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  • darkplanets
    Jun 22, 12:13 PM
    As long as it has OSX (or whatever the next is) underneath, always, then I have no problems with an integrated iOS layer in OSX. In fact, I would much rather see dashboard disappear and iOS take its place, because let's face it; dashboard is worthless due to its horrible implementation.

    Let's make that a prediction, shall we?

    If this comes to fruition I see dashboard getting the boot and the iOS overlay taking its place, but only on touch enabled macs.

    Can someone say new touch enabled cinema display, as well as the new "track pad gadget" being released? This would make perfect sense, if this rumor were true.

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  • satkin2
    May 3, 03:01 AM
    So, you're saying that windows programs don't leave files on your computer when uninstalled? Installing and uninstalling a bunch of programs don't make your windows PC slow down? I must be using the wrong programs. Not that I'm saying that Mac's are perfect, but worse than windows? I hope not (I'm not a mac user... Yet)

    No, I'm aware that in some cases the Add/Remove doesn't remove all of the traces of an app, that is a failing of the windows method. However it does attempt to remove the system files it creates when a programme is installed.

    Once you get used to it and more into the Mac way, its fine to use an app to delete apps, however having come from an OS that has a built in process that attempts this it feels like a feature that is lacking.

    Just as dragging an app into the apps folder fully installs, dragging it to the trash should fully uninstall, but it doesn't.

    My point was that as the OSX method of dragging apps to the trash don't remove the whole programme, if this new delete process does remove the traces then it is an improvement.

    Whether it does or doesn't I don't see anything wrong with this implementation. New Mac users who are familiar with iOS methods will find addoption easier. For those who don't like the method you can just carry on as they do now.

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  • Multimedia
    Sep 6, 08:58 AM
    Dude, the MBP was updated in late April of this year, why would you think it'll be updated four and a half months later??You are mistaken. MBP was introduced January 10. It will go all new design and Core 2 Duo next Tuesday for sure.

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  • ziggyonice
    Apr 2, 07:42 PM
    A really good representation of what Apple is striving to do in the "post PC" era. It's not about tech specs anymore (although those are still important things). Rather, Apple is leading in the innovation of consumer experience, which perhaps, is more essential to a product's success than simply its size, memory, screen resolution, etc. The future leaders of technology will be the ones that entice their customers through the brilliance and personal connections made with their products.

    In this new world, Apple no longer has to compete on specs and features, nor does it want to. There is no Mac vs. PC here -- only "the future" versus "the past." It won't be a debate about displays, memory, wireless options -- it will be a debate about the quality of the experience. Apple is not just eschewing the spec conversation in favor of a different conversation -- it's rendering those former conversations useless. It would be like trying to compare a race car to a deeply satisfying book. In a post-PC world, the experience of the product is central and significant above all else. It's not the RAM or CPU speed, screen resolution or number of ports which dictate whether a product is valuable; it becomes purely about the experience of using the device.

    Engadget wrote a great article (http://t.co/xb4JTbZ) about this a while back, in case you're interested.
    And if you're not interested, maybe you'll prefer this link instead (http://t.co/rhxOLSm). :)

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  • blondepianist
    May 2, 05:36 PM
    So you're saying we should go back to Mac OS Classic cooperative multi-tasking ?

    Hello ?

    The 80s called, they want their computing paradigms back. Cooperative multi-tasking makes sense on ressource limited architectures. Even the iPhone/iPad like devices are far from "ressource limited". We had pre-emptive multi-tasking on much less capable devices (think 386s with 8 MB of RAM).

    I think what he is saying is that programs that are actually doing work in the background can continue running, while those that aren't can suspend iOS style. That is how Lion works. It brings the benefits of both iOS & Mac OS.

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  • sochrisash
    Feb 17, 05:45 PM
    Loving the rokit's

    Cant wait for the new mixer, and maybe a good soundcard :D And maybe a new iMac :D




    Check out my organized cables :P

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  • Leoff
    Nov 28, 04:22 PM
    Saw this thread, read about various people's encounters with stores selling (or rather NOT selling) Zunes, and decided to check it out for myself after work. I figure "maybe some people are exaggerating their experiences?" I'll try and give the Zune the benefit of the doubt.

    I go into the local Best Buy. I ask the "greeter" at the door if they have the new Zune in. She had heard of it, but she didn't know what the stock was and forwarded me onto "Jon" back in the mp3 player area.

    I asked Jon if they had the new Zune. "We HAD it in stock, but I know we just ran out I can place an order for you, have it here in a couple of days!"

    I was impressed. None of the instant badmouthing I'd come to expect. Untill...

    "But if you don't want to wait, we've got a lot of iPods and nanos in. I'd say your best bet is to get an iPod."

    I asked why, and soon learned that the store got a shipment of 8 Zunes. 4 were sold, one of which was returned that same day. 2 were put out on display, and since their introduction, they've broken and have been replaced by the two remaining Zunes in stock.

    Jon seemed almost too knowledgable. He wasn't a Microsoft shill, and I could tell he wasn't a Rah-rah! Applephile. He just knew that it was a very problematic piece of hardware, pointing out the dishonest advertising of wi-fi, the odd pricing scheme at the store, and some ways to get around the repeated failures of the Zune music store software installation.

    His opinion? "A good idea, but they rushed it to get it out before Christmas. They should have waited 6 months and worked the bugs out."

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  • Small White Car
    Apr 12, 10:09 PM
    Let's not forget that this is $299 for ALL YOUR MACS. (Up the the limit...4 or 5, I think?)

    I had to buy 2 versions of the suite to edit on 2 Macs at once. Today, if that's all I need then my initial purchase price just went from $1,998 to $299. Anyone who says this is expensive is insane.

    Yeah, the other apps will cost more but the point is that not everyone needs all of those. I sure wouldn't have bought all of them.

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  • the20pointmay
    Apr 2, 08:20 PM
    I wasn't sure this was an iPad commercial at first when I saw it during the Butler game; to me it seemed more serious than any other Apple ad that has been released before. But in that sense, you can feel similar emotions to the video they showed during the iPad 2 introduction that went through the year of the first iPad. That's not just selling a product, that's loving a product.

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  • jonnysods
    Apr 19, 07:43 PM
    Very cool. We love our iMac 2010 i3 27" still, but I love to see this model grow and mature and get desktop components.

    Couple more years!

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  • ~Shard~
    Nov 29, 01:34 PM
    Can't wait for MWSF to get some more details from Steve! Between this, the iPhone, an iTablet and the new widescreen video iPod there will be plenty for him to reveal - along with our iLife 07 and Leopard previews as well. ;) :cool:

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  • bigdaddyp
    Sep 14, 11:45 AM
    They DO, I don't think you have the facts. CR held Lexus' feet to the fire to get them to act on the GX - http://blogs.consumerreports.org/cars/2010/04/consumer-reports-2010-lexus-gx-dont-buy-safety-risk.html .

    Follow up - Lexus fixed the problem and CR lifted their "DO NOT BUY" recommendation - http://blogs.consumerreports.org/cars/2010/05/video-lexus-gx-460-passes-retest-consumer-reports-lifts-dont-buy-label.html . CR is *NOT* the problem here, it's Apple penchant for hubris/self-involvement. I love Apple and their products, but I'm not fooling myself to expect that they'll be any more consumer-friendly and honest than they need to be to turn a profit/feed Steve's ego.

    The problem I sometimes have with their recommendations is that their reports are written to assume you are a total dumba$$ with no personal responsibility.

    If you are driving a 2 1/2 ton suv like its a sports car then there is a good chance that you will be forcibly yanked out of the gene pool. Ten years ago many or most large suvs would have tipped over or gone out of control in that scenario. Instead of praising the advances automakers have made they instead have a hissy fit that a large, heavy automobile can get a bit loose when driven beyond its limits.

    How about reminding their readers that electronic stability control can't overcome the laws of physics and extra care needs to taken when driving large, top heavy vehicles in curves.

    Yes I am glad that Toyota tweaked and improved the stability control, but I think this illustrates that Cr. feels the consumer has no or little personal responsibility for their actions.

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  • twoodcc
    Jan 9, 09:33 AM
    congrats to SciFrog for 4 million points!

    i also recently got 4 million points. but i think my ppd is going down. the last 2 days have been bad for me, and it's looking like it might stay that way

    it took me roughly 18-19 days to go from 3 mil to 4 mil. my best yet. but 4 to 5 probably won't be any faster, but we'll see

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  • JackAxe
    Mar 25, 07:56 PM
    It is quite impressive, but a racing game is definitely not the sort of thing that is remotely comfortable to play on a touch screen. They need precise control to be fun and no tablet or touch screen device will ever off that.

    Not only precision, but force feedback, so that one can feel the difference between an open wheel racer vs muscle car, or the force of a turn based on the speed, or when they've damaged a wheel, or gone off road, etc. :)

    This iPad game is more or less a novelty.

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  • archer75
    May 3, 04:44 PM
    The Quad i5 or i7?

    The i7. I actually have an i7 920 in my PC but the sandy bridge is still a good upgrade.

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  • Kane08
    Apr 2, 10:43 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Best post yet

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  • Apple OC
    Mar 19, 05:05 PM
    As I've said we need to finish existing world combat projects before starting new ones. Or is it like Bush/Cheney said, "who gives a damn about debt?"- just the average citizens who will lose their pensions, health care, I suppose...

    The US could have sat this one out and it would not affect your pension or your healthcare. The cost of this UN mission is spread among all 10 nations and the freezing of Gaddafi's assets.

    If the UN continued to ignore the people of Libya asking for the International community to step in ... Gaddafi would force the people to comply to him with deadly force.

    IMO this will be a quick victory for the UN and the Libyan people ... Gaddafi can go live with Mubarak.

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  • minnesotamacman
    Sep 1, 03:30 PM
    You know.... If you wanted to have a beautiful ACD 23" or 30" and hide the computer, there is a bracket that allows a Mac Mini to sit behind the display. I personally don't mind the all-in-one. I was against it, until I got an iMac 2 months ago and love it. So, wouldn't bother me to have the 23" imac... I would get AppleCare and be happy for 3 years.

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  • dukishdary
    Jan 11, 05:15 PM
    i highly highly doubt they are calling it the "macbook air." that's borderline laughable. i am willing to bet the phase "there's something in the air" is referring to the soon to be announced rental service, not a piece of hardware. apple is making an obvious attempt to eliminate physical mediums altogether, first cds with mp3s and now dvds with downloadable vids (both via the itunes music store). everything will be available "in the air" or "up in the cloud," if you will. i'll be damned if they name their next product the "macbook air." c'mon people...

    Jan 12, 11:54 AM
    The google cache for adium usage stats page: http://www.google.com/search?q=cache:-KC3ZK_6EgEJ:www.adiumx.com/sparkle/%3FforceShow%255B%255D%3Dmodel+macbookair&hl=en&strip=1
    It was retrieved on 9.jan and it already contained Macbook Air entry, few days before the rumors came.
    Basically the name Macbook Air seems to be real. Only thing is what stands behind that name. :)

    So definatly a new MacBook, then! And im guessing thinner as well (because of previous rumors and logic)... Woo! Sorry, got carried away there :D

    Sep 1, 12:27 PM
    I love my 20" iMac, so I can only imagine that with 3 more inches to love!

    I detect some "latent tendecies."

    Nov 27, 01:33 AM


    Nov 25, 08:08 PM
    You will most likely never drive a Ferrari at full speed, My glasses may never be crushed by a truck. But it's nice to have the speed/protection. :cool:

    But it's a Ferrari.

    Apr 12, 08:37 PM
    Supposedly the guy behind this new version is also the criminal that destroyed iMovie a few years back. God I hope FC8 isn't ANYTHING like iMovie. Old editors are too set in our ways to switch over to a iMovie/Sony Vegas style of editing. I need a preview window, and a Timeline Window. Just like when I edited on tape.


    That 'criminal' was the same guy that worked on every iMovie version prior along with every Final Cut version. Read up on Randy Ubillos.