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zach galifianakis hangover carlos

zach galifianakis hangover carlos. %IMG_DESC_1%
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  • Applespider
    Aug 15, 02:06 PM
    I want a way to see how much space the trash is taking up before I empty it. Is there a way? There was in OS 9 and OS 8.

    I use the Junk Meter widget (http://www.dashboardwidgets.com/showcase/details.php?wid=607) to see mine and just leave it sitting open on Dashboard all the time.

    zach galifianakis hangover carlos. %IMG_DESC_2%
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  • Benjy91
    Sep 15, 07:26 AM

    Im such a geek haha.

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  • Lord Appleseed
    Apr 21, 11:10 PM
    Several reasons. It's very fast - Mannheim is about a year, and Dusseldorf about two. You can't raise invalidity of the patent as a defense. You have to very early in the case explain your theory of non-infringement, etc. The system works very differently than the U.S.

    How so? (not saying you're wrong, I'm genuinely curious)
    As cmaier said, the Court system works very different in Germany and the other german speaking countries such as Austria or Switzerland.
    A lawsuit takes a very long time.
    Also a precedent is not working the same as in the US here.

    zach galifianakis hangover carlos. %IMG_DESC_4%
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  • Plutonius
    Apr 26, 04:10 PM
    so it's plutonius with 5.
    hopefully you guys are right (although that would make me and appleguy prime suspects).

    No need to worry. As I stated earlier, I have never been (including this game) a WW. It's up to the other players to get more involved and start posting analysis if the village has any chance of winning.


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  • mozmac
    Jul 28, 11:05 AM
    A.K.A...."If Zune fails, you can't bash us in the media. We told you it wasn't going to be successful." And then when it's still unsuccessful after five years, they'll be like, "Forget about Zune, look at this new operating system we're releasing this year. It's called Vista. It has this new search feature called Floodlight. When you search for something it instantly floods you with results from your hard drive."

    zach galifianakis hangover carlos. %IMG_DESC_6%
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  • Mac Fly (film)
    Aug 15, 05:07 PM
    It looks like the menu text default has dropped from 14pt Lucida Grande in Tiger to 13pt Lucida Grande in Leopard -- a welcome change.
    I looked, and I don't see what you see?


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  • twoodcc
    Sep 18, 03:35 PM
    I used to fold with Macrumors a few years ago, as I remember it we had a pretty powerful team, seems now things are waning, and this board has cooled off. I suppose I'm guilty of leaving as well (jumped ship for Penny Arcade, great comic BTW), am I just glossing over old memories or have things actually slowed down?

    well, i really can't say since i haven't been folding for that long. but i have noticed a lot of teams pass us while i've been on the team.

    i really think the ones that do still fold need to try and get more involved on this forum to get more people to join and stuff.

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  • Rowbear
    Apr 8, 08:52 PM


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  • dalexa
    Apr 22, 05:34 AM
    ... put Bravias through the house. Sorted.

    i've done that but with philips instead of sony.

    what i don't see to get is why everyone is saying that it's going to be almost "the doom" of samsung if they stop providing components to apple.
    rim tablets are on hold because apple took all the panels they need... samsung has more clients that apple.
    they have bad, ugly phones? yeah they do, always had.
    they are going to loose some income if they stop doing business with apple? yeah.
    is it going to be vital from them? not in a remote chance.

    don't get me wrong, i love apple but i used to love them more way before... before they start to be a "mobile" company and a greedy one.
    and believe me when i say that they will eventually terminate the computer series to replace them with some hybrid ipad/computer thing.
    the macbook air was they first try... and they succeed. next is to fuse the osx with the ios (they already said that it will happen) and the macbook pro 13" will be gone and later the rest of them... i just hope i'm wrong.

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  • AlmostJosh
    Dec 5, 08:48 PM
    A double industrial is all I want :)


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  • drew.bowser
    May 2, 12:25 PM
    If that is true then im going to buy Windows 7 and a PC and pretend I like it...:cool:

    I would do the same thing...but i couldnt pretend. it too blantant of a lie to those around me who know me.

    zach galifianakis hangover carlos. %IMG_DESC_12%
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  • NativeOSXboy
    Apr 22, 10:47 AM
    Wait what ? Apple's complaint had multiple utility patents, design patents, trademark infringement claims and trade dress claims. That's pretty broad, not specific.

    It also levied these complaints at the many different phones in the Galaxy line-up. The media is only comparing 1 model, the Vibrant/i9000. There are many models included in the complaint, including the Captivate, the Nexus S and the Epic 4G. Yet as shown on this page, you'd be hard pressed to mistake them for a 3GS like the media claims.

    Apple's complaint isn't specific and it isn't about a specific model at all. That is why you guys need to look beyond the simple pictures you've seen on Apple biased media. At this point, this could go either way, could get reduced, etc..

    Also, the patents Samsung is suing over are quite important as they relate to reduced power usage during data transmission, something we all know Apple values profoundly in their designs. There's 10 patents in all. Like Apple, Samsung is defending their IP. Anyway, like stated many times, this lawsuit and now the counter-suit is just a negotiation tactic by both corporations. Don't worry too much about it and don't try to get into emotional arguments over it, in the end, it doesn't concern us the consumer.

    Why not just let him have his emotional argument? Why do you have to correct him or specify anything? If it doesn't concern the consumer (us), why not just let the issue be regardless of what one person or another has to say. This is a forum, a place to voice opinion, nothing more. If you wanna hear your right or you have strong arguments, okay yep.


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  • cmaier
    Apr 11, 10:56 PM
    +1 for TB "Target disk mode"! I am happy they kept FW800 on the newest MBPs though.

    Anyone think TB will be eventually used for connecting things like cameras as well?

    Canon will use it for DV.

    zach galifianakis hangover carlos. %IMG_DESC_14%
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  • John Purple
    Jan 26, 03:17 AM
    Apple's stock (APPL in NYSE) has plummeted $68 in the last 30 days (from $198 to $130 or 35%) does anyone know what has caused this? Curious...


    Too much focussed on consumer market ...
    Bad thing in times of sub-prime crisis :(


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  • Bootstrap Bill
    Apr 13, 02:51 PM
    I think Apple would be better off licensing the technology to other manufacturers. This could become a new standard for TV.

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  • fawlty
    Mar 31, 03:12 PM
    Presumably there'll be a cheaper version with faux polyurethane?


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  • spencers
    Jan 31, 05:19 PM
    4gb iPod

    I remember owning one of those when it first came out. Survived a trip to Philmont quite well!

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  • kiljoy616
    Apr 12, 09:34 AM
    Oh I forgot...yes...the "Specs" argument. My bad. AND the Closed vs. Open debate. Yes...that too. It's so open that I can't upgrade to the latest Android version, because it's not available for carrier XYZ. But that's not Android's fault, or the Phone's fault. You can root it though. That's awesome...root it, then download the newest launcher, then reset it, and do this, and do that. Then when that's all done, it's no better than it was when I started. But hey, my icons are Green! Cool...

    haha, nice :)

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  • Project
    Aug 15, 03:14 PM
    I dont see what the problem is for something like a battery.

    Oct 23, 10:19 AM
    Setting aside the question of no VM at all, has it occurred to anyone that having a restriction on running in a VM even on the licensed machine could put a damper on the idea of having Parallels (or VMWare) be able to start up off of the BootCamp partition? As that's an ability that I've been wanting, that's something that bothers me about this....

    Oct 20, 09:57 PM
    also, you need to have a passkey and completed 10 WUs with your passkey before you'll get a bigadv unit

    I got a passkey a couple of weeks ago and have it on all of the machines now. The mp has run through quite a few wu with the passkey by now.

    Apr 28, 04:07 PM
    At this point I'm sort of glad the iP5 won't (likely) come out until September. That'll give the white phone a few months of real world use. I'm curious if it'll still be white and pristine a few months from now.

    Apr 13, 08:23 PM
    I am a VZW customer who has been waiting for the iPhone 5 but my Droid original is about to die. I'm getting the white Iphone the minute it comes out with news of the latest IPhone 5 delay and because everyone has black. I can't wait anymore and will just sell the 4 on ebay for $400+ and buy the 5 outright (3GS still go for 300+ on ebay used). Plus I will lock into unlimited data for future LTE :)

    Apr 22, 06:01 PM
    I doubt it'll end up looking like that, but I wouldn't mind seeing a slightly bigger screen, also personally I'd rather have a lighter iphone 5 then a thinner one.. I kinda like the gesture area idea, I wonder if it'll be for flicking your thumb up, down, left, & right to access multi-tasking, although it'd probably be easier if it was done on the touch screen it self, considering its much larger..