Kim Kardashian Shops 'til She Drops on Rodeo Drive Now that we’re headed toward summer, Kim Kardashian has an excuse to update her wardrobe — not that she ever needs one. The fabulous fashionista hit Rodeo Drive with a vengeance on May 5, 2011. After stopping by Chanel, Planet Blue, and Hermès, she left with her hands full of shopping bags. Ah, to be Kim Kardashian...

Kim Kardashian Has a Blast Shopping on May 5, 2011
The elusive Kim Kardashian appears in its natural habitat!
Kim Kardashian Shops on Rodeo Drive on May 5, 2011
Kim makes her way down Rodeo Drive to Planet Blue for a little (or a lot) more retail therapy.
Kim Kardashian Struggles With Her Bags on May 5, 2011
Is there someone that Kim can pay to carry her bags for her?
Kim Kardashian Carries Her Purchases on May 5, 2011
Keeping up her fabulous image isn’t easy (or cheap, for that matter), but Kim’s got to do what it takes to stay on the Maxim Hot 100 List!