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  • lizard79
    Dec 3, 04:15 AM
    well - that's my point. I'd like my mac for work at my "working" place and the iTV connected to the hifi-system, external hdd with the iTunes library, movies etc. close to the "entertainment" area. And the ipod should be closer to the entertainment than work area..

    hope you're wrong - althought I think you might be right ;)

    cheers. hans

    I mean I get what you are saying, but it doesn't seem like it would be very useful for two reasons. 1. By the very nature of how iTV works, you have a Mac somewhere else in the house and therefore have a tiny, hidden out of the way docking station right there. 2. iTV should either slip seemlesly into your aray of tv components and look elegant. Slapping an ipod on it makes it look like just another charging dock station and not nearly as sleek as the houaing it is in now.

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  • johnwiseman
    Aug 25, 07:23 AM
    Has Dell or any other PC manufacturer started shipping Merom notebooks or Conroe PC's?

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  • slackpacker
    Apr 13, 05:42 AM
    Holy smoke what is with all the bitching in this thread?

    Final Cut X is coming! It seems to have all the stuff i'm dying for.. maybe even CUDA support!

    I'm sure it all done in Open CL and not CUDA. CUDA would only support a fraction of the users out there since all new Apple Laptops use AMD (ATI)

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  • Erwin-Br
    May 2, 05:28 PM
    No, Microsoft have not got it right. There should be no need for a specific tool to uninstall applications. applications should be self-contained and be deletable with the press of a button�

    Many applications work this way on Mac, some developers still put related files into various other locations though unfortunately...

    Uhm, not every app can be self-contained, and it's even in Apple's documentation that you need to store your plists OUTSIDE of the App container and in the Library folder instead.

    And that makes sense, because for example, there are apps that need to save settings. If you store these settings inside the app, the next time your user updates it the settings are overwritten.

    I hate it how dragging a Mac App to the trashcan leaves plists and other files scattered around.

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  • GregA
    Mar 22, 10:55 PM
    i would not like to see a larger screen, but perhaps higher definition say 360p or 480p instead of the 240p. no real updates on the OS.

    I think it depends on what they want to achieve with it. Do they want a HD video unit? A portable login disk? Just a bigger 'classic'? An iPod Touch with a hard disk?

    I could almost see an iPod Nano screen plus click wheel, with a 220GB HD.

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  • Kane08
    Apr 2, 10:53 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Best post yet

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  • URFloorMatt
    Apr 2, 09:05 PM
    Much, much better than the recent slate of iPhone ads, which have been terrible. (The "If you don't have an iPhone, well, you don't have an iPhone" ads.)

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  • scotpole
    Jan 12, 07:59 AM
    How about
    Apple iTunes and the apple store are available everywhere through the air.

    Like .Mac your mac is automatically backed up so if you lose it, your files and account still exist at Apple, because through the air, they have been backed up. I mean we can trust Apple with our info right?

    To get new software you get it through the air. You connect to Apple and download it to the appropriate device the way you currently buy a song and your credit card is billed.

    All devices can transfer data through a high speed bluetooth, so you can backup at home to a DVD or a Hard Drive.(this one is a compilation of ideas already expressed in this thread).

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  • Lurchdubious
    Nov 26, 04:40 PM
    Just bought some wood :cool:


    Tape measure:


    Storage tote:


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  • prady16
    Aug 29, 08:58 AM
    A "FEW" weeks!!!!!!!
    That too for a Core Duo and not even a Core 2 Duo!

    Thats disappointing!!!

    And what about the MBP?

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  • Multimedia
    Jan 2, 01:27 PM
    Spoke with an expert video editor last night and he thinks it's worth waiting for Stoakley-Seaburg (http://techreport.com/etc/2006q4/clovertown/index.x?pg=1) in the 8 core Mac Pro which he thinks is more likely to happen around May-June with a pre-announcement at NAB perhaps. So while I hope the 8 core gets announced, I am probably not going to be the earliest of adopters after all.

    Want to give my son a true widescreen video iPod for this past Christmas so will be looking for that as well.

    iTV will be interesting but I'm not sure how it will fit in with my mix yet as I don't fully understand its advantages to date.

    Will be more interested in visiting the Canon booth and taking a closer look at the HV10 (http://www.usa.canon.com/consumer/controller?act=ModelDetailAct&fcategoryid=177&modelid=14059&WT.mc_id=C123719aven.com/) as my first HDV camera.

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  • rdowns
    Apr 12, 05:51 PM
    I don't think people are pumping it up at all. I personally think that people who can't drive a standard transmission, are just lazy (and that goes for my mother, and her habit of doing her makeup while driving). People only get autos, because they don't want to have to "inconvenience" themselves with pushing down on the clutch and throwing the car into the next gear; because doing so requires them to stop shoving food down their face, or to get of the damn phone. I also hate to hear people moan about how inconvenient a standard transmission is during stop and go traffic; I mean it's not that bad, and I recently took my standard transmission accord to chicago and drove in stop and go traffic for over two hours, and it was not as annoying as some would make it out to be. People are just too willing to sacrifice the fun of driving for convenience.


    The more I read the stuff you post, the more I shake my head.

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  • pjo
    Aug 28, 07:22 AM
    I've been thinking of the Mini as a new dedicated Mac

    Just add a Dell 24" Display for $704 and you have a native HD TV with Tivo Like Recorder for only about $1452

    I still can't decide between this setup and a 20" iMac (educ discount) for my TV requirements...

    hmm.. the iMac's audio input isn't optical so that may swing it towards the mini.

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  • rbf1138
    Sep 12, 06:14 PM
    Damn, I called my Best Buy and they claimed no cases were in yet. It also doesn't show as being available at any best buy online yet, including in delaware. i guess ill just go over there tomorrow anyway.

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  • Cocoy
    Jan 11, 11:26 PM
    I don't see the benefit of a MacBook Slim.

    Can someone pursued me or tell me why it would be better then just having a MacBook?

    well... based on people dreaming of flash-based drives, small form factor, powerful machine... it seems to me everyone who seem to want one at the end of the day really want 2 very different devices.

    1) a notebook in the macbook form factor but with a dedicated video card or at the least an integrated video card that does great performance. this is what most people would settle for if apple ever makes one. Call it nostalgia for the 12" PB, maybe. powerful but very mobile. call it the MB for pros is what people want.

    the absence of an optical drive wouldn't be the end of the world. who uses them still in this day and age where everything from dmgs to photos to music to video to presentation are all on the internet?

    2) i think the sweet spot really is that people want something like an ultramobile machine that they can take on the go. that they can use for work stuff--- presentation, maybe run some office app. it's got to be mixed with a bit of personal stuff--- video, pictures, music and of course browse the web. it's that space above the iphone/ipod touch and below an mb. call a machine that is not just a phone, not just an ipod but more computer than the iphone and ipod touch are.

    Can the iphone/ipod touch do this now? yeah. i think with the sdk coming out it will really open the gate. because APPs is what's really missing. People want to do /more/ with the iphone/ipod touch. they want an Ultramobile Mac.

    personally, if Apple was going to make a subnote--- i'd rather they try for number 2.

    if Apple is going to make a new laptop, i hope they do something innovative like have an MB, but "do away" with the traditional keyboard and mouse. it would be the same form factor with a display and the spot where the keyboard is, but instead of a keyboard and trackpad... that space is a multi-touch or a user interface that can be reconfigured on the fly for whatever app that's active. (doesn't apple have a patent pending for tactile-multi-touch response?)

    Using Word for example? the "multitouch pad" pops out a keyboard. Doing photoshop and you get an interface similar to a wacom tablet that you can draw on. For a lack of better analogy, something right out of Star Trek's reconfigurable user interfaces. it would certainly go with the whole "air" theme. draw interfaces from the air just like magic.

    My guess is that "Air" will be something more towards greater reliance on cloud computing.

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  • hssky97
    Mar 25, 04:29 PM
    Win :D

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  • Glideslope
    Sep 15, 09:45 AM
    When will it stop??

    Jan 2011. :apple:

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  • darkfiber
    Apr 2, 08:09 PM
    Is this the same Narrator that does the Ken Burns films?

    That is actor Peter Coyote. Probably most famous for his role of the federal agent in E.T. Along with many acting roles he has done tons of narration as well. Not sure about Ken Burns films, but he has narrated something like 50 plus documentaries. He was also the voice for Oracle commercials. He did the first iPad commercial (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D2BvVcSkNkA)as well. Here is his IMDb page...


    and Wikipedia.


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  • RebootD
    Apr 12, 08:28 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 3_0 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/528.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile/7A341 Safari/528.16)

    This would be hilarious if there's no official announcement. Nah, they won't leave us hanging.

    Apr 12, 09:59 PM
    This is a huge change! Dam.. on the sheet looks awesome. Will make editing in all environments more friendly and scalable.

    Apr 6, 04:35 PM
    I'm having major crashing problems with Lion. When editing a video in iMovie and converting it to HD it will crash right before finishing, same with editing an audio clip in Quicktime.

    Jan 11, 07:00 PM
    I love these cars, i looked at the SRT8 model with the Hemi but UK + V8 = Bankrupt lol


    The Chrysler 300C SRT is a fantastic car, i think it was the summer before I headed into freshman year of college, when my buddy and i took his SRT to his lake-house. We got up to 167mph in his car on back roads, craziest/scariest/most fun experience ever. He traded that 300 in about a year ago for the Jeep SRT and man is that thing fun to drive....... Wish i could afford an SRT.:D

    Jan 11, 09:16 PM
    That's a nice Si. Don't believe I've ever seen one in that color. My friend had an '08 Si sedan for about 7 months or so, but had to get a 4WD for work. His was black. It was a BEAST! He put a Skunk2 catback on it and a Weapon R intake and I swear, that thing would scream. It sounded like a Ferrari. :eek: I miss it.

    Galaxy Gray Metallic

    He's also rocking rims from an acura tsx

    Bingo good eye :cool:... Just a FYI I have a Mugen Si exhaust and love it!!

    my current family ride:

    2007 Honda CR-V AWD EX-L

    though, likely to be trading to a 2011 Honda Odyssey EX-L in a bit to support the expanding family

    Nice CR-V

    Jul 19, 04:04 PM
    does it mean mac's desktop market share is climbing? 5%?

    It would appear so. Apple's computer sales rose faster than the overall market. But, most of those sales were laptops... so the desktop marketshare is probably falling ;)