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education quotes for students

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  • Rob Twells
    Apr 17, 01:34 PM
    My entry level Macbook has cracked in the usual place and it is out of warranty, i have read in places that apple are doing repairs free of charge, am i still able to get a repair?

    education quotes for students. Education Quotes For Students
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  • Lennholm
    Mar 23, 05:55 PM
    I think the real reason he's leaving is that he is frustrated that Apple doesn't care about computers anymore

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  • Multimedia
    Jul 26, 06:18 PM

    Wonder what price they will be by christmas (i bloody hate the term 'the holiday season'!!) anyone any thoughts?

    New toast sounds tasty also. Drag and drop will be nice. I hate the procedure involved in burning discs.

    Though this will I'm sure require some little toast prog to run in the backround, which is one of my big windows hates!!
    Embed that feature in leopard I say.I run multiple copies of Toast 7 simultaneously daily on the Quad. It's drag and drop feature is great and the custom encode parameters make fitting anything on one single layer disc a snap. When encoding HD Video from EyeTV2 digital broadcast recordings it can use up to about 2.5 cores at once.

    However after running 7.1 a few days, I had to revert to 7.0.2 as 7.1 crashes way too often. :(

    education quotes for students. Education quotes for teachers,
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  • Reach9
    Apr 4, 06:19 PM
    Okay, i just want to clarify somethings.

    If an officer tells a teenage girl "try to avoid dressing provocatively", and you'll lower your chances of sexual assault, i find that to be fine.
    Keep in mind we're not talking about Africa or Middle East, we're talking about US and there are women who get sexually assaulted regardless of what they're wearing.

    But i'm sorry, if women think they can walk around half naked, and not expect men to flirt and view her as a sexual object then they have mental issues. The media forces women to look like sexual objects, it's sadly become the "norm", things one would see in a strip club are everywhere in Halloween. Innocence is completely destroyed.

    I respect women who respect themselves.

    If a man sees a woman with a low top, lots of cleavage showing, high skirts and heels, then he will view her as trash. Why? because she has no self respect. She's just showing she is available. There is a difference between sexy and slutty, a fine line which has long been crossed.
    Now i'm not telling you to cover yourself up completely, but some modesty and some equal balance is necessary. Women shouldn't expect that they can have their cake and eat it too. Life doesn't work like that.
    Men might ogle at women who dress provocatively, but no decent man will ever want one as a wife. If you dress like a local sl*t then don't expect to be treated like a princess.

    I don't want to walk down the street and see women showing off their bodies provocatively. How would society be if men were to always walk around with no shirts and with their d*cks hanging out? This is becoming like the life of a primitive human.

    It seems like now a days, society has no rules, that's why people are so confused from what is right and what is wrong.
    The Sharia Law is just extremism.

    No Sydde, it is common sense.
    It's like an officer telling you to lock your doors to reduce the chances of robbery. Will you still be robbed? Yes of course there's a possibility. Does it reduce the chances of being robbed? Yes it does.
    Is it wrong to rob? Yes it is, but if you leave the doors wide open then you're just being stupid.
    Now one might argue "what is provocative then?" these rules need to be created in society, and since now a days we have no censorship in the media we consume apart from extreme sexuality, there doesn't seem to be any rules. I blame the parents for not setting up dress codes.

    I believe it goes both ways, men should stop sexually assaulting women, and women should dress with more respect, it's a cycle so someone needs to stop, to lower the chances of sexual assault. Due to nature, unfortunately it's women (the prey) who first need to stop dressing provocatively and more with class, and then men (the predator) will stop the sexual assaults.


    education quotes for students. education research quotes
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  • kauthor
    Aug 4, 05:29 PM
    I went to Comic-Con and they mentioned that Blu-Ray and HD-DVD does not work very well.

    education quotes for students. area elementary students
  • area elementary students

  • michaelsaxon
    Jan 9, 02:35 PM
    AppleTV is interesting, but the phone is way too expensive for me. 802.11n doesn't help me because I have a Core Duo Macbook Pro which apparently doesn't upgrade to "N" like the Core 2 Duos.

    No news on iLife, Leopard, iPods, etc.

    Not much for me to be excited about.


    education quotes for students. Funny Education Quotes;
  • Funny Education Quotes;

  • ezekielrage_99
    Mar 21, 12:23 AM
    Hi Thanks for the advice. That email about the literal interpretation of "freelance" is insane! I hope you didn't have to deal with that person for very long :)

    Thankfully I cut my ties with that person very quickly and ensure all of my work was NEVER used by them. It was when I was much greener so it was a good thing to learn and enable me to set some very good boundaries

    1) Never work with a friend of a friend.
    2) Never work for free.
    3) Never work for a start up business UNLESS it has a larger group behind it (Public/private equity group, blue chip client with a new business, etc.. is ok).
    4) Never do work for a religious organisation (seriously not a good idea). Or for that matter a union...
    5) If you lie with dogs you'll get flees. Never work on a project you wouldn't want other clients seeing as a client of yours on your Portfolio.
    6) Never work with a company where they can't speak your native language... Cheque time comes and "miso soli me no undastandy".
    7) Be choosy about who you want to work with. Talented designers will always find work while talentless designers wont.

    P.S. - love the peanuts/greedy monkey analogy. I think I'm learning the hard way, that there are indeed a lot of them out there. Someone needs to make an "Attack of the Greedy Monkey's" iphone app :)

    I found in experience if you price yourself a certain way you tend to loose the "bottom feeding clients" as I like to call them. It also means the people who take up the service generally understand the price positioning thus have an idea of intrinsic value assigned to it.

    Here's a links I've found rather amusing/helpful:
    10 Client Personalities (http://www.graphicdesignblog.org/graphic-designers-client-personalities/)
    Bad Clients and How to Avoid Them (http://freelancefolder.com/bad-clients-and-how-to-avoid-them/)

    I also forgot about this gem of a client

    education quotes for students. Funny Education Quotes
  • Funny Education Quotes

  • MacBytes
    Aug 12, 04:33 PM
    http://www.macbytes.com/images/bytessig.gif (http://www.macbytes.com)

    Category: Apple Software
    Link: Apple iOS 4.0.2 fixes security vulnerabilities (http://www.macbytes.com/link.php?sid=20100812173332)
    Description:: Apple released the iOS 4.0.2 Update for iPhone and iPod touch which addresses security vulnerabilities that have been making the news lately. iOS 4.0.2 can be downloaded and installed using iTunes.

    Posted on MacBytes.com (http://www.macbytes.com)
    Approved by Mudbug


    education quotes for students. Combs students listen as
  • Combs students listen as

  • oakie
    Apr 23, 07:25 AM
    is "zoom" turned off in the accessibility settings?

    education quotes for students. Paulsen Quotes
  • Paulsen Quotes

  • NoExpectations
    Apr 28, 08:01 AM
    "Just wait for the Verizon iPhone 4 numbers!"
    "Just wait for the White iPhone 4 numbers!"
    "Just wait for the iPhone 4S numbers!"
    "Just wait for the iPhone 5 numbers!"

    I'm starting to see a pattern.

    Good one!

    Not surprised here. When you really look at Verizon-CDMA, why would anyone want that network? Verizon has crippled the iPhone: higher cost of entry, slower network, no data/voice multitasking, no global access, and crippled conference call features (can not add more than 1 and can not drop individual participants).


    education quotes for students. quotes for education. Applepi
  • quotes for education. Applepi

  • TonyC28
    Mar 26, 09:01 PM
    How is it a scam? For one, the title is misleading. That's the first reason why the buyer won't have to pay a dime. The other is the category that the item was listed under. It's funny, but I doubt this person will owe anybody a dime.

    education quotes for students. Frantz Debrosse Speaking to the students of Suny New Paltz about the benefits of staying in school and attaining a proper education. bepositiveblog.com
  • Frantz Debrosse Speaking to the students of Suny New Paltz about the benefits of staying in school and attaining a proper education. bepositiveblog.com

  • danamania
    Apr 28, 10:37 AM
    If you would like an informative take on the issue read:


    Unfortunately that article has at least one fundamental mistake about how the data in consolidated.db is obtained that leads to incorrect conclusions.

    Their statement "Yes, cell towers can be “located more than one hundred miles away”, but only if you live in the Mojave Desert." gives away part of that thinking. The database does not contain a list of cell towers/locations that the iPhone has identified by itself - local geography is totally irrelevant, because consolidated.db records a list of cell towers sent from Apple. I tested this by wiping my iPhone clean, not restoring from a backup, then leaving it sit for a while on my desk on Saturday.

    Within 30 minutes consolidated.db held data on about 30 cell towers across a range of 80km, and every single one had the same timestamp. It could do this because it's received a dump of relatively nearby towers and wifi points from Apple. All the iPhone has recorded of its own position is a few strong towers, sent off the IDs of those to Apple, and received back a file with info on more towers around me that may be useful in the future - Apple selects which towers, and by looking at iPhoneTracker's dump of other folks' consolidated.db files, it's across a wide wide physical range.

    That's the biggie. The list of locations in consolidated.db ARE NOT DISCOVERED BY THE PHONE ITSELF - It's a list sent from Apple, and all entries are timestamped AFTER that information comes back from Apple, which is not necessarily when the phone was remotely near that location.

    Wifi turned out even more distant, timewise. I (and my phone :) was in a location 5km away from home, and after returning I checked my consolidated.db for any wifi points from near that place. There were none. I checked again that night, there were none. I checked again the next morning, and there they were, 1750 wifi points timestamped around 2am - that's a list of wifi points across several kilometres, for a position I was at more than 12 hours beforehand. I could have been on the other side of the country at that timestamp, or I could have been in the same place. For looking back and 'tracking' me or my phone it's about as accurate as throwing a dart at a spinning globe. For enabling me to find my own location through aGPS, it lets me find my precise location if I choose, in seconds instead of 13 minutes. I'm the one who benefits.

    Worth mentioning apart from the 2MB limit is that new data from Apple on the same cell towers or wifi points overwrites the old data. Last I looked at my consolidated.db, (because I haven't moved more than a few km) every cell tower in it has a timestamp of the most recent time it was updated; today that's Thursday morning (16 hours ago) There are no cell tower entries with timestamps before that, even though I've been checking consolidated.db since Saturday when it first showed a record of towers approximately near me. More succinctly, each unique object (cell tower or wifi point) only has its location stored in consolidated.db once, and that's its most recent known position as sent from Apple.

    I feel this log shouldn't be readable so easily, and it could do with being smaller (There's no point to stale data from a year ago on a city I haven't been near for the same time, when wifi points and cell towers could have changed dramatically) but as for tracking? It's about as close to tracking me as carrying a bag of maps is.


    education quotes for students. comment on either students
  • comment on either students

  • rtdunham
    Sep 27, 08:30 AM
    Apple is using boobs to sell e-mail! Pass it on!

    that's really childish. the REAL question is who took the picture? they're on their honeymoon, for gosh sakes: and they took a friend?

    education quotes for students. achievement quotes students
  • achievement quotes students

  • Chundles
    Sep 27, 10:24 AM
    i just dont think it's valid

    btw my dad and i are currently building me a double bed, giggedy giggedy giggedy, alright

    I've got a double bed - doesn't mean a damn thing.... :( :mad:


    education quotes for students. In the education of children
  • In the education of children

  • IEatApples
    Nov 1, 12:27 AM
    Again, and this time with a kiss ;)

    education quotes for students. A List of Education Quotes and
  • A List of Education Quotes and

  • glen e
    May 2, 07:57 PM
    have to swap out my wife's 3g to an I4 tomorrow - do I need her 3G to be here?



    education quotes for students. education quotes inspirational
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  • alphaone
    Mar 5, 09:35 AM
    Well the one that came with my chip was this one:
    So I wouldn't have any big expectations for that. Good thing I'm not using it.

    education quotes for students. The quotes and education
  • The quotes and education

  • Platform
    Feb 18, 11:14 PM
    Thank's for that, they seem like good apps ;)

    education quotes for students. and the C students become
  • and the C students become

  • wesrk
    Jul 31, 11:46 PM
    But was it 00:00 there when I created it?

    Yes it was. Your post was at 3 am of my time and I'm in -7 (daylight savings off). So going back to +14 time zone gives 21 hours, add the 21 hours to the 3 hours that this day was in by the time you created the thread and yeah, it was 00:00 of August 1st 2010 in that particular time zone.

    Blue Velvet
    Mar 2, 11:49 AM
    Social Security is fully funded to 2037, will run a surplus at that point and is separate from the budget. The ACA is fully designed to lower health care costs and lower the deficit, something which the right consistently ignores.

    If the US were screwed, you wouldn't have countries queuing up to lend you money. Stop cutting taxes on the wealthy and pursuing unfunded wars for a start.

    Jul 31, 11:44 PM
    Mine http://i27.tinypic.com/fcttus.pngOriginal Source > http://www.vooks.net/wallpapers/nsmbw_1920x1080.jpg

    Sep 28, 03:20 PM
    Okay, I need to know if you guys think this makes sense, or if I'm over-reaching here. Also, if you'd think this would even make sense as a setup. I trust (most) of your opinions, so ya know... lemme know!

    I have a Cube which I use at home as my desktop, and my Powerbook which I lug around to class to take notes and do work and check email on the fly. I'm thinking about setting up a little Powerbook station next to my Cube, so that when I get home I can plug it in and sync up files with the Cube as well as do work on either computer. I'm thinking of setting up a KVM switch between the Cube and Powerbook, so when I come home I can use the same monitor (planning on a 20" Dell WS so I can have two docs open simultaneously) and keyboard on either computer. I'd probably run the Powerbook with the lid down (I'm pretty sure there's a hack for this) and just use the main monitor. I'm gonna set up a router to hook up both computers, with a network drive that both would sync files up on. That way any work done on either machine would be synced up on the other one, and backed up on the network drive.

    Now, that's my plan. I think it'd really help me manage my time better, especially considering iCal on both computers seems to have completely different info, so I'm sure figuring out how to sync that up would be of great help. Being able to back up and sync up files on the move like that would be great, too.

    So. What do you guys think? Does that make sense? Is it too ambitious? Am I making things a lot more complex than they need to be? Tips, suggestions, general verbal abuse? Your input's important to me, thanks!

    Oh, and if this was posted in the wrong forum, feel free to move it, Buying tips and such just made the most sense for me.

    Apr 7, 08:58 AM
    Sorry... they don't sit in a room and strategize on how to mess with Jail Breakers. Sorry... they don't. They are just trying to address some bugs in the current release and that's a good thing.

    Yes... it will probably break the JB... but that is your risk and your decision to JB. So, yes... my original post stands.

    LOL that's such an immature comment from yourself.
    Of COURSE they are trying to patch up the Jailbreak holes found by the JB community....
    Sure they have bug fixes, but rarely will they go "to fix a security hole that allows users to jailbreak"

    so no, it's not "PROBABLY" break the JB.... is: it WILL.
    He was stating a fact.

    Dec 12, 09:36 PM
    I don't see why not. They're practically the same except for the obvious differences like the AGP slot, etc. Hmmm, I'm not sure if that agp slot will give you troubles. I'd say go ahead and try it.