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More Juicy Details About Glee Live! 3D!

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They had us believin'!
Photo Credit: FOX © Fox Broadcasting Co.
The news that the Glee Live! tour would be coming to movie theaters this summer was enough to have us majorly Gleeking out earlier this week. Hold onto your shirts, because The Hollywood Reporter has released more details about the much-hyped 3D film.

Who will we see?

Almost all of your favorites will appear on the big screen. Yup, that meansDarren Criss (Blaine), too! In fact, Matthew Morrison (Will) and Jane Lynch (Sue) will probably be the only ones sitting out, as neither are part of the live tour — though we may see some taped-from-a-different-location videos thrown into the show like last year. (Get a taste of all the excitement from their first go-round here!)

How good will it really be?

If you think this movie is going to be nothing but a cheap money grab on the Glee team’s part, think again. “We knew that not every fan who wanted to attend a concert would get that opportunity,” show creator Ryan Murphy told The Hollywood Reporter. “Now, thanks to our friends at Twentieth Century Fox Film, we’ll be able to bring the concert experience to movie theaters across the country in full three-dimensional glory. We promise every passionate Gleek a cinematic experience that will have them singing and dancing in the aisles.” We expect nothing less.

What will they sing?

Everything from Britney to Journey to Katy Perry. Needless to say, it’s everything we love about Glee but bigger, louder, and hotter. (Hello?Mark Salling [Puck] in 3D? ‘Nuff said.)

Glee Live! 3D! hits theaters in August.

Glee Live! 3D!: Attack of the Giant Nose!

Photo Credit: Jason Merritt/Getty Images
Lea Michele flaunts mile-long lashes and shiny locks at the Glee Academy Screening in Hollywood, CA.
We’re psyched about Glee Live! 3D!, but one Glee star is worried about her appearance on the big screen. Despite all the talk of self-acceptance in“Born This Way,” Lea Michele (Rachel) is worried about the size of her schnoz in eye-popping 3D.

"My nose is gonna be insane," she joked to E! Online. "People are gonna put on those glasses, and I feel bad for them!"

Oh, Lea, did you learn nothing from your “Pretty/Unpretty” mashup? Here’s guessing plenty of Gleeks — and non-Gleeks! — will have no problem watching you in 3D.

Glee Live! 3D! hits theaters August 12.
While at last night's Glee Academy screening and Q&A, Lea Michele(Rachel) compared her own prom to the one we'll see on Glee next week. She also confessed her MET Ball fear — which, lucky for her, never became a reality — involving a certain Vogue editor-in-chief. Tread lightly, Lea!
Source: E! Online