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printable coupons april 2011

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  • haveaniceday91
    May 3, 08:17 AM

    I was going to spring for the refurb i5 at $1449 but then I saw the late 2009 i7 for $1369 and was wondering which model I should go for.

    I'm honestly leaning towards the i7 and have a lot of faith in apple refurb products.

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  • Chef Medeski
    Oct 18, 05:48 PM
    - Leopard
    - True video iPod
    - Hate to say it on this forum but......C2D Laptops ;)

    Like the man said "one of the most exciting new product years in Apple�s history.�

    I'll have one of each please :D
    I rather have a sandwich of all those things.

    Laptop as the bread.
    Leopard is the mayo.
    Got some real meat with C2D in there
    and 802.11N is some good cheese even though itll still have some holes in it like swiss
    All with wireless iTV

    and a true video ipod on top.

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  • Chaszmyr
    Jul 28, 07:43 AM
    This sounds just like what they said with Xbox. They want it to do something new, they expect it to be the next big thing, and it's gonna take a few years. I think once Wii is released, we'll see 360 take a market dive just like 360 did, and Zune may well face the same fate.

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  • sammich
    Oct 29, 11:02 PM
    I don't want to be ignorant, but I thought that HT was all about utilising the unused portions of each core. But if you're running F@H shouldn't those cores be fully utilised anyway?


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  • yg17
    Apr 30, 09:55 AM
    The Xbox360 is only one year newer then you car, so it is not that much newer... The same for PSP too.. the first portable digital audio player to play MP3 was 1998. MP3 1995-96. AAC was 1997...

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  • BoyBach
    Jul 24, 05:15 PM
    Very nice pictures. Looks like an "inside job" :cool:

    A quote from the AppleInsider article:

    Along with the filing, the traditionally tight-lipped Apple made a request for confidentiality to the FCC, one which was apparently denied.

    "These documents contain detailed system and equipment description and related information about the product that Apple Computer, Inc. considers to be proprietary, confidential, and a custom design and, otherwise would not release to the general public," Apple EMC and wireless engineer Mike Kreige wrote.

    Denied? Apparently so!


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  • MacBoobsPro
    Aug 15, 01:36 PM
    I believe icerabbit was referring to a feature to restore an item to its original location once putting it in the trash. Windows has this feature in the recycle bin and it's a handy little feature.

    This isn't to do with Time Machine as the user has not yet deleted the item from the Trash and the system.

    Sorry IceRabbit i misread your post. My bad! :o

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  • colmaclean
    May 3, 07:44 AM
    UK Store has no price on the iMac and the links are dodgy. It took them 3 hours to do that??? :confused:


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  • apolloa
    Apr 22, 05:28 PM
    Nope, don't believe a word of this report, not one word. This will be next years iPhone if it's true, not this years. Why would Apple re-design it 2 years running when it's selling by the truck load?

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  • twoodcc
    Oct 20, 03:22 PM
    I thought I did everything right but... I did find that it was running another wu on 8 cores after I set it up, duh. Fixed that but it still won't pick up the bigadv so I thought maybe they are out of them? it will pick up normal wu's if it can't get bigadv one's. And maybe I need more than 6 GB of ram?

    also, you need to have a passkey and completed 10 WUs with your passkey before you'll get a bigadv unit


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  • cloud 9
    Dec 3, 10:12 AM
    This is the summary from that page...

    I looked over his code analysis and I agree with his conclusion about it not being possible to corrupt memory (hence not possible to inject code). So it is at worst a denial of service type attack.

    merci beaucoup for you explanation and gnasher you too :)

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  • lbro
    Apr 16, 10:52 PM
    I might play. Not totally sure yet.


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  • Tonezorz
    May 4, 09:28 PM
    So now this is an email you received? An AT&T rep actually put it in writing? Is this what you're now saying?

    Where this got "off track" or rather on the track it should've been on in the first place is that clearly if your upgrade was pushed back it was from any number of things people have posted about for years now on the matter: bill payment, length of being a customer, level of account, etc... Really, this comes up every year.

    Your story is making less and less sense, and here's where actually thinking first comes in handy:

    If a customer service rep told you that the iPhone had been delayed then either this was public knowledge, thus why forward the email to MacRumors, or this wasn't public knowledge, thus why would a first contact customer rep even know this let alone say anything about it?

    Sorry if it seems like I, and others, are jumping on you, but your story is BS, and you either know it, or should know it. Take a look at the coverage it's gotten. It's on most of the Apple coverage sites including some read by investors and analysts.

    Do we really need news being polluted with this? If you're an honest person, you should now, confronted with logic, common sense, and the actual truth, contact those who picked up your story.

    Clearly your upgrade wasn't delayed because of the iPhone being released later, and you know it.

    Now we're getting somewhere. I hadn't realized nor did I ever intend this situation to be construed as "They moved my upgrade date due to the iPhone delay."

    I'll paste below, while removing the names involved, the original email correspondence between myself and the AT&T representative. This is an original email reply to a support form submission on the AT&T site.

    Original Message Follows:
    Contact and Verification Information
    Topic: I have a question about my contract
    Subtopic: Contract expiration

    Q2:Enter your contract expiration question below:
    A2:I'm curious as to why my upgrade date used to be 6/18 of this year, when now it's moved to 11/19? I've ugpraded three years in a row now when the new iPhone has been released. This year, assuming they launch around the same timeframe (June/July) I won't be able to? Some clarification would be great.


    And the response:

    Dear Mr. *****,

    Thank you for taking the time to e-mail AT&T to advise that your upgrade date was 6/18/11, but now when you check, you see that it has been moved to 11/19/11 and want to know why this has occurred. I apologize for the frustration this has caused. My name is *****, and I am happy to help you with your inquiry.

    Unfortunately, we are not given a reason when the upgrade date changes on a line. Equipment discounts are made available from time to time based on a number of factors: service tenure, spending levels, payment history, usage practices and time frame since last equipment discount. Generally, a line is eligible to upgrade every 17 to 21 months, but frequently offers are made to the primary line on an account to do this earlier based on the factors above. The upgrade offer is also based on a three-month average of the billed rate plan and data services per line and eligibility is generally re-evaluated every three months or so as well and sometimes the dates do change. I apologize that this affected you and for any frustration and inconvenience it has caused.

    Apple has informed us that they do not plan to release the iPhone in the June to July timeframe, though there will be a newer version in the future. Unfortunately, we have not been given a release time for the new phone. We will release this information on our website when it is available to us.

    Mr. *****, I am sorry that I could not give you a more definite answer, but hope that the information provided has been helpful. Should you have additional concerns or questions about this issue please reply to this email. If you need to contact us again regarding a new issue please send us another email via the contact link through your online account. Again, my name is *****, and I thank you for being a valued AT&T customer for several years. We appreciate your business and will do our best to ensure that your wireless experience is a success.

    I encourage you to visit our web site (www.att.com/wireless) often to view current and previous monthly statements, make payments and to shop for new product and service offerings.


    Online Customer Care Professional

    Again, all I've left out is my mobile number and our names. The article here on MacRumors is both precise in labeling this as a rumor, and warns against believing the statements of support personell. Also, I don't believe in any way that it suggests an iPhone delay was the cause of my upgrade date change.

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  • leekohler
    Apr 27, 12:55 PM
    Which country are you talking about? Written in stone it's not, but obvious enough to suggest it, yes.

    Ah- we have plenty of people here in the US, just like you, who insist "fact" and "speculation" are the same things. They are not.


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  • bigandy
    Oct 19, 04:45 AM
    What about all of those profits from the XBox 360????? Don't those things just consist of about $8.00 worth of plastic????? :p

    umm, actually it's a well known fact that (a) consoles are always sold at a loss to entice customers, and (b) microsoft loses over $100 on each console sold.

    they make up for this on the rather large profits made on games and licensing games for the platform...

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  • Carlson-online
    Apr 28, 04:11 PM
    iphone 4 white is so yesterdays news . i want to know when the humancentipad is coming out!!!!!


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  • roosta
    Apr 15, 03:07 PM
    Goes against Steve Jobs saying Lion was shipping this summer. What is your source ?

    Until Apple says it's delayed, I'll believe Apple when they say it ships this summer.

    just so you know, summer begins june 21 and ends sept 23 this year. so even it it comes out sept 22, its still a summer release.

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  • bluebomberman
    Jul 10, 05:00 PM
    As for being harsh, it seems like every time a thread on subject gets started, someone says Pages is only really suitable for newsletters, and not for "serious" writing. I find that most of the people who say this haven't gotten much past the template selection window. They see all those newsletter and flier templates and assume that this all Pages is good for. They've probably never created a template of their own and so are missing one of Pages' most powerful features.

    Part of the problem is the way they market it. There was such an emphasis on templates and graphic-intensive stuff when it was first demoed in MacWorld 2005 that it's hard to think it can be a good word processor. My first thought was how it looked 100x better than Microsoft Publisher.

    Again, I think this latest rumor shows that Apple will address some of the perceptions (or misperceptions, depending on who you ask) by allowing people to dive into word processing mode and adding better search and research functions. It just might make me a convert.

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  • abhimat.gautam
    Mar 31, 04:50 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8G4)

    I think this would have worked fine for just the full screen mode. But for the window I think it is just too distracting. Having a brown window in a sea of uniform gray windows, even in the background, will be continually distracting.

    May 3, 08:29 AM
    OMG double thunderbolt! So intense!

    Nov 10, 07:58 AM
    Burberry Pullover



    another brand that plasters its name all over their stuff


    where you've been? abercrombies lowest quality company has been around almost 10 years lol

    Dec 1, 07:55 PM
    i don't understand why everyone is ignoring this guys' post. i'm not a computer engineer, so can someone with the right knowledge explain this a bit more? is it really adware or just a bug? :)

    This is the summary from that page...

    So, what have we learned:

    Jul 24, 04:53 PM
    hmmmm, tomorrow's Tuesday...

    Apr 14, 03:38 AM
    If there were so many problems with the white iPhone 4, how come Stephen Fry has had one (and used it) from the beginning?