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oprah winfrey house interior

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  • lbro
    Apr 22, 06:18 PM
    Who thumbed down every post on this page?
    Except one from aggie...

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  • chris975d
    Apr 28, 04:42 PM
    Confirmed by another OEM white iPhone owner.


    Then the aftermarket replacement back manufacturers have actually known all along. Ha! And I thought my yellow and white backs were thicker (and wouldn't fit with all my cases) because they were cheap.

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  • Don Kosak
    May 3, 07:54 AM
    Update looks great, especially the new graphic card options.

    I am disappointed that the SSD prices are the same as last year. US$600 for a 256GB SSD option. I was hoping for a big price reduction. (or at least a little price reduction...)

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  • kingtj
    Mar 31, 01:45 PM
    Personally? I find it humorous that so many people on here refuse to use the app, or have big issues with it, all because of the faux leather look to the top bar, or other attempts to make the app look like its physical counterpart. If the app has the FUNCTIONALITY you need, that's what makes it good! I've come to expect that Apple will regularly revise the LOOK of these applications. Even if they had a look that 99.9% of users agreed was "perfect"? They'd revise it with the next major release of the app or OS, simply because they know people don't feel like they really "got enough for their money" if it doesn't look different at a quick glance....

    The way it defaults to entering new appointments with that "unnamed appointment" heading drives me nuts too. Accidental taps on the iPhone or iPad can lead to those things being added to your schedule, and if you don't notice it until later? You're left wondering if it's supposed be a real appointment for something, or if it was just a screw-up. They should make it so if you don't actually fill something in, it cancels adding it.

    Another feature I'd like to see? It needs a way to easily open up a list of your contacts from the Address Book inside a pane in iCal itself, and drag one over to the calendar to add an appointment with their address inserted as the "location", and name plus maybe phone number(s) in the title. Like many people, I use iCal to track appointments I have with clients, so this info usually needs to go into them.

    I saw where someone wrote a fancy Applescript to accomplish this, but IMHO, that's still a "hack" for functionality Apple could/should include!

    What I want to know is have they made iCal more usable? I'm not sure how I feel about looks but there are quite a few pet peeves I wish they'd address.

    1. When I say enter new appointment, I should be put straight into the edit screen. Not have it put in a unnamed appointment that I have to click at least two more times to actually get into a full edit screen. When I put in a new appointment of course I want it to say more than "new appointment!!!" I want to be able to name it and set a time and maybe even a reminder and tell it what calendar! What's worse is iCal used to work like this and for some reason some dipsh*t decided that some reason when I put in new appointment I just wanted to put in a new appointment at random time... what sense doe that make? (yes, this is a huge pet peeve of mine)

    2. Reminders. First when I set a reminder for 2 days before, display on the appointment/task 2 days before, not how many minutes 2 days before equals.

    Secondly, when it pops up the reminder and I want to tell it to remind me again, give me an option to set reminders. Or at least have more sensible ones (like give me a half a day later option, not just 1 hour or a full day. I want to be reminded later today, but not have to keep hitting one hour if I don't want a full day reminder).

    Those are just the ones I can think of on top of my head, but they both annoy me a lot out of iCal (I really am not that picky. I'm sure people who want more out of their calendar/task app have a lot more things to nitpick about it cause iCal is pretty damned basic and really could use more functionality).


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  • mtkagan
    Mar 11, 03:29 PM
    if you're in the area apple store at fashion island has about 60-70 in line. according to the employee stock is looking good

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  • Lord Blackadder
    Oct 23, 08:31 AM
    The bottom line is that this is just one more EULA violation that people will ignore on a daily basis, unless MS implements some way of enforcing it.


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  • andrewbecks
    Apr 26, 01:41 PM
    I stopped buying iMacs the day they went gloss. I now have a bunch of minis with the older Matte Cinema Displays. As simple as that � I put my money where my mouth is. If I couldn't get these, I would buy other branded displays.

    When Steve Jobs made a comment a couple of years ago about Apple's customers saying they preferred gloss (or something like that) I wrote to Apple to say that at least one customer doesn't prefer gloss and why, and there is a pretty vocal group of Apple customers who share my sentiments. At least we were given the option on the MacBook Pros. I hate having to pay extra on an already expensive machine, but that's what I've done with my new just-ordered MBP. It's one small and expensive vote for usability to prevail over eye-candy. Sigh.

    While I agree disagree with you as it relates to dsiplay preference (I prefer the glossy display over the matte display), I 100% agree with you in principal. Since Apple has customers who want the matte or anti-gloss option, they ought to make it available--simple as that. This way, everyone can be happy. If you want matte, you should be able to get it just as I'm able to get the glossy screen that I like.

    (Plus, if they went to all matte, then the matte displays would weird up against the glossy 27" Cinema Displays, IMO.)

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  • NickZac
    Feb 1, 09:18 AM
    MacRumors' forum - Politics, Religion, Social Issues

    I was just curious, because it seems as if it is a "different" person posting. Perhaps in a day or two we'll see you posting how your little sister or mom got hold of your MacRumors account and posted all kind of weird stuff.

    It has happened before.

    Anyway, on to better things�

    There are some things I am passionate about, and some things...oh forget it.

    This is like the 'Weird Al' rendition of the Political forum.


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  • Beric
    Sep 29, 11:21 PM
    Don't you just love AT&T? :D

    (BTW, there's a few good reasons I use Verizon.)

    One of those reasons is that there is no AT&T signal at my house.

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  • Shaun.P
    Nov 1, 03:34 PM
    I'll be happy with my car/road tax getting paid and some iTunes giftcards :).


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  • YoNeX
    Nov 3, 09:49 AM
    Okay, they fixed the Portal, so I was able to download it, a 79.4MB file, lets see how this runs compared to parallels.

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  • lgutie20
    May 4, 09:41 AM
    To chose a 4G phone over an iPhone in 2011 is a poor choice and the result of marketing and nothing more. Unless you live in spot with great 4G service and never plan to leave the house, you won't see average speeds any faster than an AT&T iPhone. Not to mention your web browser won't render pages half as fast as Safari, so speed differences are utterly negated.

    Plus the fact that few countries have 4G networks. Apple cares about selling worldwide and many markets aren't ready for that


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  • Legion93
    May 1, 10:56 PM
    you do that :rolleyes: ... your textbook on terrorism now needs to be updated with Osama dead

    My textbook is 7 years old.

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  • rmwebs
    May 3, 08:55 AM
    Throwing in an SSD drive bumps the ship time to 4-6 weeks!!!! :eek:

    Not cool, Apple. Not cool.

    You'd have to be a fool to order that from Apple. Their upgrade prices on SSD's are a joke! It'd probably be cheaper to wait it out a couple of months and get an external thunderbolt one - it'll be just as fast if not faster!


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  • Mord
    Apr 25, 11:02 AM
    In all ways except plumbing, she's a woman.
    Are you mad enough to join in the beat down?

    Not that I don't appreciate your sentiment, but her pluming has been reported as female (unless you mean a womb?). Though yes, even if it wasn't it wouldn't change the fact that she's a woman

    People seem to be making all kinds of assumptions about this girl they've never met, it's ridiculous.

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  • joshuarayer
    Apr 15, 03:55 PM
    This is true, the liger really is the biggest of the big cats.
    Also, like most hybrids, they are born sterile so it really would be the last of the line... :D

    Actually, according to Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tiglon) anyway, there are second generation hybrids from a Tiger and Tigon called a Litigon and a Titigon depending on which is the male and which is the female. No wiki page for it but it is mentioned under the Tigon wiki page.


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  • Apple OC
    May 1, 11:01 PM

    Why don't you do some thought provoking reading when your done with your anti-intellectual knee jerk reaction?

    you seem defensive about something ... please explain his bit role in Al-Queda some more for me :rolleyes:

    Ayman al-Zawahiri is known as the #2 guy in Al-Queda

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  • Vertigo50
    Apr 13, 07:58 PM
    It's still not going to happen. Just watch.

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  • jaw04005
    May 1, 10:05 PM
    Good. Hell of a way to kick off your reelection campaign.

    Apr 14, 09:13 AM
    My $0.2

    Hey you've paid 10x too much for your opinion, in my opinion.

    Apr 21, 07:06 PM
    I don't buy it.

    Again, the link:


    So your link is to an article where the writer has no clue why it wasn't done? Not very useful. Again, I don't get why people don't get this. A backlight keyboard takes more room. Not a lot but some. The new MBAs are thinner with larger batteries than the first. Seems pretty reasonable it wouldn't fit. Note this is Apple, which do you think they would chose, thinner or a backlight keyboard?

    Apr 14, 04:25 PM
    iPad WiFi, iPad 3G, iPad 2 WiFi, iPad 2 3G, iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS, AT&T iPhone 4, Verizon iPhone 4, iPod Touch..

    Don't make me sort it by different GB models also! LMAO! :cool:

    Apr 11, 02:20 PM
    The people who continually repeat, "There are no Thunderbolt devices" will be crushed, I'm sure. :D

    Oct 24, 08:38 AM
    Anyone called the stores yet to see if they are in stock? Dont want to barrage them with calls...