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Riverview High School Nb

Riverview High School Nb. Riverview, FL
  • Riverview, FL

  • Multimedia
    Sep 6, 07:27 PM
    Really confused as to why they just didn't skip to Core2.Supply. Apple won't be able to get enough Core 2 Duos for a few months. Then they will switch at same speeds to Core 2 Duo.
    But with the Academic 1.83 GHz iMac only $899, they may have to also speed bump both up one level to 1.83 & 2GHz where the L2 cache doubles to 4MB in Merom.

    Riverview High School Nb. Riverview, FL
  • Riverview, FL

  • Metatron
    Jan 1, 05:46 PM
    Whatever happend to the thin macbook? That is all I wanted this year.

    Riverview High School Nb. A woman from Riverview,
  • A woman from Riverview,

  • techluvr
    Jan 6, 11:48 AM
    When I get my license, if everything goes according to plan, it will be a 2011 Subaru Outback 3.6R Limited. Absolute sportiest car I've ever driven, and it's a wagon. Perfect. Don't have any pics right now, sorry.

    Riverview High School Nb. at Riverview High School
  • at Riverview High School

  • NicoleRichie
    Apr 20, 01:56 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Only rare in the US. Most rentals I have had in the last year out of the US are stick. Taugt myself how to drive a manual by "borrowing" my friends dads Shelby mustang for let's say joy rides... Don't tell him, only my mates mom knows.

    Riverview High School Nb. Riverview High School - Class
  • Riverview High School - Class

  • longsilver
    Sep 5, 08:21 AM
    Well, the US store is down anyways. UK and Ireland are still up. Anyone checked any others?

    Riverview High School Nb. A Riverview High School
  • A Riverview High School

  • h'biki
    Apr 16, 03:21 AM
    when marketshare is almost 0 % you are close to dying, look a 1 % of all new machines built is not giving me any confidence in the platform. sure we have 10 % in a installed platform but are loosing everywhere( thank you motorola for holding up the ass end. Fact is Pcs are running away from Mac and when a 500 dollar machine kicks a new $2000 Imac its time to say so long to Jobs and his croonies. Supported you guys way to long at my expense.

    Layman's version:

    When you CEASE TO MAKE A PROFIT then you are dying*. Until then, it doesn't matter what your market share is.

    If 1% of the world's population gave me a dollar, I'd be very rich. If 50% of the world's population gave you 1 cent, you'd also be rich, but not as rich as me... even though you have a greater market share. Its all about margins!

    For those who are actually interested in understanding the world of business:

    *Well, possibly dying... You have to continue to lose money and do it over a period of time before you are dying. Even then, that may be a result of mismanagement, rather than the company itself being dead -- there may still be the potential for money to be made. Really, the only time a company is dead is when its bankrupt and/or when its taken over and its assets stripped (because its been mis-valued).

    To give two recent examples. Gateway has been losing money for some time. It has gone from a all time high in 1997 of $61 per share to its current price of around $6 (which it has been at for over the last year). In other words, its been devalued by a magnitude of 10. (They may have refinanced during that time and devalued the price per share, while increasing their overall market value... but I can't remember them doing that. Gateway may have greater marker share, but Apple is valued at around $28 per share. Just to make the comparison properly fair, Gateway has a market value of $1,999 Million, while Apple's market value is around $10,000 million. In other words, Apple is worth ten times as much as Gateway, despite their smaller market share. (Admittely, Apple's share price flucates like crazy, but thats arguably a result of the FUD of uninformed gits, like those at C|Net). Nonetheless, Gateway is likely to be around for some time. Until it continues to burn through money and its share price drops even lower, and it becomes the target of a hostile takeover... which will result in (1) a merger/total buyout/absortion; (2) a massive corporate governance change because the hostile company thinks there's money to be made; and (3) its bought out, its assets stripped and resold.

    Example 2 is Media 100. They were also burning through money. Unlike Gateway, however, they weren't generating much gross revenue. Their technology was good, but not that good, and their management was baaad. They weren't generating much gross revenue, which is why no one was really interested in buying them or giving them a loan. They just didn't seem capable of even making a profit (and thats what matters). They were a dying company (unlike Gateway, which is just troubled). So they were forced to file for bankruptcy. Now their assets are being bought by Optibase -- when that deal is complete, they will be dead.

    Point is, corporate finance is a very convuluted world. They're like stars. The bigger they are, the longer it usually takes them to die. Sometimes there are corporate "supernovas" (like Enron or HIH or OneTel) in which the whole corporate structure implodes, but thats because of criminal negligence, lack of transparency, and dodgy account practices. (All of which render the mechanisms of the market for corporate control to be rather useless. Noone wants to touch a company when you don't want to know what you're buying).

    The most important thing to the world of corporate finance -- the one in which a company lives or dies -- is profit per share, then revenue. Both of which Apple has. Thus it is healthy. Oh, and its debt free. This is a good thing, because it signals to potentially future creditors that it pays off it loans... thus they're likely to bail it out, if it finds itself in trouble again. (Of course, there are mitigating factors there, but thats true of anything).

    The only reason that Apple's market share is an issue is because uninformed gits in the IT press (tautology that) scream about it being an issue. This creates information asynchronicity (imnsho) and distorts the market (both the share market and the IT market). Personally I reckon that if people didn't think market share was an issue, Apple would actually be increasing its marketshare. Of course, thats exactly the reason companies like C|NET do scream about it, so it becomes a quasi self-fulfililng prophercy.

    Here endeth the lesson on "Introduction to Corporate Financing 101"

    Riverview High School Nb. at Riverview High School.
  • at Riverview High School.

  • diamond.g
    Mar 24, 02:15 PM

    Wow, that is impressive (if it is not full of some sort of trickery...)

    Riverview High School Nb. Moncton High School became a founding member and the first school in New Brunswick to sign the Charter of the UNESCO Fundy Biosphere Reserve.
  • Moncton High School became a founding member and the first school in New Brunswick to sign the Charter of the UNESCO Fundy Biosphere Reserve.

  • toaoc
    Mar 25, 07:25 AM
    ...is an ipod that is just about music and nothing else. and yeah the sound quality of the classic thats out right now does suck...i'd like to see improved battery life, higher quality chips (DAC, amps,...), digital output, maybe airplay - and all of that in a sexy, indestructable metal case with a click wheel and a small non touch display...

    Riverview High School Nb. The RAC in Riverview NB
  • The RAC in Riverview NB

  • andiwm2003
    Jul 14, 06:20 AM
    i hope blu-ray stays optional. a superdrive is good enough for me. blu ray at the current time is a waste of money for me.

    Riverview High School Nb. The Dr. Losier Middle School
  • The Dr. Losier Middle School

  • cmaier
    Apr 2, 07:39 PM
    I'll "believe" when they fix the currently unresolved and widespread quality control issues...light bleed on virtually every unit and blemishes, dents and scratches on units straight out of the box.

    Fix those issues, Apple, and then I will "believe" enough to get an iPad 2.

    No light bleed, blemishes, dents, or scratches on my new 64GB AT&T or my friend's 64GB Verizon.

    Riverview High School Nb. New Brunswick by moatway
  • New Brunswick by moatway

  • Astral Cars
    Jan 12, 01:57 AM
    There are a lot of interesting possibilities here.

    The most obvious meaning of "air" is just some new movie rental iTunes service. Boring.

    There is also some sort of possibility that it's related to AppleTV and iPhones or something and now we can wirelessly stream movies from an iPhones to a TV and maybe there's additional possibilities involving the phone.

    The most interesting is that of an actually wireless laptop. The notion isn't too absurd and maybe I just have to think about it longer to come up with a solution. But in a way it goes against the elegance that Apple strives for. On one hand your laptop is not connected to anything, but on the other you probably end up with a giant dongle that connects to your outlet and has some USB ports etc. If they can come up with a way to make that look elegant I think it's a possibility. I don't know much about wireless power, but I do know that in general it's an extremely inefficient means of transmitting power.

    Anyway, I would love to see some sort of wireless laptop, but I'd be pretty surprised if we did.

    Riverview High School Nb. Riverview, FL
  • Riverview, FL

  • takao
    Jan 12, 02:33 PM
    thinking back how many people called the iPod, mac mini and macbook name stupid it's very likely already confirmed

    on the other side it would be much more logical to refer to wimax or other such features

    Riverview High School Nb. New Brunswick High School
  • New Brunswick High School

  • Mac Fly (film)
    Sep 6, 06:33 PM
    http://static.flickr.com/83/236356043_7d795c3fe0_o.jpg & http://www.wpc-fr.net/images/articles/disney-rachete-pixar/pixar.jpg

    Guys, you've got to start somewhere. The TV show thing started with disney, and look at it now!!

    (not in Europe yet, grumble grumble)

    Riverview High School Nb. Sarasota, FL - Riverview High
  • Sarasota, FL - Riverview High

  • Peace
    Oct 23, 12:01 PM
    Battery and component shortages abound ladies and gentlemen.Have patience.


    Riverview High School Nb. Riverview High School - Class
  • Riverview High School - Class

  • kelving525
    Sep 18, 09:46 PM
    Is that an actual Belkin Silicon case ?

    Nope, it's those 99 cents silicone case from HK!

    Riverview High School Nb. or N.B. Crime Stoppers at
  • or N.B. Crime Stoppers at

  • daneoni
    Aug 7, 04:58 AM
    Not too brag or anything :D but it works out great for us in UK. Get in from work 5.30pm / open a beer / macrumors / keynote 6pm / tears of joy / rob bank 9pm / buy mac pro :D

    Agreed. I dont have anything to do so might just head to my apple store and view some of the boring presentations respond to some emails/forums..might even meet a looker (anyone noticed there are some attractive women in apple stores). Order some takeout and come home and lounge to MR. Then order a MacPro/MacBook Pro.....Good times.

    Riverview High School Nb. NB Flag02
  • NB Flag02

  • netdog
    Jan 11, 06:16 PM
    I don't think we are even close in either of these threads. I suspect that 10.5.2 and/or the iPhone SDK are going to contain some huge surprises. Perhaps included in that are some of the Leopard "secret features" that were promised a year ago but took more time than expected.

    Riverview High School Nb. Riverview, New Brunswick
  • Riverview, New Brunswick

  • itsmeGAV
    Jan 7, 04:06 AM

    Well here is my new pride and joy..
    2009/59 VW Polo GTi, I had to get rid of the R32 as the MPG was stupidly low, and needed something more economical..

    This is the R32, very nice but had to go!

    Riverview High School Nb. The Riverview Arts Centre Players, a talented community theatre troupe, will present another comedy this season called quot;Our Choir#39;s The Pitts.quot;
  • The Riverview Arts Centre Players, a talented community theatre troupe, will present another comedy this season called quot;Our Choir#39;s The Pitts.quot;

  • Stridder44
    Apr 19, 01:15 PM
    Yay, news that's something other than iOS related.

    Now hopefully the Mac Mini will get updated as well.

    Oct 23, 07:44 AM
    Hoping not only MBP, but also MP.
    I've been waiting too long with my money burning my pocket :(

    update: sorry, should be MB instead of MP, typing mistake

    JRM PowerPod
    Aug 7, 04:42 AM
    Not too brag or anything :D but it works out great for us in UK. Get in from work 5.30pm / open a beer / macrumors / keynote 6pm / tears of joy / rob bank 9pm / buy mac pro :D

    Yeah, but you have to live in the UK. It all works out

    Feb 23, 05:29 AM
    Handbrake comes VERY close to destroying my Macbook ha ha, the CPU goes up close to 90 degrees celsius! Terrifying!

    I gave up on running Handbrake on my MacBook of the same vintage, but only because kept loosing RAM and making it difficult to work. I started running Handbrake on the Mid 2007 Mac Mini instead.

    Haven't tried on the 2010 MBP that I just got. Might have to do that and see what we get...

    Apr 3, 05:48 PM
    I have the same thing happens with my safari in full screen where you hover your mouse over the top and the menubar slide down it is a bug because it the bar serve no function right now -that definitely did happen in DP!
    Although Safari has not crashed yet where it crash several time a day in DP1

    I don't think it is a bug. It allows more screen to show when using full screen mode. The menubar re-appears when needed. Preview auto hides the menubar as when in full screen mode.

    Oct 12, 04:48 PM
    They sent me an email reply to that very question that basically said screw off, we don't announce, we release.
    Yah, I sent them one too. It said probably in a few weeks if all goes well.
    Does anyone know where I can get a maroon case?

    I don't want a silicon or a hard case, so it would have to be something else, preferably a case like the belkin grip vue, which seems to be the best case out there so far.
    Belkin doesn't have anything. Neither does Griffin. You might get a Griffin Reveal, and then a maroon skin. But that might go under a hard case.