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selena gomez and demi lovato and miley cyrus

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  • gotohamish
    Apr 26, 11:28 AM
    You don't need to keep taking computers back you know. You could try and be happy with what you already own. Also why did you buy it if you knew there were new ones on the horizon anyway?

    Also, if one were to buy a Mac within two weeks prior to a new model you're entitled to just take it back for the new model, or at least that's how it used to work.

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  • KnightWRX
    Apr 13, 06:00 AM
    NO - it does state that Apple had a major role - don't have the interest to get into a tech crunch vs engadget pi$$ing match as to which one is correct BUT there are some articles CITING the point.

    Again, the chosen word was "envisionned". This is purely an Intel tech that Apple had a big role in. The way Chuppa Chuppa initially phrased it reversed the roles, making this an Apple tech that Intel was tasked with implementing.

    I have no qualm with Apple's big role in the tech, but they didn't "envision" it at all and to claim as such is to rewrite history.

    Both of you have yet to provide evidence to the contrary.

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  • Aquaduck04
    May 4, 08:58 AM
    Wait, tell me what the source is again? A CSR via a forum member?? Gotta be joking..

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  • Happybunny
    Oct 23, 10:59 AM
    The new MacBook Air, 11.6'' base model. Going to New York during christmas and will buy there the new Air. Here in The Netherlands it costs 1000 euro, in the USA it's around 700 euro (converted dollar - euro). Difference of 300 euro!

    That's what I did in 2008 when the Original Mac Book Air came out, it saved at the time more than �450.:)


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  • DavidLeblond
    Apr 15, 02:59 PM
    Uh-Oh! The Non-Disclosure Police are on patrol! Look out!

    :rolleyes: Whatever. I'm not NDA police. Pirate all you want. Just don't be pissed when people don't post the changelog RIGHTAWAYS.

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  • Paul Graham
    Jan 31, 11:17 AM
    New battey grips for both of my dslr's, And two new bags, Well the Nikon bag is new but the Pullman is a well looked afer bag I had from years ago.
    New iphone dock in background...



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  • poppe
    Jul 24, 03:16 PM
    Son of...
    I figured this would happen. I've been paying for Apple accessories one time each pay check, while I wait for the Merom MBP to come out, and I just bought a Might Mouse cord in may... I suppose its not that big of a deal, but still...

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  • AcesHigh87
    Apr 27, 11:38 AM
    I don't feel like reading through 6 pages of comments but, I can attest that most retail stores will tell you to call the cops but not get involved. I've never worked fast food but have been told that from working in a drug store for several years.

    At the same time, however, some common sense is needed. I'm pretty sure if I was in this situation, policy or not, I'd be stopping them. This isn't like one little slap and some yelling, this is a brutal assault. For that matter, I get the feeling that the person taking the video isn't an employee, just a hunch. If so, why the hell didn't they think to do anything but pull out their damn cell phone and video tape it? For that matter, they were laughing at one point which is just downright heartless.


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  • Icaras
    Apr 26, 12:33 PM
    I don't know about other countries, but I've noticed so many people in America just expect almost everything to be free these days.

    I mean, seriously? It's getting a little tiresome.

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  • alent1234
    Oct 6, 01:30 PM
    Not that anyone is reading this thread still, but just in case some of you are:

    If you are missing incoming texts, calls, and/or voicemails, when you're in a covered area, this MAY NOT BE A NETWORK PROBLEM.

    I had a Blackberry that had all these problems two years ago, and I eventually mentioned it to a savvy AT&T rep. He got me a replacement SIM card and all the problems went away as if by magic.

    Also, just another anecdotal experience: I live in San Francisco and spend most of my time here, and I haven't had a dropped call since I got my iPhone a few months ago. However, I have run into numerous situations where the data connection stopped working. In fact, to give an idea of the magnitude of the problem: I walk to work. I like to listen to a streaming internet radio station, one which tacks a ten second ad to the beginning every time you start the stream but otherwise does not have any ads. The last time I tried to listen to it while walking home from work, I literally heard the ad for more total time than I heard the station. Which is to say, the stream very rarely worked for more than twenty seconds at a time.


    i bet AT&T considers voice more critical than data and gives it higher priority on their circuits that connect the towers to their network


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  • Keebler
    Dec 30, 03:45 PM
    This will be a thread hand-grenade, but let's face it - depending on her/your/our healthcare situation, you kindof are paying for this. What we have here with this woman is a pending and unnatural liability on the healthcare system and insurance network due to her socially- and personally-irresponsible whim.

    Who's paying for her bypass surgeries, ER trips, and specialized healthcare infrastructure in order to deal with a person of her size? We are. The cost to sustain her life will with all probablity be more than an average person's: so your premiums (or taxes, if you're in a socialized-medicine country) go up. I'm all for personal freedoms and not letting people tell others what to do with their bodies, but I don't want to subsidize stupid behavior like this. I say make her carry her own weight, and I mean that both literally and figuratively.

    +1 it's a hand grenade that needs to be tossed. fantastic points.

    Here's another one, but hopefully it isn't. It's a personal observation.

    First, let me say that my own country, Canada, is not far behind so this isn't a 'my country is better than yours' situation.

    Last year, I travelled to Myrtle Beach. On the way there, I was astounded at the amount of obese and out of shape people on the way down through all the states. I was once overweight so I have been there :( I couldn't believe that for every turnpike gas station, there were at least 3 or 4 fast food joints and/or donut shops. Add that to the economy issues and ppl don't have alot of choice to eat healthier foods which are more expensive. (of course, walking and running are free).

    Later that night, I watched the news and this is when all the rage was about passing the healthcare bill. There was a debate about it.

    one thought instantly came to mind: no wonder they wanted to pass it. With the number of overweight ppl, you're talking a potentially massive money maker (insurance and health care premiums). It's like making the cows fatter by only supplying them with fattening food or fattening situations then charge them for a heavier weight on the transport truck scale.

    Now, those are my own observations so I'm not saying i'm right or wrong, but I think there's something to it. You may or may not agree or think i'm nuts, but I know what I saw, shocked me.

    Again, it's nothing personal against anyone who was overweight b/c I was too. I've lost 25 lbs, which may not seem like a lot, but I'm also short and trust me, it's made a massive difference in my lifestyle in the most positive way :) I'm in better shape than I was in high school - which is sad really.

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  • Keebler
    Dec 30, 09:59 PM
    I'm going to just assume you are young and have time on your hands. Because when I was young and had time staying trim was quite easy., Let's talk when you're in your 30's and are a busy professional :rolleyes:

    I used to think that too and I was completely wrong. I used 'being busy with work' as a poor excuse. I absolutely regret it.

    He's right - it's a simple formula and one that really takes some discipline...that's all. Just a touch of strength.

    I'll also add, some knowledge too. Talking to a trainer with a nutritionist background was critical to my success. Understanding what the body needs based on your activity level, rather than what your MIND believes your body wants, is a small, but massively important factor.

    ie. on days I work out, I'll have my protein drink and a massive bowl of oatmeal - topped with a scoop of jam and/or peanut butter and some brown sugar. 1. it's got all the glucose I need after working out and 2. it satiates me until mid-afternoon and then I have a normal lunch. I could go on, but I don't want to drag it.

    My point is this: I hear you, I was you, but it's wrong. plain and simple. I normally don't tell people they're wrong so pls don't take offense :)

    i'm in my late 30s, 2 kids, the stay at home Dad running his own business and I'm in the best shape of my life. My wife is a financial planner running her own brokerage and she's in fantastic shape. If anything, being in better shape, eating right etc... has made my wife EVEN more successful. She has the energy, her mind is sharp and I believe it's because her 'engine' is running tip top. It's like having an old beat up car vs a new super engine cooled kick butt car - which one is going to go further and more efficiently? :)

    That's not to toot my own horn, but to say, it is possible. It has to be a lifestyle change.

    And hey, it's 2011 - time to make that change :)



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  • cleanup
    Jan 26, 12:18 PM
    Carrying on with the actual purpose of the thread...

    I pretty much purchase this 3 times a week. Lunch at EstWest.

    Apologies for the ginormous iPhone photo. I really don't understand why the iPhone has no way to turn down the resolution of camera photos. 5MP is really unnecessary for phone photos.


    Yesterday though, the girlfriend and I indulged in Gourmet Burger Co. Forgot to snap a photo though, so instead, here's one of Craft Fat Burger (not quite as good, but half the price). Hungry yet?!


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  • NoNothing
    Mar 29, 01:53 PM
    The 3GS was quite a bump from the 3G. Anyone thinking/claiming otherwise has never owned a 3GS.

    An iPhone "4S" would still be quite an upgrade over the iPhone 4, even if it is just more ram and an A5 chip (with a much better SGX543-MP2 GPU). And it would still very much be the iPhone 5 as in 5th Generation iPhone. Just like the iPhone 3GS was the 3rd generation iPhone to the iPhone 3G's 2nd generation status.

    How about an "iPhone 4G S"? It is 4G for "HSPA+/LTE" and "S" for "Speed". That would ge consistent with the "iPhone 3G", and "iPhone 3G S" names.


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  • FoxMcCloud
    Apr 22, 05:01 PM
    I doubt this rumour very much.

    Mark my words, iPhone 5 will look similar to iPhone 4 and will be released later this year. It will carry the A5.

    The A4 in the iPhone 4 is still perfectly capable and the phone is still one of the best on the market. The iPad got A5 and a redesign after a single generation because it really needed it, iPhone 4 does not, it was built to last and hold out for a while, possibly to skip/slip an upgrade date. The CDMA version is not long out the door and the white is due soon. The extra wait time will allow GSM/CDMA capability, perhaps even that LTE stuff androids seem to get wet over, in a single SKU. Maybe cheaper prices on NAND allowing higher capacities :).

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  • sweetie81
    Apr 15, 03:56 AM
    Will the alarm work?


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  • mc68k
    Oct 20, 07:33 PM
    Now I am itching to buy a MP :ptoo bad they dont have a midrange tower with an i5 or i7

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  • cmaier
    Apr 24, 06:12 PM
    The challenge



    1. Must be black.
    2. Must be metal with no sharp edges (rounded edges) and be as simplistic as possible. Camera.
    3. Touchscreen (no slide out keyboard)
    4. Ergonomically friendly and look nice.
    5. User interface to be nice and on par with present day interfaces (no 1990s looking icons).
    6. Docking interface.

    They are all going to look similar.

    MS seemed to be able to get by without appropriating the look of Apple's interface.

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  • kbmb
    Apr 15, 01:48 PM
    976.6 MB wtf
    Apple: Learn from Google http://dev.chromium.org/developers/design-documents/software-updates-courgette

    Problem is the App Store. I don't think Apple thought about this in regards to the Mac App store having larger programs. Sure the iOS App store is easy....most apps are small.

    The latest patch to Aperture for example.....I bought through the App store....and it had to download 600+ MB as the whole app just to patch, whereas people who already had it got a delta update through Software Update.

    Here's hoping in Lion they merge the two somehow....at least with Apple apps.


    Aug 15, 03:11 PM
    Purchase spare battery? Nice Apple nice. :rolleyes:

    Wasn't there a 'purchase printer ink' in Tiger somewhere? I don't have a printer at home so can't check... but pretty sure I remember us having the 'OS as a shop' discussion a couple of years ago.

    Mar 31, 03:12 PM
    Presumably there'll be a cheaper version with faux polyurethane?

    Apr 10, 09:49 PM
    ^^ That image is amazing. Simply perfect!

    Wow!!! I agree with Hisdem!

    I've been tracking this fantastic forum for months, and I've been trying to learn from you all. I'm pretty new to DSLRs, after using P&S's for many years.

    So here's my first submission...


    Welcome! And that is another fantastic shot!

    After these two, I'm almost embarrassed to share it, but here's my photo for today ...


    This monument in San Miguel, Cozumel, Mexico marks the location where the first Christian Mass was celebrated in Cozumel. Left is the priest, right is the Mayan shaman. Below is a Mayan woman and her child.

    ISO 400, f/11, 1/500, 0 ev, 35 mm

    wedge antilies
    Jul 11, 06:30 PM
    The XBox seems to be doing pretty well.

    The following is from Gamespot. com

    "But as a result of increased production and marketing costs of the Xbox 360, on which Microsoft currently loses an estimated $126 per unit, its Home and Entertainment division found itself in an unenviable position. Despite the fact the division's quarterly revenue went from $571 million in 2005 to $1.056 billion in all its new income evaporated. Its quarterly operating loss went from $175 million in 2005 to $388 million in 2006."

    However with the Games console Microsoft can make money from Game sales and liscensing. Since Apple has already admitted that the iTMS has razor thin profits, they won't be able to duplicate that revenue stream in this area.

    The following is from Gamesarefun.com

    "Since the Xbox launched, the Home and Entertainment Division has seen financial losses approaching $1 billion per year. The losses are $880 million and $990 million per fiscal year, respectively. Add in the $273 million lost in Microsoft's fiscal Q1 (calendar Q3), and $241 million lost in fiscal Q2 (calendar Q4) and we get $2.384 billion lost since the launch of the Xbox".

    The argument some people are making is that if Microsoft is willing to put up with losses like this, they can do the same in the "iPod-like" market. However, the markets are truly different in a few ways - a) there is no razor/razorblade economic model b) there are VERY FEW barriers to entry c) The upgrade cycle is MUCH faster.

    I think this a threat, but I think Apple may have this covered.

    -Red 2.

    Apr 22, 05:43 PM
    I have an iPod Touch and I find it difficult to hold on to the damn thing without a case. The thing might as well be a fish! A phone shaped like the illustration would be an ergonomic disaster, in my opinion.