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monster energy wallpapers

monster energy wallpapers. CAS Honda Monster Energy Team
  • CAS Honda Monster Energy Team

  • zioxide
    Jan 12, 05:10 PM
    Whatever it is, it better not be 13.3''. That's too big, and definitely not an ultraportable.

    12'' widescreen is the key.

    monster energy wallpapers. Monster Energy wallpaper
  • Monster Energy wallpaper

  • WeegieMac
    Apr 1, 02:21 PM
    Folders animation when opening/closing is a little improved, but still looks like a bottom range PC trying to run Half Life 2 on full settings. :D

    monster energy wallpapers. monster energy wallpapers.
  • monster energy wallpapers.

  • twoodcc
    May 8, 02:59 AM
    After I read your suggestion it occurred to me that I have access to the console (through inCrease) and can change it there (also where I told it not to do large units, wouldn't get done in time on the 08) I am running a3 on the 09 though (not sure if those are bigadv)

    wait, so are you running a3's on your 09s? or bigadv units?

    also, congrats to whiterabbit for 15 million points!

    monster energy wallpapers. monster energy wallpaper for
  • monster energy wallpaper for

  • twoodcc
    Jan 6, 08:44 PM
    We are now in 56th place!

    And mc68k should be over 10 million about now! Congrats! Happy new year :D

    great news! glad we are passing some teams!

    thats great news! it's been a while since we've been able to pass teams with ease. prob due to new enthusiastic users + the bigadv WUs

    i'll be at 8 digits, not too bad. but it's really just a #. things might be changing for me for the worse WU-wise temporarily

    congrats! yeah my numbers might be down a lil also in the next couple of weeks it's looking like

    monster energy wallpapers. the 2009 Monster Energy®
  • the 2009 Monster Energy®

  • jsm4182
    Feb 27, 01:49 AM
    The rule is actually very simple as far as the LCD ones go:
    LCD <20" = Studio Display (15" and 17")
    Any LCD 20" or larger = Cinema Display (Watch the G4 Sawtooth intro on youtube, and you see the very first 22" DVI-D (Pre ADC) Cinema Display which was a BTO option on the 450 and 500Mhz PowerMac G4s in 1999. That was the first gen. The Aluminium ones are about the 4th I believe (22" DVI-D, 22" ADC, 20 and 23" ADC/Acryllic, then the 20" Aluminium ones).

    I thought all the plastic ones were called studio displays, didn't realize the bigger ones were called cinema. My mistake.

    I used to use them in College, the video lab had MDD PowerMac G4s, each with a 22 and 17.

    monster energy wallpapers. Monster Energy Wallpaper
  • Monster Energy Wallpaper

  • rhett7660
    Apr 3, 12:13 AM
    Good commercial! Liked it!

    monster energy wallpapers. Monster Energy HD Wallpaper by
  • Monster Energy HD Wallpaper by

  • imnotatfault
    Aug 19, 09:43 AM
    Yeah. let's hope... But my confidence in the ability of others to be as smart and cool as I was never developed as a child.

    I've just been surprised by all the calls (almost frenzy-like) by others on this thread (it seems you and I are pretty much on the same page as I just read your comments you entered while I was entering my own) to make the iPod, basically, an all-in-one type peice of crap. I have honestly asked why they really need this and have only sen one (maybe two) cool, albeit niche-type, uses.

    While some may say Steve is mercurial, I hope in this case he is 1) on my side here, 2) just as mercurial and controlling as rumored and 3) pays no attention to this thread or any polls in which like-minded individuals participate.

    Well put. And I think outside of the hardcore businessy types, those features are really lost on the everday person. My girlfriend has a Dell Axim, and it was really fun to write with a stylus and put my to-do list in and put stuff into the calendar. Two weeks later, I pulled it out to play a game of Solitaire then turned it back off.

    I KNOW this isn't what Apple intends, and by doing this, they'd alienate the market they worked so hard to gain over, which are casual users who don't know much about technology (which is why they stick with PC--comfort, not active choice).

    monster energy wallpapers. Monster Energy iPhone
  • Monster Energy iPhone

  • Cygnus311
    Sep 1, 12:38 PM
    I couldn't disagree with you more.

    This size represents the iMac that can display Full resolution 1080p HD content. If they introduce this and then eventually throw a Blu-ray in there they've got the killer combination. Front Row is already setup to be a home-theatre replacement. I mean come on, it's basically an HDTV...it's 1080p, it's got a remote, and it's got front row... This will sell like crack... Digital crack...

    A 23" home theater screen? Umm.......

    monster energy wallpapers. monster energy drink as my
  • monster energy drink as my

  • Brien
    Jun 23, 12:36 PM
    I wouldn't mind an iOS-type OS on an iMac as long as it had some more features of a full-fledged desktop OS. As in:

    -Multiple Users
    -Some kind of file system
    -More apps of a creative side (ie movie editing, word processing, programming, etc.) instead of just media consuming apps

    Note: this list is not exhaustive; there are many more features I'd like that I just can't think of at the moment.

    Plus, some games/apps will need to be done, specifically those that need the accelerometers. I don't think people would want to swing around a 20/30 pound computer. But that would be a good way to make more money; people keep breaking them so they'll have to pay for repairs/new ones.

    I doubt 10.7 will be such an overhaul. Probably more like Mac OS X 11.0 or a totally new naming scheme.

    iMac or not, iOS 4.1 better support printing. Such a glaring omission, and honestly with the hardware/software advancements since the original iPhone, other than maybe (Adobe) Flash, it's really the only minus left.

    monster energy wallpapers. monster energy wallpaper.
  • monster energy wallpaper.

  • lynziwow
    Nov 25, 10:16 PM
    I'm a manager at an eyewear boutique. This is not Sunglasses Hut. We do not carry Oakley. We specialize in high-end, independent, mostly European designers that most people haven't heard of.

    $400 is average for a pair of frames. The average pair of rx glasses without insurance is between $700 and $900.

    I have never seen a case as intense as that gun case used to protect eyewear, ever! But don't take offense, each to his own.

    Just wanted to raise awareness to all these people stating that $200-$400 is "expensive" for eyewear when they are spending $$$$$$ on phones, computers, tvs, etc; which are probably replaced more frequently than the glasses which help them see and are the first accessory others see on them.

    Glasses should be as important of an investment as your fancy electronics.

    Check out these brands if you're interested: ic! Berlin, Face a Face, Orgreen, Bevel, undostrial, strada del sol, historie du voire, theo, and so many more.

    - eyewear nerd:cool:

    monster energy wallpapers. Monster Energy Logo Wallpaper
  • Monster Energy Logo Wallpaper

  • liketom
    Jul 19, 04:56 PM
    Wow, he basically just revealed they're working on an iPhone...
    nope just putting iTunes on the phone

    monster energy wallpapers. monster energy wallpapers.
  • monster energy wallpapers.

  • darkplanets
    Jun 22, 12:13 PM
    As long as it has OSX (or whatever the next is) underneath, always, then I have no problems with an integrated iOS layer in OSX. In fact, I would much rather see dashboard disappear and iOS take its place, because let's face it; dashboard is worthless due to its horrible implementation.

    Let's make that a prediction, shall we?

    If this comes to fruition I see dashboard getting the boot and the iOS overlay taking its place, but only on touch enabled macs.

    Can someone say new touch enabled cinema display, as well as the new "track pad gadget" being released? This would make perfect sense, if this rumor were true.

    monster energy wallpapers. monster energy 2007 28
  • monster energy 2007 28

  • Kludge420
    Mar 25, 03:11 PM
    On my MacBook Pro 10.6.7 fried my Ruby install. On my nearly identically setup MacMini it was fine. Install at your own risk and do a full system backup first!

    monster energy wallpapers. Gallery
  • Gallery

  • N10248
    Mar 24, 06:48 PM
    Couldn't they simply upgrade that as well? I can't imagine why they couldn't. I mean we are talking future Mac Pros.

    It would most likely make the Mac Pro more expensive even if you go with the cheapest graphics card as all Mac Pros would have to have a better PSU Just in case the owner decides to upgrade the card later.

    monster energy wallpapers. Monster Energy
  • Monster Energy

  • aaps59
    Feb 7, 04:38 PM
    Very nice, how's yours holding up?

    My parents have '07 LR3 and an '07 Range Rover sport. Both have been very reliable aside from some software issues in the RRS that were quickly sorted out. There have been a couple little things but overall they have been much more reliable than our previous Discoveries.

    We had an LR4 as a loaner and it's like night and day over the LR3. The interior is significantly nicer and the ride is smoother.

    Ja, well ours hasn't had really many issues. We bought it used, had it since early 08. Issues it has had are that mice once chewed some wires underneath it which controlled several things such as the height control, timing, gearing, such as it wouldnt really let it get out of 3rd gear. We had that fixed... =/ The dealer ((Ray Catena, Edison)) said it was quite common, and they took the liberty of exchanging our battery and adding even more to the already jaw-dropping service fees. Other issues consisted of a faulty electric parking break which still doesnt work, after we took it to the dealer.
    So basically electric issues. Which is pretty common for the already unreliable Land Rovers. Me personally, I love em. :cool:

    Yeah, LR4's look pretty epic, I like the exterior lighting much more, and the interior does seem to be much nicer. I heard about the Discovery issues and I agree that Land Rover quality changed a great deal after the 2005/2006 redesigns. I.e. the introduction of the RRS, facelifted RR, and the introduction of the LR3, AND the later introduction of the LR2.

    monster energy wallpapers. Monster+energy+girls+
  • Monster+energy+girls+

  • bassjunky
    Mar 23, 08:33 AM
    Apple is totally a lone player in this market of HDD-based high capacity MP3 player. The only thing prohibiting me from nabbing one of these is the highly scratchable chrome back. If Apple goes with full unibody aluminum enclosure, I'll nab one for sure.

    Seriously? The only reason that you haven't picked up a high-capacity iPod is because you might scratch the back side? :confused:

    monster energy wallpapers. Monster Energy Kyle Loza
  • Monster Energy Kyle Loza

  • Multimedia
    Aug 26, 11:47 PM
    It's not that I know anything - it's just that it's so bloody obvious that nothing in Apple's current lineup is even remotely suitable for a home theater PC....

    However, a Conroe in a DVD-player sized case, with 2 or 3 500GB or 750GB drives, a couple of TV tuners (SD and HD), FrontRow on steroids - then you'd have something.

    Take a peek at what available in Windows for the Home Theatre space - like: http://www.acedigitalhome.com/limited.htm

    Conroes with quad TV tuners, RAID, touch-screen controls....Holy Molly! That look fantastic! How much money are they?

    monster energy wallpapers. monster energy girls wallpaper
  • monster energy girls wallpaper

  • Mr. Chewbacca
    Mar 24, 01:23 PM
    If you don't think your mind is capable of learning to be ambidextrous then you must not have a very high view of the human brain. Would it be very difficult, and unpleasant at first? Absolutley , is it possible? YES! You're not born knowing how to write, you're taught. Teachers used to force student to write with their right hands. You weren't born gay, you chose to be gay.

    I think the founding fathers took more of the view of denominations than religions. Let's think where they came from. Their entire lives were controlled by a tyrant, including religion. They wanted to ensure they made a government that fixed the flawed society they lived in. Does anyone remember how much the articles of confederation sucked, because they were afraid of a government to centrist. The founding fathers were Christian (all of them) no, but to say our country isn't founded on Christianity is absolutely absurd.

    Personally, I don't think this thread is the place to argue such a topic. Since this is supposed to be about the App, and Apple's right to dismiss it. I think Apple has the right to, but in my opinion it shouldn't have been let go, because some 154,000 out of millions of users decided they didn't like it via online petition. If you want to debate send me a PM and you can have my email address.

    Our discussion is related to the app and the reasons it was pulled. I prefer discussions on public forums with many opinions. I feel this is pretty on topic and hope you continue to participate. We may not agree but that is the point of a debate.

    Funny you should mention ambidextrous, I lost the use of my right hand in the 3rd grade after a pretty bad accident, it took a long time to come back and is still not 100%. For a while I got better and better at using my left hand but as my right hand got stronger I eventually went back to using it because�. I was born that way!

    Many christians are forced to live a straight life style but eventually come out of the closet for the same reason I went back to using my right hand, not that I�m not smart enough to use the left.. I just don�t.

    As for the founding fathers, that argument can get way off topic, my point is that in their own words our government was not founded on religion but even if it had been I still wouldn�t care. Our founding fathers had slaves and wives with little civil rights, their way of life does not dictate mine as it shouldn�t

    As for the app being pulled, Apple is a business not a court and will make decisions based mostly on money.

    monster energy wallpapers. Monster Energy Display
  • Monster Energy Display

  • Lurchdubious
    Nov 26, 01:15 AM
    Comp-tac Minotaur holster. (not my pic)


    Sep 7, 12:54 AM
    I hope hope hope that iTMovieStore becomes a super success.... and I hope that Steve will force them into a $9.99-Only model and not that stupid $14.99 hierachy..... they'll have to "submit" after it becomes super successful. haha.

    now seriously, movies here in new york are a blasted $10.50-10.75!!! ridiculous. I remember like "2 weeks ago" when movies were at most 8.75, but then when Star Wars Episode 1 came out and then Episode II, AMC 25 in manhattan suddenly bumped their prices up.....each time. "Oh, cause Star Wars, we must raise prices".

    And, they've kept it ever since. Movies are making huge returns, and yet we have to pay a boat-load of money.. Soon it'll be $15. And you know what, Hollywood is going to pay and so will the theater chains. I hope the online model takes over at high quality. I can see it now, I'll pay $50 for a "rental" ...i won't mind........ when i have a 54" iTunes-DRM-signed code for mass-viewing (This is the future, i think) and i'll have 10 friends over.... it'll be Theater-replacement baby!! Like boxing on PPV.... pay $50 and have 10 friends over. I'd pay.... i am talking about current releases. And, when they are 3 months old... $9.99 to buy. THank you Apple. Now, Do it!

    no more distribution costs. no more manufacturing costs. lower prices. right? Not if Hollywood has their way with ridiculous $19.99 prices... HELLO!! Hello!! that's DVD prices.... for a packaged DVD......!! HELLO!!! McFly!!

    This is why I'm getting into Hollywood myself. I plan to be part of the revolution. Sure I like money just like any other schmoe. But, there is something wrong with everythign right now. Especially since all movies are crap these days.... formulaic and tired. And they want to keep raising the prices!

    Rant over:confused:

    Dude, stop ranting. Do you even work in the movie industry? God damn price of milk is going up too.. why don't you rant about that as well? I hate it when people complain about rising prices.. sheesh.. do you know that the cost of producing a movie or a music album has gone up?

    If I don't like the price of a DVD, I don't buy it. If its a movie I really, really like.. then sure, I find the $19 price tag more than acceptable, because I know I will be watching the movie a couple of times. Nobody's asking you to buy a DVD of every single movie that comes out.

    xi mezmerize ix
    Mar 1, 09:54 AM
    Here is the College setup, I will eventually upgrade to the Logitech Performance wireless mouse. What is seen in the picture:

    27" iMac
    11.6" Macbook Air
    Blackberry Tour
    PS3 Slim
    Xbox 360 Slim

    Picture taken with iPhone 4

    Through the door seen is my bathroom and right behind me is my bed and closets. Pretty cozy room but I think I have positioned everything to make the best of it.

    EDIT: I just hooked my iMac up to my tv to play movies/shows etc. on but I ran into one problem. I cannot turn my iMac display off and keep my tv on. If anyone knows how to do this please let me know asap!

    Damn you must be rich if you got all of that at your college.

    Jul 18, 03:45 PM
    I've watched every movie I own at least 15x, and most of them many more than that. I for one won't rent from itunes, I'd rather not is all. If they make money off of it, more power to them

    Apr 3, 05:10 AM
    Marketing geniuses :)


    They revolutionized marketing for technology a while ago, and their still setting the pace! :apple:

    May 2, 06:03 PM
    So you're saying we should go back to Mac OS Classic cooperative multi-tasking ?

    Hello ?

    The 80s called, they want their computing paradigms back. Cooperative multi-tasking makes sense on ressource limited architectures. Even the iPhone/iPad like devices are far from "ressource limited". We had pre-emptive multi-tasking on much less capable devices (think 386s with 8 MB of RAM).

    Obviously the guy you replied to did not know anything he was talking about. Apple's resume function on Lion does not break the multitasking we have on SL anyway and it's just a nice addition.