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quotes about love and life and friendship

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  • WinterMute
    Feb 14, 02:40 PM
    I'm hoping mymemory's post is tongue in cheek, as edesignuk has been, to date, exemplary in his duties, without losing that sense of humour we all know and expect.

    The mods here have done a great job in making MacRumors the most friendly and useful forum site I know of, and I hope us n00bie mods can carry on that work.

    If everyone stayed within the rules, our job would be easy, but we have rules to observe too, and that is going to make us unpopular with some individuals some of the time.

    It's OK, it's part of the job as far as I'm concered, I know I'm helping a forum that has been a great place to hang out over the years, and I know the other mods, mini or otherwise, feel the same.

    Thanks for all your comments, helpful or otherwise, it shows what this place means to us.

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  • Tagged as: love. love quotes.

  • Bonte
    Apr 7, 01:27 PM
    Bought it immediately, i hope Konami also jumps in. Who has the rights for these games?

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  • Love Quotes Life Quotes Funny

  • getbigg21
    Dec 7, 07:25 AM

    quotes about love and life and friendship. good quotes about life and
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  • preguntonontrac
    May 2, 02:33 PM
    no one knows?


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  • Love Quotes Life Quotes Funny

  • Shaduu
    Sep 10, 11:05 AM

    quotes about love and life and friendship. Friendship Quotes; Life Quotes
  • Friendship Quotes; Life Quotes

  • MartinOM
    May 1, 03:25 PM
    I have two imacs, (both hooked up to different brand of printer). One uses Word for Mac the other 2011. When i go to page setup under file, there is no "landscape" option under orientation? how come? i have selected "any printer". thanks


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  • beautiful friendship quotes

  • dotnina
    Nov 10, 03:20 PM
    I think we should try to keep the software listed here just to what�s flat-out free. Perhaps if someone wants, we can start a second thread to the tune of ��Not Exactly Free, But Worth It!� Software.� As a general rule, any software with a trial period isn�t free, so we should probably keep it out of this thread in order to keep with the thread�s theme. (And BTW � this isn�t directed at anyone in particular.)

    So let�s keep it up, guys! What other free software you do like? :)

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  • Best life reality of my

  • Gen3tix
    Oct 19, 12:22 AM
    Anyone going to the Apple Store in Freehold Raceway Mall?

    I should be able to get there around 3-4 if I choose to go to Freehold over Menlo Park, since both are only 20 minutes from me.


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  • i love you friendship quotes.

  • Amazing Iceman
    Apr 7, 11:21 AM
    4.3 and 4.3.1 has been a disaster. The animations are so choppy it makes it almost androidesque. I hope they actually fix it this time rather than just patching a jailbreak. I wish I could go back to 4.2.1 where the phone was actually stable and smooth.

    I noticed the same after upgrading to 4.3.x on my iPad.
    The UI is no longer as responsive as it used to be, and I also noticed there's a memory leak somewhere; not sure if it's caused by an application or the system itself is not reallocating memory properly.

    Powering OFF and restarting it every few days keeps it running better, but I still feel it's slower than before. :mad:

    quotes about love and life and friendship. Love Quotes Life Quotes Funny
  • Love Quotes Life Quotes Funny

  • mariahlullaby
    Sep 26, 08:07 PM
    If he's still living under your roof, you have ALL the say. If you don't feel he should be doing it, then it's YOUR choice. Yes, he's 18, but if he's still dependent on you it's your rules, not his. Now, there's nothing to say that he will follow them, but he should abide by your wishes. Personally, I think this is the wrong path for any person at age 18 to be going down, but I'm not the norm (I still plan on waiting until marriage; not because of what my parents think or my church thinks but what I think).

    Keep in mind this is coming from someone who will be turning 18 in two months.


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  • cute quotes on life and love.

  • jav6454
    Jan 25, 03:13 PM
    My 2007 MacPro 2,1 could use a boost also. Sadly it would make sense to replace it with a 27'' iMac with these new 3.4Ghz SandyBridge chip whenever it comes out. I can't really justify buying a 12 core machine just for Folding...

    Lease it :D

    Yes, I understand a 27" iMac does make sense now.

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  • AND FRIENDSHIP quotes#39;

  • iJonWitham
    Jun 19, 01:56 AM
    have a personal shop booked for 10am, so will be gone by 11, I hope.

    Good good !! See you there !


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  • Love - Funny - Friendship

  • Eddyisgreat
    Mar 25, 11:02 AM
    I wonder how difficult it would be find an individual with the talents needed both on the Software Engineering side & the GIS (Geographic Information Systems) side. Most GIS education these days doesn't really focus on programming. Infact, most GIS "programs" are just crash courses on how to operate ESRI products.


    quotes about love and life and friendship. Love Quotes Life Quotes Funny
  • Love Quotes Life Quotes Funny

  • LagunaSol
    Apr 28, 12:27 PM
    What, did Apple think that Verizon customers would warmly welcome someone who shunned them for 4 years? The customer is most important, shouldn'thave signed that exclusive contract with AT&T... relly stunted their growth in the CDMA market, people move on too...

    If Apple had not signed that exclusive contract with AT&T, there would be no iPhone as we know it. Nor would there be Android as we know it. AT&T was the carrier willing to cede device control to Apple, which was a real game-changer. They required exclusivity to do it.

    Android fans should be thanking Apple for that partnership, because not only did it make their own OS possible, but it also gave their OS a growth opportunity while Apple was tied down with AT&T.


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  • good quotes about life and

  • syklee26
    Sep 26, 10:19 PM
    .Mac is a load of old BALLS!!! It's absolutely ridiculously. We're paying �99 in Europe really for Mail, iWeb was only added recently, but you have to buy iLife '06 to use it. iChat is free? No it's not! Guess what? You have to pay �99, cause you need .Mac to use iChat. The whole thing is a joke! Way to respect your loyal fans Apple.

    u don't need .Mac to use iChat. you can use iChat with AIM account. and I keep hearing this rumor that MSN and Yahoo account might be added.

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  • Quotes about Life, Love,

  • LOLWinner
    Mar 28, 02:26 PM
    LOL it amazes me how little you guys know about the law. Please report me to the authorities, there is absolutely nothing they can do legally. I even discussed it with my professor who monitored my bar and he got a kick out of it as well haha.

    So please, humor me that I'm not a real law student and don't know what I'm talking about. Sorry Apple geeks your area of expertise obviously isn't the political discourse of America. :P

    Try my other theories too, like entering my home, etc. Seriously, just humor me. (more so than I already am) LOL

    <3 little idiots <3


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  • Thanks my friend. (cute,life

  • forcefieldkid
    Sep 3, 08:02 AM
    Simple and clean, how I'd like my mind to be lately


    quotes about love and life and friendship. Love Quotes Life Quotes Funny
  • Love Quotes Life Quotes Funny

  • AcesHigh87
    Apr 26, 10:29 PM
    I might just be the playback but not actually skip in the final product. The intro for my youtube videos always skips when I playback in iMovie but it doesn't when I export the finished video.

    I'd say test export a short section containing the part that skips. If it doesn't skip in that then don't worry about it.

    quotes about love and life and friendship. life and friendship quotes
  • life and friendship quotes

  • ckeck
    Dec 14, 02:50 PM

    Where can I find this background?

    Oct 18, 01:37 PM

    Just a really dodgy 2 second job.

    Apr 25, 08:48 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Have people maybe stoped to think, that we may not get a new model this year? That the reason they are putting out the white model now, is to cover the fact we won't see a update till next year?

    this is apple.....they don't care as long as their wallet gets thicker.

    they could launch this in a few days, then come out with an iphone 5 in June. They don't care....people will buy from them regardless

    Jan 10, 10:05 AM
    I loved the keynote. Steve's excitement was palpable - he really believes this is the next big thing. Let's give him a little credit here.

    I would be willing to bet the next month will be announcement after announcement of upgrades and updates.

    Apple is getting stronger and stronger as a company and that is good for the mac and us.

    Nov 20, 12:51 PM
    The idea of an iChat Phone is interesting. I don't know how kids are in the US but in europe they use teir phones more to send txt messages then to actually talk. But on the other hand I guess this phone would be priced too high for those kids and in europe everybody uses MSN instead of AIM so I'm not sure they would ever try to release such a device because in that case they should port iChat to Windows as well to make it a hit worldwide.

    Dec 24, 08:25 AM
    Red Ryder BB Gun.