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kangaroos in australia

kangaroos in australia. Grey Kangaroos, Australia
  • Grey Kangaroos, Australia

  • Multimedia
    Oct 4, 12:21 PM
    I'm afraid the new Intel Apple is going to be the same as the old PPC Apple.

    Apple, (in the past), always blamed slow implementation of new processors and long shipping wait times on low Motorola or IBM processor yields.

    Now Apple doesn't have the same excuse with Intel but I bet we don't see a Merom MBP or an Octo-MacPro until MacWorld SF or later.

    Anyone taking bets!I'm not betting. But I think the C2D MB & MBPs will come out before Thanksgiving November 23. I can see them holding out on the Dual Clovertown Mac Pro for dramatic purposes in the January 9 SteveNote. But they will be a full two months behind the shipping date if they do, which would confirm your fear which I can fully understand.

    Seems like they have not figured out how to turn on a dime or have make a conscious decision to not try and keep up with the latest ASAP and just poke along to the beat of their own weird drum. I feel a little bit hostage to their slow release pace. But perhaps we can't really understand what goes on behind the curtain and should cut them more slack. :)

    After all, they were spot on with the rapid release of the C2D iMacs a month ago. Maybe we're all being irrationally and prematurely impatient.

    kangaroos in australia. kangaroos on Australia#39;s
  • kangaroos on Australia#39;s

  • R.Perez
    Mar 15, 10:01 PM
    Which makes all the difference. Night and day. As far as anyone is concerned, making tech usable and desirable to that degree is pretty innovative.

    You really need to step out of your fanboi bubble, it seems a little silly to be honest.

    kangaroos in australia. Tags: Australia kangaroos
  • Tags: Australia kangaroos

  • mdntcallr
    Sep 25, 01:27 PM
    can anyone link to the page that says tuesday is possibly macbook pro day?

    i can't find it. And no i dont look as good aperture news as a bad thing, i am buying it.

    kangaroos in australia. Australia#39;s kangaroos have
  • Australia#39;s kangaroos have

  • bcslay
    Sep 12, 02:59 AM
    I believe that an airport extreme, or 802.11g is plenty fast to stream High-def Video, and shouldn't apple change the name of itunes at this point, since it is now a multimedia piece of software?


    kangaroos in australia. kangaroos in australia.
  • kangaroos in australia.

  • Giuly
    Apr 8, 06:20 AM
    I got http://m.UploadEdit.com/b92/45298487.gif'd recently and this one arrived at my doorstep today.

    These just died, after giving me a whopping 23 days of usage:
    I'm wondering why the Magic Mouse comes with batteries intended for Canada (http://data.energizer.com/PDFs/AX91.PDF), though.

    kangaroos in australia. kangaroos in Australia
  • kangaroos in Australia

  • alfmil
    Apr 14, 05:56 PM
    Hasn't anyone noticed that not a single US plane has been hijacked in the past 10 years? A quick look at Wikipedia shows 7 US planes hijacked in the 1970s, several in the 80s and 90s. Four planes were hijacked in 2001 (all on the same day....) - and then not a single US, European, Japanese plane has been hijacked.

    Something is working.....

    Homer Simpson: Not a bear in sight. The Bear Patrol must be working like a charm.

    Lisa Simpson: That�s specious reasoning, Dad.

    Homer: Thank you, dear.

    Lisa: By your logic I could claim that this rock keeps tigers away.

    Homer: Oh, how does it work?

    Lisa: It doesn�t work.

    Homer: Uh-huh.

    Lisa: It�s just a stupid rock.

    Homer: Uh-huh.

    Lisa: But I don�t see any tigers around, do you?

    Homer: Lisa, I want to buy your rock.


    kangaroos in australia. Poster Male Kangaroo Reclining
  • Poster Male Kangaroo Reclining

  • roadbloc
    Mar 6, 03:14 PM
    No they don't. They just attempt to copy (often badly), then license universally and flood the market with a lot junk that includes a ton of different models at very low price points.

    The scary thing is is that you actually believe this nonsense.

    kangaroos in australia. Feeding kangaroos, Port
  • Feeding kangaroos, Port

  • BornAgainMac
    Oct 17, 10:01 AM
    HD DVD for movies and Blu-Ray for data. Problem solved.

    Personally, I would rather just have digital downloads from a high speed download service and store them on my own storage whether it is on DVDs, Blu-Ray, HD-DVD as data. For large downloads, I would like to go to a local video store and download them to my laptop using Firewire 800/400 or USB but that is probably too far in the future.


    kangaroos in australia. Kangaroo Island, Australia
  • Kangaroo Island, Australia

  • Lennholm
    Apr 16, 09:09 AM
    People talk about a so-called 'reality distortion field' about Steve Jobs and yet everyday we get people blatantly ignoring truth because it doesn't fit with their own personal world view.

    Yes, there were Palms, and Blackberries, Nokia's, Sony-Ericssons, and Panasonics etc before the iPhone but when we all saw the iPhone everyone instantly knew that was the future; touch-screen, icon based, intuitive, with an emphasis on both design and usability.

    You might not like the fact that Apple revolutionized the phone market but history says otherwise.

    No, when Apple revealed the iPhone most people were thinking something along the line of "Apple seriously need to reconsider leaving out 3G and the ability to install software if they want to make it in the smart phone business", a phone that doesn't let you install new software is by definiton not a smart phone. The iPhone 3G was the real deal, ofcourse the first gen was successful, simply because it was Apple, but the 3G was when it turned into a good product and soared in popularity.
    And iPhone is far from the first icon based phone and I personally believe the Sony Ericsson P800 and P900 was a big inspiration for iPhone.

    kangaroos in australia. more than 3000 kangaroos
  • more than 3000 kangaroos

  • Neodym
    Oct 3, 05:01 PM
    This will be the first time ever, regular people will stop waiting for their computer to work, even when using multiple applications.

    Umm - sorry to destroy your illusion here, but Amiga made that possible already in 1985! This was thanks to true preemptive multitasking (while Classic MacOS sported cooperative multitasking only, up to OS9). No matter how big the workload and with several applications open at the same time an Amiga would react instantly to any user action!

    Even today a 50MHz Amiga with 128Mb of Ram often feels a lot more responsive than a 2.000+MHz beast with 1GB of Ram in a "modern" computer. Granted - todays GUIs are more complex as well, but still...

    So with the new era of multi-core machines the "rest of the (home)computerworld" will finally have come on par with what Amiga could offer more than 20 years ago already!



    kangaroos in australia. South Australia is filled with
  • South Australia is filled with

  • Bistroengine
    Apr 6, 12:37 AM
    Thread re-opened, although further cleanup may still occur.

    If you wish to continue posting in this thread (or any other) please observe the Forum Rules, particularly those related to the Rules for Appropriate Debate (http://guides.macrumors.com/Help:Rules_for_Appropriate_Debate).

    Thank God (or should I say Demi-god :) ) that you closed this post down earlier. I promise to not try and engage the Brit or the Irishman in a conversation ever again!

    kangaroos in australia. of Australia. Kangaroos
  • of Australia. Kangaroos

  • rkahl
    Mar 17, 10:14 AM
    LOL, has anyone copied and forwarded this thread to their local FBI? I'm sure they have already obtained the court order to get his ip address. Then a few weeks will pass before he gets served!


    kangaroos in australia. Australia Kangaroos
  • Australia Kangaroos

  • arkmannj
    Mar 24, 07:12 PM
    While I am glad you're 10 years old OS X, I'm also a bit sad that you abandoned your big brother OS 9 at that truck stop bathroom out in Kansas. No need to be too sad though, I'm sure he's up there in that big computer lab in the sky looking down with that big happy face he always had.

    This would NEVER Happen. but wouldn't it be an awesome treat if Apple added an emulator to Lion that could run (and was pre loaded with) each major version of Apple OS's from the Apple I on. ! (and heck while we're dreaming, how about all the Next Step OS versions too)

    It's in no way practical, but I'd truly geek out over it ! :)

    kangaroos in australia. kangaroos in australia.
  • kangaroos in australia.

  • citizenzen
    May 5, 05:38 PM
    Uh huh- then what? Get our neighboring countries to do the same?

    I guess it's a good thing that I've given up hope that America will give up it's gun obsession.

    Since as you say, there are no possible solutions. :rolleyes:


    kangaroos in australia. kangaroos in australia.
  • kangaroos in australia.

  • twoodcc
    Apr 1, 10:48 AM
    i hope that title isn't too long.

    anyway, i'm finally getting out of this place and going back to my apartment tomorrow. so right now i have basically no folding output, but will get everything back up when i get back.

    i found out from a friend that my power did go out a day after leaving to come here. i had everything setup and running perfect when i left, and bam! the power flickers and everything went down. i almost wanted to drive 14 hours back!

    but instead i got another i7 system, which gives me 3 total. i should have them up and running hopefully by saturday.

    i should be good for at least 70-75 PPD. i've been having problems with one of my i7 rigs, so only 2 of them will be doing the bigadv units until i have time to work on it.

    but it still should be my best output yet.

    kangaroos in australia. Kangaroos, found in Australia,
  • Kangaroos, found in Australia,

  • Warbrain
    Nov 23, 10:22 PM
    I guess it's just me, but none of the deals seem to be that great. No store has anything that seems to be getting me all excited, so meh, I guess I can sleep in.


    kangaroos in australia. Kangaroo Conversation
  • Kangaroo Conversation

  • GQB
    Apr 16, 12:05 AM
    Yes and Palm smartphones and Blackberries never existed before the iPhone.

    Name anything that did not build upon previous knowledge.
    The 'Apple hasn't invented anything' meme is such nonsense.
    Making things usable and desired is probably the biggest invention possible.

    And by that what do you mean. iPhones had little impact on phones like the BB Curve

    Yeah... And how's that Curve doing?

    kangaroos in australia. australia-kangaroo
  • australia-kangaroo

  • vincenz
    Apr 13, 02:07 PM
    It was so obvious that the little girl was carrying a weapon of mass destruction.

    kangaroos in australia. AUSTRALIA-KANGAROOS

  • gnasher729
    Oct 5, 02:45 PM
    Methinks you don't have a good grasp of public key encryption. (Or at least how it's supposed to work).

    It seems that you got encryption and decryption mixed up.

    Nov 16, 10:17 PM
    Indeed, this should be taken with the dash of salt it deserves... i.e. a tablespoon full

    hmm, maybe a truckload?

    Mar 3, 09:53 PM
    Fivepoint- you act as if teachers make lots of money. The don't, even though they are required to have masters degrees. People understand if the belt is tight. People do NOT understand being denied the right to unionize and fight when they feel taken advantage of. NO ONE should ever be jailed for striking. That you support this is nothing short of sickening. I am absolutely disgusted. Just wait- you guys will get yours soon enough, trust me.

    BTW, I don;t know what your point was with that link, but it indicates for the most part that the political tide can tip quite easily.

    And Bill Gates said nothing about union busting. Fail to see your point there as well.

    Will federal employees be jailed if they unionize?

    Lee, my wife is a teacher. I'm quite aware of how much they make. For the record, they aren't required to have masters degrees (where do you get this stuff?). Most importantly, without thuggish unions, good teachers like my wife would make far more money than they do today, while the bad ones would make less or be fired. Good riddance. Our students deserve better. If you can't hack it, get another job.

    Have you seen the movie 'Waiting for Superman' by chance, Lee?

    Bill Gates accurately pointed out the failure of allowing the unionization of public employees and the incredible damage it's causing our state budgets. Thankfully, people like him are willing to look at the facts and report honestly on the situation instead of pretending like the government can produce miracles out of thin air or that money grows on trees.

    Dec 15, 03:35 AM
    I'm a Verizon user and am dying for an iPhone but, AT&T just isn't reliable enough where I live (L.A.). AT&T worked fine for me in Texas when I had them but, as soon as I moved out here, there were too many dead spots and dropped calls. To be honest, I think all the carriers fundamentally suck in principle, I'm just forced to use the one that gives me reliable service.

    My question is if AT&T's exclusivity indeed DOESN'T expire until 2012, then what's the deal with the lack of AT&T iPhone commercials on TV these days? There was a time, not so long ago, when it seemd like every other TV commercial was AT&T whoring the iPhone. Now, it seems like I never see iPhone ads on TV and AT&T is touting every other phone EXCEPT the iPhone.

    Dec 13, 02:08 PM
    The report also claims that the Verizon iPhone is already shipping to Verizon warehouses, and the carrier will maintain control over all stock until launch in order to control information leaks.

    The idea of Verizon (or any operator) controlling information leaks seems a little implausible to me -- BoyGeniusReport often publishes leaked screenshots from operators, for example.

    That said, there seems to be growing consensus that the Verizon iPhone is coming -- and coming soon!

    May 2, 09:53 AM
    Screenshot fail :) build number in Quicklook titlebar.

    Buahahahahaha.....too funny.