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Video! Top 5 Dream Guest Stars for Glee Season 3
Hey guys — I'm Jager Weatherby from Wetpaint Entertainment, and I want see more guest stars on the next season of Glee. Most Hollywood stars are just sitting around waiting for me to tell them what to do anyway, right?

Glee crammed in a bunch of amazing guest stars this year, including Gwyneth Paltrow, Katie Couric — who's now unemployed and could probably use the work — and lots of people in Bieber wigs, which is a decent substitute if you can't get The Biebs himself. As we always say, "A fake Bieber is better than no Bieber at all." And if that isn't a Chinese proverb, well, it should be.

Video Credit: Wetpaint.com

Miley Cyrus Takes a Break From Twitter

Miley Cyrus returned to the Twitter world a few months ago after a long break from the social media site, but it looks like the singer/actress is about to take another hiatus.
Cyrus took to her Twitter to announce that she would be taking a breather from tweeting, but unlike last time, she promised she would be back soon to continue updating her fans!
"Just don't want you guys to think I'm abandoning you.  I'm going home for a few weeks before starting tour back up so I won't be tweeting often.  I am taking some much needed PRIVATE #metime LOVE YOU GUYS X," Cyrus tweeted.
Miley Cyrus at the Kids CHoice Awards
During her time back on Twitter, Miley has let fans from all over in on her international tour by tweeting about her different shows and even showed us a personal picture of one of her newer tattoos!  The young star even tweeted things like, "I need advice! - What if your still loving your ex-boyfriend?" that got us all wondering which one of her former flames she is still pining for!
Since Miley only has a few weeks off during her busy tour schedule, it isn't really too surprising that she just wants some time to relax and catch up with family and friends while at home.  Her tour will continue in Manila on June 17, so expect some more tweeting from Miley then!
What do you think of Miley Cyrus taking another Twitter break!?

10 WTF Moments From Secret Life’s Two-Hour

 Wedding Event!

Do you love Secret Life of the American Teenager unconditionally? So do we! But sometimes we scratch out heads and go: “What the whaaaa?” If you ended this episode filled with Secret Life joy, but also some mild confusion about certain teens and their bulging bellies, you’re in luck! We’ve rounded up the biggest WTF moments from last night’s amazeballs episode.
1. Where is Ricky going to college? We know it’s called “Secret” Life, but c’mon. Ricky and Amy couldn’t stop talking about what a great school he’s going to, and it’s like: Um ... guys? We’re here, too ....
2. Is Katelyn the worst guidance counselor in television history? After Katelyn overhears Ricky pressuring Amy into having sex, instead of taking him aside and telling him to back off, she gives him advice about how to get into Amy’s pants. Katelyn might as well have handed Ricky a pack of condoms and given him a high five.
3. Are Nora and Ricky a bit too close? Nora and Ricky have a pretty interesting (read: creepy) mother-son relationship. All they ever talk about is doing the dirty, but last night Nora revealed a little too much about her sexy lady time. Apparently, Nora’s girlfriend “let Nora come to her” which could mean all sorts of things. What? From the way Ricky reacted, we’re not the only ones with dirty minds!

4. OMG, Leo has a team of fact-checkers? We are so scared of Leo lately. He’s totally about to go crazy and put a mob hit on someone. Just in case you doubted us about how made this man is, he’s just come clean about his network of spies. They could be watching you RIGHT NOW.
5. When will the crafting stop? The Secret Life teens are so obsessed with crafting that at this point they’re randomly “decorating” Grant High with their “art.” Adrian’s locker looked like someone ate a bunch of wedding magazines and then threw them up all over the place.
6. Is Betty a comic genius? We think that whole scene with Betty talking about her trashy potato-eating nomad family was hilarious, but you never know with Secret Life. Maybe it was meant to be an emotional moment. A+ for comedic effort, we think?
7.  Where did Ben get the $$$ to buy Adrian a diamond and sapphire bracelet? There’s no doubt about it: Ben is the best hubby ever. We love that he got Adrian a beautiful bracelet to match her $50K ring, but where is he getting this extra scrill? We thought Leo had cut him off from his sausage inheritance ....

8. ‘Cause you’re amazing just the way you are? We totes teared during the Secret Life montage scene set to Bruno Mars' "Just the Way You Are," but in between sniffles we were like, WTF?! We’re so used toSecret Life’s only soundtrack being random jazzy piano notes that we had no idea what to do with ourselves when a real song came on.

9. Are Grace and Grant huge nerds? So, apparently when Grace and Grant aren’t sucking face in front of her family, they spend their nights ... playing chess. Add the word “strip” before “chess” and we’re totally there.

10. It took Ben 45 minutes to make Adrian breakfast? Adrian made Ben get out of bed at 4:30 a.m. to make her a breakfast of eggs and toast, and 45 minutes later he finally re-appeared. Uh, it takes about five min to scramble up some eggs. Maybe Ben stopped by the nearest meadow to hand-pick some flowers?

Jessica Szohr on Gossip Girl: "I Was Ready for a Change"

Photo Credit: Girlie/Fame Pictures
Jess’s crazy face is kind of awesome.
You’re not the only person who thought it was time for Vanessato get the heck out of the Upper East Side on Gossip GirlJessica Szohr feels the same way.

"When I started the fourth season, I kind of had a talk with the producers," she revealed to E! Onlinelast week. "We didn't know what we were going to do with the characters. After playing someone for four years, it can be a little repetitive. So I was ready for a change."

That change meant it was time for Vanessa to go. "I had so much fun and I made friends I'll have for a lifetime and it was so great to work in the city, but I got the most I could out of Vanessa."

Jessica is open to a possible return next season, but don’t expect her to show up right away. She’s shooting movies in July and August, and likely won’t be available. We won’t hold our breath.

Source: E!