?
    Here's my take on it.

    One of the carriers source of income is data charges. Within that category of data sales is:

    1) Data used via smartphone for web access.
    2) Data used via tethering your phone & laptop.
    3) Data used via a laptop air card bought from the carrier.

    When you use method 2 illegally, the carrier loses out on that data sale. It's been like this for years, yet not been a problem as large as it is now.

    best funny quotes of all time. Funniest Political Quotes of
  • Funniest Political Quotes of

  • hamlin
    Nov 8, 03:11 PM
    I pre-ordered it for PS3 from ebgames. I'll pick it up after work tomorrow.

    The best was COD 4: MW. That set the bar for COD games.

    best funny quotes of all time. est funny quotes of all time. est horror movies all time
  • est funny quotes of all time. est horror movies all time

  • tdhurst
    Jan 12, 05:28 PM
    Obviously.:rolleyes: I was responding to the idea that is was somehow ironic (and funny) that such a low-tech device could disrupt such a high-tech show. There are many other low-tech ways to cause problems for exhibitors. You can't have an open, accessible show floor and protect against everyone's idea of a "prank." Exhibitors have to be able to trust that attendees, especially press credentialed attendees, won't make them look foolish in order to drive traffic to their blogs.

    Anyway, I hope you took notice of the real point of my comment:

    That's nothing to laugh about.

    This is more about the prank being done by a Gizmodo employee than the prank itself. If some Joe Blow attendee had done this, the blowback wouldn't have been as bad.

    Credentialed people are held to a higher standard. They are trusted to cover the event, not affect the outcome of it. Any blogger or press member should be embarrassed by this kind of behavior. As a writer and an event planner, I'm pissed in every way imaginable.

    best funny quotes of all time. est funny quotes of all time. All quotes are provided in
  • est funny quotes of all time. All quotes are provided in

  • techzone707
    Apr 30, 11:38 AM
    I cannot wait for Lion!

    best funny quotes of all time. Here you will find the top 10
  • Here you will find the top 10

  • jmann
    Apr 29, 03:53 PM
    BOOO!!! Bring back the disappearing scroll bars!

    best funny quotes of all time. You have all that time with
  • You have all that time with

  • Chone
    Mar 23, 06:16 PM
    Excellent! :)

    This is kind of a tricky situation... it's stealing, but if you allow it to happen you basically suck. :P

    When I last went home to visit parents, I found an open router called "linksys" and I connected to its conf page using the default login/password and changed the SSID to "open_router_please_hack_me" ;)

    Heh I know that will never happen to me, my walls are so thick, my neighbors walls are so thick and I have NO adjacent houses next to mine anyway... hell, the wireless signal barely gets to my room :D and even so I have it secured :)

    Back on topic rtdgoldfish, at least now you know that whoever stole your Xbox360 is near you and you'll probably get it back, even if a little late. Best of luck :)

    best funny quotes of all time. Plato Quotes. 29.
  • Plato Quotes. 29.

  • Snowy_River
    Nov 17, 03:45 PM
    Apple did not have a version of OS X running in it's labs. Intel has had every version running on their chips since the early 1990s when they first entered into discussions about using Intel chips. Intel some of the best software programmers in the world, wrt making an OS work on Intel chips. Apple got the OS X port from Intel to speed up the process of introducing the chips.


    This is the first I've heard the story put that way. I've many times heard it said that Apple has kept versions of the Mac OS running on different CPUs in their labs, especially since the switch to OS X. Do you have any evidence to back up your supposition?

    best funny quotes of all time. Bill Maher Quotes. 71.
  • Bill Maher Quotes. 71.

  • lilo777
    Apr 25, 07:25 PM
    Same here. They can keep the iPhone 4 design for years and years. I love it. As far as a bigger screen, i don't really care either way. Give me dual-core A5, doubled RAM, and 64 GB, a better camera sensor, and i'm happy. I don't want 8 MP camera, just a 5 MP camera with a bigger/better sensor. :)

    Bigger sensor requires bigger lens and bigger lens requires bigger housing. With Apple, you are not going to get this. If you look for bigger sensor -check Nokia or Sony phones.

    best funny quotes of all time. Steve Martin Quotes. 50.
  • Steve Martin Quotes. 50.

  • DoFoT9
    Aug 11, 07:27 PM
    i'm tellin ya, there's something about starting with the number 4.

    but it got too hot, and i had to turn it down to 3.98 ghz. not quite 4. hopefully it'll stay at that though
    i prefer the number 9 to be honest :p 9ghz! phoar!

    what temps are they running at? had you considered water cooling?

    best funny quotes of all time. quotes on love
  • quotes on love

  • Dr.Gargoyle
    Aug 1, 02:37 PM
    See he gets it!!!!

    He is one of the few people who (if he lives in Scandinavia, needs to be granted amnesty, and sent to a happier place!) actually understands how it is there...

    He is telling the truth, but I didn't want to bring up the suicidal rates in those countries and how the youth is just rotting away... But hey, now that he did...

    I am sure they don't spend their money on iPods or iTunes, but rather crack and weed... After all their lives suck... so...
    First of all, I do live in Sweden. (born and bred). Secondly, my comment shouldn't be taken too seriously.
    I don't know where are from, but my guess is that you never been close to scandinavia. If you had done some traveling you would know that all countries have to live with their own moronic politicians for better or worse.

    best funny quotes of all time. features the all time best
  • features the all time best

  • Mackilroy
    Mar 21, 01:15 AM
    Wow � that's insane. Hope you find it, man.

    best funny quotes of all time. est funny quotes of all time. the est photo i#39;ve seen
  • est funny quotes of all time. the est photo i#39;ve seen

  • Poolo
    Apr 25, 10:34 PM
    Oh sweet. Looks really good, can always do with a bigger screen!!

    best funny quotes of all time. features the all time best
  • features the all time best

  • technicolor
    Nov 24, 05:58 AM
    so guys,

    does anyone think that the discounts will be able to be used in conjunction with educational discounts? if so that'd be great...if not...then i guess you still save an additional 50 bucks? that'd be ok!

    tell me what you think about hte question?

    In store you should be able to get both discounts.

    best funny quotes of all time. est funny quotes of all time
  • est funny quotes of all time

  • Cagle
    Apr 5, 03:22 PM
    Am I the only one not finding this on the App Store?

    no, but you're the only one looking...

    best funny quotes of all time. features the all time best
  • features the all time best

  • rtdgoldfish
    Apr 15, 12:49 AM
    ahoy, this thread and recent events inspired me to sign up and share and maybe help as well.

    i actually stumbled upon this thread from another message board not very long ago, and thought to myself what a terrible situation. well, around 1:30 am last saturday morning, three guys kicked in the front door to my house, went to my roomate's room and attacked him, stabbing him near 13 times. they stole his ps2, my 360 (no controllers or connection cords), my zune, my electric guitar, and the nunchuck to my wiimote. thankfully, none of the attack was fatal and my roomate is making a full recovery. tuesday of this past week, a friend calls to tell me that he sees my xbox live name online. i call microsoft and just like in your case, they are unwilling to give out the ip info, which in retrospect is definitely understandable. as i was on the phone with them, our detective calls me and tells me they found my zune and possibly my 360. the people responsible for the break in and attack had been doing numerous breakins and robberies and were finally apprehended. it ended up being a group of around 6 to 7 people, men and women, adults and teens. the ones involved in our situation are currently looking at 60 years each, and more years added on if it ends up being gang related.

    my main reason for posting is this. i live in valdosta, ga. it's barley over an hour away from tallahassee. the detectives informed me that wherever these criminals were caught, they had stockpiles of stolen items, including quite a few xbox's. i know it's most likely a long shot, but from what we've been told, these guys have been up to it for a while. seeing as how we're not that far away, i thought that it may have been helpful. i know that if it did turn up, it'd be like an episode of "lost" what with coincidences and all, but i felt compelled to respond, seeing as how a week ago i read your story about becoming a victim, then i became one myself, and seeing as how it is looking hopeful at a possible return, thought i'd try and pass on a bit of hope too.

    and i feel you on the guitar hero. i had only had it for two days, and the disc was inside my 360 when they took it.

    Thats some crazy stuff. I can't believe they would stab someone for a PS2 and a 360. I'm supposed to meet with the investigator in charge of my case on Monday to see what is going on. Right now, the only hope is somehow getting the IP address they are using and its looking like I'm not getting my 360 back anytime soon.

    On the brighter side, I've got renters insurance and some shiney new locks on my doors.

    best funny quotes of all time. est funny quotes of all time. It#39;s the est movie that; It#39;s the est movie that Tom. philipma1957. Apr 21, 09:25 PM
  • est funny quotes of all time. It#39;s the est movie that; It#39;s the est movie that Tom. philipma1957. Apr 21, 09:25 PM

  • jettredmont
    Jul 21, 08:38 PM
    Show me another phone that can drop calls from just the position of one finger. Nokia have their problems at the moment, but their reception has always been rock solid.

    See one post directly above yours: the Nokia N1. Both points refuted with one example!

    The point, again, is that the signal drop through touching the "right" spot with a finger maxes out significantly lower than the signal drop through dense body attenuation, as you get when your hand or head is blocking the signal. They are different things, but the more significant one is the one Apple is showing here.

    This is just how antennas work. You can degrade a signal by detuning it, but you can stop the signal dead by attenuation.

    Sep 12, 08:14 AM
    3am for the four hundredth billionth time.

    I see the cracks of frustration are showing...or should that be showtiming... :rolleyes:

    Sep 7, 09:54 PM
    And he sucked.

    Apr 25, 01:38 PM
    Is it just me or did Apple keep a tighter lid on this stuff in the past?

    Nov 16, 02:15 PM
    Any rumor published by DT deserves, at most, that special commemorative page with totally fake rumors that MR created some time ago...********!

    It is posted on page one because it is of particular interest to the community and was already spawning multiple threads here. Not all page 1 rumors as there due to legitimacy.

    So lets stop beating the dead horse of page 1 vs page 2 that we already requested no comments on.

    Apr 13, 09:29 AM
    Hey I just got a 24" myself.

    EDIT: Also had to pick up a Mini DisplayPort to DVI adapter.

    Why not get a mini displayport straight to DVI cable? I never understood the use of an adapter. Maybe someone can shed some light?