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reese witherspoon tattoo

reese witherspoon tattoo. Reese Witherspoon was so
  • Reese Witherspoon was so

  • cube
    Mar 24, 02:10 PM
    It outperforms the 320M under OS X. It certainly doesn't "suck" as much as you make it out to be.


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  • SchneiderMan
    Sep 16, 03:50 PM
    Got these from eBay for $1 each, good quality.
    Link (http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=290471004347&ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT#ht_3465wt_913)

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  • reese-witherspoon-and-jake-

  • JGowan
    May 3, 01:32 AM
    i think this is the wrong way to go!

    Its pulling apart mac os into a waterd down version of itself they will continue to add this stuff untill there is no difference between ios and mac os!

    What we'll be left with is a powerfull but waterd down mac ios/hybrid platform with downloads through the app store like the iphone and ipad killing the powerfull features we have but running on every apple device!

    I personally think apple will kill the ability to download any content through safari in the future in mac os!

    So all apps will be vetted by apple and all music/films we have to be made through itunes no popping on to amazon or whever to make a purchase through a browser on your imac or macbook!

    I hate the direction this is going they are building a walled garden around mac os slowly and dont be supprised the ports start disapearing on the macbook soon for a 30pin dock!

    Bad move apple!f u d !

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  • reese witherspoon hairstyles.

  • zap2
    Apr 8, 07:42 PM
    So why not Mexico? Mexico is experiencing way more violence than most of these Middle East countries yet their request for U.N. aid in 2009 was denied. They are on our doorstep and we are ignoring it for the most part even though we are partly to blame for the violence. The U.N. actually told Mexico just the other day to withdraw their own Military forces from the fight against the cartels.

    Well we are working with Mexico in a diplomatic sense....but you know, it's not a war zone, so bombing them isn't going to be effective.

    And putting troops on the ground in Mexico was never requested and would likely result in more fighting. The solution to Mexico's troubles are social, not through weapons.

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  • reese witherspoon hairstyles.

  • r.j.s
    Jan 2, 04:37 PM
    Here we go, the new and improved 2011 Picture of your car thread.

    2009 Edition (http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=627003)

    2010 Edition (http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=868502)

    Mine: 2006 F-150 SuperCrew


    And since it doesn't fit into the garage (it's too long), I have to clean the snow off :mad: :

    reese witherspoon tattoo. Soft waves Reese Witherspoon.
  • Soft waves Reese Witherspoon.

  • quagmire
    Jan 5, 08:01 AM
    To the BMW guys, how reliable is the E46 325i?
    I have a chance to pick one up for a fairly low cost (Less than $6,000 canadian). It is pretty much mint and VERY well maintained.
    Car has a bit higher miles (~125,000 miles/ 205,000km), but I am guessing well maintained they will last quite a while?

    I really enjoyed my brothers E36, and I just got rid of my project cars so I figure this would be a nice change.

    My brothers/dads old E46 330xi has been giving him trouble with 150,000 miles on it. Things do wear out, but it seems like every time I hear about the car, it is broken.

    reese witherspoon tattoo. Reese Witherspoon Blonde Bob.
  • Reese Witherspoon Blonde Bob.

  • iMikeT
    Jul 14, 10:16 AM
    You mean like when they standardised on CD's?

    From what I recall, Philips began working on the compact disk project and Sony later on joined them in that venture.

    Also, CDs were not easily accepted as a standard. It did take some time before everyone else adapted.

    I must also point out that if you want to take the compact disk standard as an example of standardization, that CDs were the only format in its class. That is, there was no other competition for a standard format. Which brings us to today. Like the Betamax and VHS, we are seeing two formats of next generation's storage medium competing to become a standard.

    Just keep in mind Sony's hit/miss ratio for standardization.;)

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  • Reese Witherspoon Gallery

  • newagemac
    May 2, 05:03 PM
    They could have simplified the whole process in the following way:

    reese witherspoon tattoo. Reese Witherspoon couldn#39;t be
  • Reese Witherspoon couldn#39;t be

  • spencers
    Jan 2, 05:42 PM
    My daily driver
    http://img714.imageshack.us/img714/7117/img713imageshack.jpg (http://img714.imageshack.us/i/img713imageshack.jpg/)

    the cockpit
    http://img205.imageshack.us/img205/9210/img0712h.jpg (http://img205.imageshack.us/i/img0712h.jpg/)

    reese witherspoon tattoo. Reese s latest movie
  • Reese s latest movie

  • Lifequest
    Apr 2, 07:47 PM
    I'll "believe" when they fix the currently unresolved and widespread quality control issues...light bleed on virtually every unit and blemishes, dents and scratches on units straight out of the box.

    Fix those issues, Apple, and then I will "believe" enough to get an iPad 2.

    Oh dear. How is Stevie going to sleep at night knowing that one potential customer is still on the fence...:rolleyes:

    Frankly, they don't give two animal-faecal-secretions about whether you buy it or not.

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  • Reese Witherspoon and Jim Toth

  • tktaylor1
    Feb 5, 02:09 PM
    2002 Audi A4. 18th birthday present

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  • like Reese Witherspoon) is

  • maclaptop
    Apr 21, 12:01 PM
    There is a reason that some of us Jailbreak, outside of the desire to add applications outside of the appstore.

    Apple hackers develop better jailbreaks now so they can keep up with the superior system Android has.

    There's so much more one can do with Android.

    After having every iPhone, I tried Android and I'm so amazed at their great capabilities.

    Android is awesome.

    That said my Iphone 4 is best as an iPod replacement.

    I have the best of both worlds.

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  • iKwick7
    Sep 1, 12:03 PM
    If this does come out, looks like I'll be selling my Macbook. :)

    reese witherspoon tattoo. Reese Witherspoon#39;s Three New
  • Reese Witherspoon#39;s Three New

  • Ugg
    Mar 24, 12:05 PM
    This is kinda funny actually.

    "Our country wasn't founded on a "God" principle. well lets see

    July 4, 1776:

    "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness"

    Creator.....not god then who was it? Those atoms that just happened to bond together gave us rights?

    Oh and again.

    "he separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them"

    So you'll argue. Separation of Church & State.

    Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;

    Respecting: admire (someone or something) deeply, as a result of their abilities, qualities, or achievements

    Congress shall make no law in favor of one religion, or prohibiting one. Lets see Christianity isn't the only belief system that frowns upon homosexuality so that kills your one religion statement.

    Now to the app. I don't see how its offensive. Would an anti-smoker app be offensive? Diligent smokers sign a petition with a minority of iOS users because it discriminates again their lifestyle.

    Apple holds the right to take it down, but I don't think it should have been.

    No trying to substitute facts and history with your own beliefs. Homosexuality is not natural, there is no natural way for reproduction which is the whole purpose of sex or the "reproduction system" as it may be classified.

    Primordial soup was my creator. I don't feel any compelling need to trumpet that fact though. Insecurity definitely seems to be one of the afflictions that the rabidly religious suffer from.

    If it occurs in nature, it's natural. There are tons of critters out there that engage in same sex behavior, they're natural, why shouldn't human same sex behavior not be natural?

    reese witherspoon tattoo. Reese Witherspoon Oscars
  • Reese Witherspoon Oscars

  • Mike84
    Apr 26, 02:15 PM
    Your point is that you cannot find such a trademark as "app store" in the standard character format because "app store" is too general right? The other person posted that "pet store" would be a ridiculous example of this.

    Ok fair enough. Pet store was registered in the stylized or design format.

    But your basic argument against Apple is that they cannot use app store as a trademark in the broader text format because it is too general. But this is not the only example of such a thing.

    If this is the case then Apple Store will be thrown out too. It is the same type of trademark. Two words, not one and not preceded by "the".

    App Store
    Apple Store

    The other argument is that "app" is too generic and that the term was around prior to the trademark. I do not believe this is valid either as "app" may have existed but was not widely used. The argument would have been used agains the prior trademark of "appstore" in that case.

    One thing is for sure. Our opinions will have no bearing on the final outcome.

    You define the lexicon of the overall society?

    I think you are missing the point:

    "What are some other reasons for refusing registration?

    Registration may be refused if the mark is:

    • Descriptive for the goods/services;
    • A geographic term;
    • A surname;
    • Ornamental as applied to the goods"

    Source: http://www.uspto.gov/trademarks/basics/BasicFacts_with_correct_links.pdf

    App Store is descriptive of what it does. In other words, it sells apps or applications. Therefore, it cannot be trademarked. Apple can use it if they want, but so can anyone else doing the same thing.

    This is pretty much saying that Microsoft is going to trademark Operating System. Both Microsoft and Apple make operating systems. What Windows is is a type of operating system. Windows does not describe the product.


    Shop that sells windows cannot trademark "Window Seller" because it describes precisely what the shop does. It is generic + descriptive = no trademark.

    reese witherspoon tattoo. Reese Witherspoon Oscars
  • Reese Witherspoon Oscars

  • mdntcallr
    Sep 6, 08:10 PM
    Apple should let the record companies do variable pricing on their product as well.

    would lead to some older albums at 7.99 and some newer at say 12.99.

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  • reese-witherspoon-oscars-2011-

  • Unspeaked
    Sep 6, 11:03 AM
    Thank God I sold my mini three days ago. It was a Core Duo 1.66Ghz with 1GB RAM. Luckily the buyer's already payed and I'm on my way to the post office now. Phew!!

    So it was IDENTICAL to the current top of the line model, except the new one has a measly .17 GHz speed bump and 512MB LESS memory?

    Yeah, this new one sure is a leaps and bounds ahead of the one you sold!


    reese witherspoon tattoo. Reese Witherspoon
  • Reese Witherspoon

  • iJohnHenry
    Apr 20, 04:58 PM
    Yes, I love driving manual transmission cars. It's fun.

    Yeah, but the others should know that you rely on public transportation, day to day.

    Manual is fun, until you spend a couple of hours, or more, commuting every day.

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  • Reese Witherspoon Long

  • GregA
    Mar 22, 10:55 PM
    i would not like to see a larger screen, but perhaps higher definition say 360p or 480p instead of the 240p. no real updates on the OS.

    I think it depends on what they want to achieve with it. Do they want a HD video unit? A portable login disk? Just a bigger 'classic'? An iPod Touch with a hard disk?

    I could almost see an iPod Nano screen plus click wheel, with a 220GB HD.

    Sep 1, 03:29 PM

    I had to quickly get the drool off of the keyboard before I could type... But hotdiggetydog if the 23" looked like this I would have an order in as soon as the store was back online...

    Here is to hoping!

    Aug 16, 07:22 AM

    iBook G5 and PowerBook G5 Digitimes?

    Yah right.

    Sorry but I've had it with new iPod rumours. They'll come when they come and they won't be as revolutionary as we'd thought.

    Massively fed up now.

    Otto J
    May 4, 01:35 AM
    PS: Why is leaving behind a text file so you can easily restore your settings a bad thing?

    Could someone please elaborate for the not-yet mac user what exactly we're talking about when bickering over left files and folders? Are we just talking about one folder with files that might be useful if you re-install the program? If so, then I would say that this is a VERY important feature to have, when you have such a simple uninstall feature as dragging to the trash. Sometimes you do things by mistake, and yes, sometimes you don't realize your mistake until 5 seconds after you emptied the bin. Isn't this app-cleaner stuff just about not having the "hassle" of finding that folder and manually deleting it? Like others, I don't see how Windows is better in this regard, in any way. Lots of windows programs leave folders after uninstall, that you need to remove manually. The fact that windows, to my knowledge, _don't have_ an "app zapper" - simply because installs are too varied and complicated for such a program to work - tells me that the Mac way is better. It's not about Windows not needing such a program, it's about Windows being poorly programmed so that such a program wouldn't actually work very well.

    I DO want a Windows "app zapper", that makes sure that I can install and uninstall a program, and then return my system to the exact same state as before. (Well, basically, I guess I want a Mac... :rolleyes:)

    Apr 19, 02:40 PM
    They will either skip it altogether or perhaps replace all USB 2 ports with USB 3 ones (thus keeping TB as the "advanced" FW equivalent)...

    The logical thing would to mirror the recent MBP refresh. I really dont think they would include USB 3.0 ports until Ivy Bridge.

    Cheffy Dave
    Jun 24, 01:49 AM
    You're that ignorant that you think the only benefit of an open platform is pornography?

    read the original post? NO! DO I Think that is the only benefit? NO!