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haifa wehbe wedding

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  • *LTD*
    Mar 11, 04:28 PM
    Links to Steve's presentations and nothing else, eh? If computing has changed, then why do we still have laptops and desktops? Even better, why does Apple still sell them?


    The industry is undergoing a massive paradigm-shift, thanks to Apple.

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  • haifa wehbe wedding. pic from

  • kdarling
    Apr 18, 08:56 AM
    Plus Android devices seem loaded with uninstallable Google services.

    I think we're all confused as to what you're talking about. Can you elaborate? Are you talking about:

    Google Maps? Google Sync? Google Search? Heck, those are "uninstallable" on the iPhone.

    Android phones often add Google Navigation and Google Voice Input, both of which are excellent and very useful.

    Of course, in either iOS or Android's case, you can simply not use them.

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  • Haifa Wahbi reveals wedding

  • chaosbunny
    May 4, 03:16 AM
    ... if it had accurate stylus input.

    Sign! With this an iPad would be interesting for me for drawing. A stylus beats fingers for drawing, the Egypts knew that 5000 years ago, but seems like Steve doesn't.

    haifa wehbe wedding. haifa wehbe wedding
  • haifa wehbe wedding

  • Lone Deranger
    Apr 2, 11:49 AM
    MS still playing catchup by the looks of the feature list in my opinion.

    Nothing there to tempt me away from OSX. Not even tempting enough to make me upgrade my W7 license.

    (And my god that desktop background image looks hideous).

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  • Middle East Beauty Haifa Wehbe

  • DPazdanISU
    Apr 5, 10:12 PM
    Wow. The ignorance of the average user of this forum is unbelievable, So much ranting about an app that nobody has to download if they hate ads so much.

    In any case, this is no different than the many many websites, blogs , YouTube accounts etc dedicated exclusively to collect tv, radio, and paper advertising from many countries. There's a lot of people who like to see ads and analyze the creativity and technique behind them.

    Agreed. Sadly, I was working on an App nearly IDENTICAL to what Apple just came out with. I am about 80% done but am wondering if it is even worth completing: http://computerharmonyinc.com/ibillboard.html

    haifa wehbe wedding. Haifa Wehbe - Wedding
  • Haifa Wehbe - Wedding

  • bbeloff
    Jan 15, 01:43 PM
    Okay, MWSF 2007 was all about the iPhone, and anyone interested in Macs had to go somewhere else to find entertainment ... but it feels like this is the second year in a row when that's happened...

    It seems as if Apple has (temporarily) abandoned any attempt to make Time Machine work with ethernet drives. What do we conclude about that? Apple screwed up? What's the problem already?

    Penryn CPUs in MacBook Pros? Where? When? Is Apple in some sort of slow bicycle race, and thinks it should be the last major laptop manufacturer to announce this? I mean really, I's just like to know, because I'll buy as soon as they're ready. Unless I die of boredom waiting.

    iPod touch gets mail. This is a big deal. Such a big deal, in fact, that I now don't need one of those razor blade shaped toys Steve announced today. And I doubt I'm the only one. The MBA looks horribly like the world's heaviest PDA, not the world's lightest laptop. I could be wrong, of course.

    haifa wehbe wedding. Haifa#39;s Wedding
  • Haifa#39;s Wedding

  • Gatesbasher
    Mar 24, 08:13 PM
    Pardon? Want to try that again?

    I can't speak for him, but DOS was tolerable. No iteration of Windows has been. That's probably what he meant.

    haifa wehbe wedding. HAIFA PICTURE WEDDING WEHBE

  • Stuipdboy1000
    May 2, 10:46 AM
    - iPod bug fixes

    Hopefully fixes the bug when album artwork doesn't show on the lock screen. It's not a critical bug, just kinda annoying.

    haifa wehbe wedding. Haifa Wehbe
  • Haifa Wehbe

  • clintob
    Oct 3, 03:45 PM
    At the risk of having a Captain Obvious moment here, I think it's safe to say that the "we want Merom" posts are getting a tad old at best. That horse has been beaten far beyond anything resembling a humane death.

    The fact is that while there are a select few of us (don't kid yourselves, the people who post on this forum represent a tiny fraction of Apple's customer base, albeit a loud fraction) that know the difference between Core Duo and Core 2 Duo, the VAST majority of users and customers neither know nor care. And to be perfectly honest, the speed difference in 99% of the things people use their computers for are unnoticeable. Try it for yourself. Web pages load at the same speed, email is sent at the same speed, and IM's come and go with the same frequency.

    The truth is, Apple doesn't really care all that much about who is or isn't shipping C2D. They know that once they come out with the next big thing, all us Photoshop users and media producers will skamper to the website and order ours just as we would have if it came out a month ago. They have stock of MB and MBP to clear out, and there's no reason for them to rush into selling a processor that most people don't even know much about when their sales are still high. Their business is great, and more importantly, their big push right now is obviously iPods for the holiday season. This is a much more popular gift item, and the holiday shopping season is barely gearing up.

    C2D (or whatever is next) will come when Apple sees novelty sales for the iPod starting to die down. Not before.

    haifa wehbe wedding. one of Haifa Wehbe#39;s
  • one of Haifa Wehbe#39;s

  • WildCowboy
    Apr 29, 04:04 PM
    Thanks for the feedback on the preferences for the scrollbars, folks...I removed it from the article.

    haifa wehbe wedding. haifa wehbe wedding.
  • haifa wehbe wedding.

  • Daveway
    Jan 9, 04:48 PM
    Awesome Running smooth. We're the first in line so its smooth. Keynote coverage and iphone release.


    haifa wehbe wedding. Egypt. [Image:
  • Egypt. [Image:

  • iW00t
    Jan 12, 01:09 AM
    That guy was an orphan who made himself into a billionaire with no help from anyone. Until you can do the same he has every reason to be smug.

    Even Bill Gates, for what it is worth, grew up in a nice sheltered family with rich parents.

    haifa wehbe wedding. Egypt. [Image:
  • Egypt. [Image:

  • eawmp1
    May 4, 04:08 PM
    Sorry, during which year of medical school do doctors receive gun safety training? How many hours of coursework on home safety do they complete? The typical MD is no more qualified to discuss these matters than any bozo on the street with more than an ounce of common sense. If they really want to help their patients child-proof their homes effectively, providing a helpful checklist would far more effective than interrogating parents.

    Which brings me back to my initial reply. . I am fine with a doctor providing a pamphlet of common household hazards and steps to prevent them, but I get the feeling this is not the case. I can too easily imagine the doctor going off on a tangent about firearms deaths statistics, etc...

    But again, the most important part: If you dont want your doctor "politicing" you, GO TO A NEW DOCTOR. There should NEVER be laws against what you can or can not say.

    My, we do get defensive about our guns, don't we? :rolleyes:

    Asking a question about potential hazard in the home does not constitute an attempt to "interrogate" or "politic." A verbal inventory is often reinforced by a written checklist. However, if the answer to "Do you have a firearm in the house?" is "yes", the follow up is "make sure there is a trigger lock, or that it is locked up where the child cannot access it."

    I agree that "a "Firearm" has ZERO possibility of injuring your child, until someone behaves irresponsibly." However, the irresponsibility is the parent leaving the firearm and ammunition where a child can access it. That is a preventable irresponsibility.

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  • Mousse
    Jul 28, 12:22 PM
    The Volt should sell for no more than $20,000. What a ripoff!!!!


    How do you figure? A comparable gas powered car is in the $30,000+ range. Hybrids have always been higher priced than equivalent gas powered cars. Electric even higher priced than hybrids. Besides, a early adopters are paying for the development cost in addition to the production cost.

    Anyhow, I'll only be interested once it hits the road. I've been hearing a production model is coming next year for a few years now.:rolleyes:

    haifa wehbe wedding. Posts Tagged haifa-wehbe
  • Posts Tagged haifa-wehbe

  • Di9it8
    Nov 23, 04:53 PM
    Would a US .Mac code bought now work in the UK in February? ;-)
    Should work anywhere from date of first use/registration:rolleyes:

    haifa wehbe wedding. Haifa Wehbe - Wedding
  • Haifa Wehbe - Wedding

  • EiriasEmrys
    Apr 25, 12:15 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    I feel like apple could be attempting to spurn the rumors this time around by feeding a lot of different and false trails into the rumor mill. After the gizmodo incident and the press it got, they might be likely to try anything to keep their baby under wraps.

    haifa wehbe wedding. Haifa Wehbe Picture
  • Haifa Wehbe Picture

  • soosy
    Aug 7, 03:29 PM
    Unfortunately they are still seriously lacking in ports. Digital DVI only...no VGA, S-Video, etc with input toggle switch. No easy way to hook up an Xbox 360 for instance. Or to give the monitor a second life as a tv if you upgrade to larger displays.

    I hope they change their stance on this because it's a deal breaker for me.

    haifa wehbe wedding. Haifa Wehbe
  • Haifa Wehbe

  • MasterHowl
    Mar 24, 03:09 PM
    Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Mac OS X, happy birthday to you :apple::apple::apple::apple::apple::apple:

    haifa wehbe wedding. Haifa Wehbe
  • Haifa Wehbe

  • Eidorian
    Sep 25, 11:24 AM
    You are kidding right? There's a whole guide on "next Tuesday" right here on MR.I was worried I'd have to make one.


    Oct 2, 04:02 PM
    I can't believe that people are disgruntled that we are forced to use iTunes with iPod.
    iTunes is brilliant.
    It's not as if we are forced to use something really crummy like WMP with the worlds favourite MP3 player.

    "Unnamed company"

    We all know who that is....Real.

    & Microsoft.

    Mar 17, 01:38 AM
    You seem like a joy to be around.

    What you did is inexcusably wrong, what do you expect? The "stoner," as you so eloquently put it, probably lost his job, and you're trying to make excuses for yourself.

    Grow up.

    Oh and by the way, ever heard of projection? I'm pretty sure my sex life has nothing to do with this dumb site. You seem a little unsettled though. Just saying.

    Well... The good in this, is that you saved cash, and if he did get fired you taught this boy a very valuable lesson, one in which he will not soon forget. He will find another job, he will grow up and use this story and be careful and attentive at his job.

    Apr 13, 08:49 AM
    I imagine they have to scan kids because desperate smugglers/addicts have hidden drugs on their children in the past.

    Apr 22, 06:48 PM
    Sorry to break it to you but a device that records my location and saves that for reporting back, or for someone else to read is a serious breach of my privacy. As I stated, the police were fully aware of this, making this privacy breach more big brother like then anything else.

    If anyone else were doing this, you'd be crying foul so fast but because its your beloved apple, they get a pass for recording your locations :confused:


    My locations aren't a secret. I can be photographed, recorded on video, and SEEN by everyday people.

    You want privacy? Stay the **** home. There's your privacy. You have a lease, you own property, you have an address, you're on the grid. You can be found very, very easily. Especially by your creditors. Do you know that your credit report contains virtually everything about you? Employers, current and former, addresses, current and former, active credit products, dormant credit products, your bill paying history, Social Security Number, date of birth, emergency contacts/next of kin, any legal items against you, any inquiries ever made by creditors or their partners (collections agencies), etc. Any creditor or prospective creditor can have a look at it - and that includes ALL of their partners.

    Tracking where you go is NOTHING.

    You walk out the door, you're fair game. I have nothing to hide. I don't have the nuclear launch codes, and the big bad government and guys in the black helicopters probably know that I don't have them. Do you? LOL

    Much ado about nothing. This stuff is benign for the average person.

    I don't care if Apple does it, or Google, or Microsloth. What exactly are they going to do with my location information? Send a black car to tail me?

    It's the *principle* of all this that's got you worried. But in *practice* there's really no affect to you. You think it's more control over your life by someone else, but it really isn't.

    Live with it.

    Apr 4, 02:59 PM
    no what i mean is IF he has all his info showing that he owns the 360 then they (MS) should communicate with the police to get this taken care of. if the police has all the info showing his house was broken into and other info. then MS should give out the info to the police to be able to track it down. if your 360 was stolen and they used it to start buying arcade games using your CC info then what would you say about it, you would want it back wouldn't you

    the whole reason each 360 has its own ID number is to track them down in case they was stolen. seem's like MS isn't doing what they set out to do with the unique ID identification of the 360 or XBOX. now if your 360 was stolen wouldn't you want to see your 360 returned or let the thieves keep it so you would have to buy another one. so your basicity telling me that MS should do nothing, even tho they implemented a ID system to track down a said system if this was to happen and not use it to help get the said system back and to catch the thieves.

    you seem to be one of those people that side with the thieve to me. if you ask me i think everything should be done that can be don't to catch them and get the system back no questions asked.