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Shay Mitchell: 'Together We Can Put an End to Slavery

Shay Mitchell: 'Together We Can Put an End to Slavery'
Shay Mitchell speaks out against human trafficking and sex slavery in a few new public service announcements for Somaly Mam Foundation’s Voices of Change campaign.
The 24-year-old Pretty Little Liars star has been a strong advocate for the non-profit organization. Months ago, Shay traveled to Cambodia to volunteer with the Somaly Mam and is now raising awareness for the cause through videos.
“It’s a cause that’s important to me since I lived in Thailand,” Shay told Troix magazine.
Shay also hopes to help start similar rehabilitation centers in the Philippines in the next two years.
Hear what Shay has to say below!
Shay Mitchell Somaly Mam Foundation PSA

Shay Mitchell and Somaly Mam Foundation’s Voices for Change

Ashley Tisdale & Scott Speer: Movie Date Night!
Ashley Tisdale & Scott Speer: Movie Date Night!
Ashley Tisdale holds hands with boyfriend Scott Speer as they catch a movie at the Pacific Cinemas at The Grove in Los Angeles on Sunday night (May 29).
The 25-year-old actress tweeted which movie was on their must-see list, “Goin to see Hangover 2 with my man #excited!!!”
In case you hadn’t heard, Scott is actually the new director for Step Up 4! The project is expected to start shooting later this summer.
FYI: Ashley’s cute summer dress is from Planet Blue!

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