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  • daio
    Apr 14, 03:20 AM
    ^^^ You should install those updates ;)

    Ha ha ha, I was actually installing them as I took the screenshot. No updates to do now ;)

    Actually I reckon this product name is a code name for a virtual iOS machine for Mac devices enabling iOS apps on Macs.

    Saying that, its also likely a 'split off for iPad 2', the reason I think that? Well, iBooks also has that product name. AppleTV would be lousy for book reading IMO. Perhaps some apps will only work on iPad2 and not on iPad(1), due to processor requirements or camera, for example, hence split the compatible apps into two categories. If so, why are games like Angry Birds HD not showing up, which are compatible for both?

    Thats why I thought the Virtual iOS software for Mac is more likely, book publishers might want to see how their book looks like in iBooks

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  • dextertangocci
    Jul 25, 08:24 AM

    I JUST bought an Apple BT mouse!!!!:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :( :rolleyes:

    Now I can't sell it anymore for a good price:(


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  • dethmaShine
    Apr 12, 12:47 PM
    Oh yeah, it's all about the software cuz the hardware has reached it's peak :rolleyes:

    Way to miss the point. :rolleyes:

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  • beebler
    Apr 14, 11:06 AM
    iPhone 5 will be announced in September along with the iPad 3, which is also planned for that time. I wouldn't be surprised if they pushed the iPad 3 back a little though.

    100% sure the iPhone 5 will not be out this summer.


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  • rikscha
    Mar 31, 10:59 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Alerts for birthday entries? Is it finally being implemented?

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  • pudrums
    Sep 14, 05:25 AM
    Real Racing HD



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  • damixt
    Mar 16, 09:53 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8B117 Safari/6531.22.7)

    They said they have some 16 gig wifi, and some verizons in stock but no at&t's. I don't think they have enough for the whole line though.

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  • selena gomez hair 2011.

  • Burger Thing
    Mar 31, 09:12 PM
    They ought to have a 'classic' mode for iCal so people can choose...i know it won't happen though

    Great. Then we could choose between a 'classic' and a last century look. :p

    As someone mentioned before, I find it hard to believe that a company with a designer talent which Ive is, would dare to publish an eye turd like that? :confused:

    If they really want software to resemble real world objects, then please make iCal to look like the Pirelli Calendar...


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  • sbrhwkp3
    Jul 11, 02:29 PM
    Steve already knew this was going to happen. They're ready. I don't think it's possible to have an iPod killer anyways. The iPod is all about appeal for many, not necessarily the features.

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  • skeep5
    Nov 10, 04:44 PM
    son of a


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  • MacQuest
    Oct 18, 06:54 PM
    ...Anyone heard anything on the "multi-touch" front lately?

    I think the mouse may be killed in '07 by multi-touch innovations.

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  • cr2sh
    Jul 25, 08:45 AM
    In response to the ebay comment, why are they seemingly so dumb? ... Don't people do ANY research?

    Please try to keep posts on topic. :o :confused:

    I bought a kensington wireless mouse/keyboard combo yesterday for my PC. There's no chance of me returning it for this thing... I've got the wired MM and its flakey enough as it is.


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  • Selena Gomez Short Hair Style

  • SchneiderMan
    Sep 16, 09:11 PM
    I also think the trackpad is better than the mouse.

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  • steadysignal
    Apr 14, 08:32 AM
    It's the mythical xMac! :p

    can i has one?



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  • jasonxneo
    Apr 15, 02:35 PM
    Hope iCal has a de-uglify option.

    amen brotha!!!!

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  • Selena Gomez loves mixing up

  • rxse7en
    Jul 28, 08:56 AM
    The OP statement was that the 360 was the only HD player on the market right now. Which clearly isn't true. Upscaling isn't HD in my book. But that is me.

    I think the OP was talking about game play in HD. I've tried the component HD cable for my PS2 on my plasma HDTV and it's nicer, but it's only 480p at best, depending on the title. I use an upscaling DVD player that outputs to 1080i and though it is HD, it still doesn't have the image data of a true HD title. The only time I've been able to see REAL HD is through my DishTV HD programming--again, depending on the source--or connecting a Mac to the plasma and viewing Apple's HD trailers. You're right though, the HD content still isn't readily available.

    Read a rumor about MS dropping the price of the 360 by $100 for the holidays to help combat the release of the PS3. That would put it almost half the price of the PS3!


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  • 840quadra
    Dec 1, 02:26 PM
    I agree with the few others that are concerned about this.

    Our Mac OS innocence is coming to an end. Part of this is due to the growing market share, and popularity in the Operating system. The other issue I feel that is of concern, is the new challenge this OS provides for Script kiddies, and bored coders. If you have an ego, and want to get your name out, why not do what hasn't been done before, as opposed to doing what everyone else does ?

    This is going to be a growing trend, and the amount of Mac Haters in the wild is quite high! Once code tricks and secrets start to get out, it is only a matter of time before OS X is targeted by thousands, much like XP!

    Apple has time to take this very seriously, and work to keep this system tight and secure! Hopefully this is going to be a big part of the focus on Leopard, but only developers will really know this!

    These current headlines aside

    1. Pay attention to what warning messages pop up when browsing the web.

    2. Only download and install software from sources that you trust, and if you do trust them, take an extra moment to think about why you trust them, and if you really need to install that piece of 3rd party software!

    3. Keep your firewalls on if possible

    4. Don't permanently unlock preferences, folders, or other security areas on your system using your keychain, unless you really need to do so!

    There are others, however that is a good baseline to follow for some minimal security checks and balances!

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  • dethmaShine
    Apr 22, 04:51 AM

    That and Apples incredible profit is what makes them look so paranoid, petty, and stupid.

    Instead of acting like the world class company they could be, Apple comes across as fools.

    I must admit, I'm much happier being seen with my Galaxy S.

    When one is seen in this town (New York) with an iPhone they look at you like "oh, you're one of those snobs".

    Yet the irony is they're a dime a dozen here.

    Well, say what you want to say but stop abusing Apple fans. For once, you should realise you are on a Apple fan site. Love Apple or hate Apple, show some decency towards Apple fans.

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  • selena gomez short hair 2011.

  • kennyt72
    Apr 14, 12:52 PM

    666MB for AT&T iPhone 4.

    same for O2 iPhone 4 in the UK

    Jul 25, 09:45 AM
    And for those of you who bought the expensive, one-button bluetooth mouse, sorry but...what the hell were you thinking!?
    I was thinking that I like the one button mouse, I don't like cords, and the BT one button mouse has the nicest feel of any mouse I've ever used. That's what the hell I was thinking... :rolleyes:

    Apr 26, 02:43 AM
    ZOMG u ppl will believe anything! N94 and phone number are TAPED ONTO the back of the phone... there's a lot going on here, lulz.
    #1: Fake Carrier via Cydia
    #2: Microsoft Paint
    #3: Labeling machine

    To everyone in this thread saying Android is garbage, to you, you're right. Plz, there's a difference between fact and opinion...

    Nov 4, 12:39 PM
    I'm on a PPC but plan to go MacTel next year when Adobe releases Universal versions of Creative Suite. I have some questions about VMware & Parallels if you don't mind me adding it to the thread:

    1. Do they require Windows partitions, and if so how much disk space is needed?

    2. If a partition is needed, can you run the partition on an external drive so as to free up space on your internal? (I'll be using a MacBook Pro so that's why I ask).

    3. Can anyone tell me anything about syncing a Palm device with Parallels or VMware? In particular I'm wondering how easily (if at all) I could sync my Treo with Windows apps as well as OS X apps. This would be huge to me.


    1) Not a partition. The virtual Windows disk lives inside a file on the mac. If your Windows C: drive was 18GB stored on it the Mac OSX file will be 18GB.

    OK with the current VMware produts you can use a real Windows partition if you want. Same with the Windws CD drive. You can map them to the real CD drive or to a disk image file. The default is to map the CD to the real CD and the C: disk to a disk image file (but you could map C: to a real disk if you want)

    2) The file holding the virtual disk can be anyplace, even on a network drive but speed is an issue

    Apr 22, 05:09 PM
    other than the decrease in the size of the bezel gaining larger screen which I want the rest of this photo to me is a step back not forward ascetically. Don't like the design of the casing.

    Apr 15, 01:53 PM
    Is there an option to make iCal look normal?
