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  • jmgregory1
    Mar 22, 01:16 PM

    'lets make a tablet for our business users, to get serious workloads done. we can call it the playbook'.
    i didn't know charlie sheen was in charge of their team?

    If you watch and listen to Rim's co-leaders, you see the resemblance to Charlie Sheen. I'm all for company's fluffing their feathers and believing in the products they market and sell, but these guys come off as being sooo Charlie Sheen. Their grasp of reality is lacking to the point of making them sound ridiculous. I'm surprised investors don't punish them more for this - but of course many Wall Streeters still use BB's, so it makes sense.

    Change is tough for lots of people and companies - which keeps Rim going and will at the same time be the death of them.

    google barcode logo. google barcode logo. google
  • google barcode logo. google

  • FF_productions
    Aug 15, 01:04 PM
    My main interest is in FCP the FCP results.

    On a fixed budget, does anyone know the advantage/disadvantage of going for the 2.0Ghz with 1900XT over 2.6Ghz with the std video card?

    Video cards won't make a difference in FCP as of now if that's what you are asking performance wise. If you are using Motion/Games, anything that really feeds off the video card, then I'd go for the higher end video card.

    Otherwise I'd go for the 2.6 ghz.

    google barcode logo. google barcode logo. google
  • google barcode logo. google

  • rdowns
    Apr 27, 08:35 AM
    Really disappointed in him caving in to the wingnuts.

    ****ing Trump is on TV live claiming credit for its release and questioning whether it's real or not.

    Why does our media insist on enabling him?

    google barcode logo. google barcode logo. bar code
  • google barcode logo. bar code

  • Graham King
    Apr 6, 12:01 PM
    Just want to chime in on the Blu-ray issue. I shoot weddings professionally (~$60k per year) and a majority of my clients want Blu-ray. I encode with Compressor and author with Encore. It does the job just fine but I would love for DVDSP to support Blu-ray authoring. Doing menus and buttons in Encore is a major pain in the rear and if authoring Blu-rays could be as easy as authoring DVDs in DVDSP, I will be upgrading sooner rather than later.

    google barcode logo. google barcode logo. google
  • google barcode logo. google

  • mcrain
    Mar 17, 12:51 PM
    How many times did Barack Obama attempt to draw a difference between himself and Hillary by saying "I was against the war from the beginning."? Lots. He was against the war from the beginning, and he campaigned on ending the Iraq war and escalating the Afghanistan war in an attempt to do what we went there for in the first place; and actually plan on an orderly end of the conflict. So, yes, you are correct. He was against the Iraq war from the beginning, and he said so. Bravo, 1-1 so far.

    How many times did he attempt to portray himself as the polar opposite of George Bush, especially his foreign policy? Lots. In what ways has he not been the polar opposite? Do you have examples or cites? He did try to close Guantanamo, and the GOP blocked him. He actually put in place a time table for withdrawal from Iraq. He actually focused our efforts on Afghanistan; the war that started in response to 9/11 (almost 10 years ago btw).

    How many times did he say that he was going to repair the view of America in the eyes of the Muslim world? Lots. Hasn't he? A dead fish would have had a better image than GWB in that part of the world.

    How many times did he the right wing media say he would talk to leaders of 'terrorist nations' without preconditions? Lots. Fixed that for ya.

    google barcode logo. google barcode logo.
  • google barcode logo.

  • benthewraith
    Mar 31, 10:52 PM
    Cutting corners is the one thing Apple generally doesn't do (or they spin it perfectly).

    You mean AntennaGates 1 & 2, iOS 4 on iPhone 3G, the light bleeding on the iPads before shipping, the Macbook Airs crashing when using iTunes aren't examples of Apple cutting corners to get a product to release? I will buy Mac probably for the rest of my life so long as the company is in business and putting out great products with great operating systems.

    And they didn't spin it perfectly. Steve Jobs told consumers they were holding the phone wrong and pretended the problem would go away.

    google barcode logo. Drop the arcode gun! Google
  • Drop the arcode gun! Google

  • tekmoe
    Sep 19, 07:38 AM
    apple store isn't down yet. I don't expect it today like a lot of people do

    i agree. i think the store would have went down already. next monday has got to be it.

    google barcode logo. google barcode logo. wasp
  • google barcode logo. wasp

  • blahblah100
    Apr 27, 09:46 AM
    There aren't any concerns, but since the media hyped this up so much, they had to address it. Now they have. Should be the end of the story. But it won't be since there are anti-Apple folks who will push to keep this story alive as long as they can until the next Apple-gate story gets created.

    And I'm sure when the next Apple-gate story gets created, the blind fanbois will jump to their defense. :rolleyes:

    google barcode logo. The Google logo today celebrates the 57th anniversary of the arcode.
  • The Google logo today celebrates the 57th anniversary of the arcode.

  • mcrain
    Apr 27, 02:46 PM
    Are you calling me a liar? I literally went to WhiteHouse.gov, opened the file in Illustrator, and moved the text around myself. :rolleyes:
    Some things never change. Laughably bias.

    Anyway, like I said, I'm sure there's an explanation... are there any graphic designers here who can help?

    Is there an explanation for why it matters to you and all the birthers who buy into this nonsense? I'd love to know which right-wing website had instructions for birthers wanting to "test" the image in Illustrator. It's pretty obvious you were following some fringe-website instructions. I highly doubt you just "happened" to open it in Illustrator and then do whatever. I mean, you aren't a graphic designer.

    google barcode logo. google barcode logo.
  • google barcode logo.

  • iMikeT
    Aug 26, 07:11 PM
    Oh man.... I sure these new processors make their way into the PowerMac G5.

    google barcode logo. google barcode logo. one of
  • google barcode logo. one of

  • Banjhiyi
    Mar 26, 04:49 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    This might explain the shambles that is 10.6.7.

    Last release before Lion - semi-brick your machine to force an upgrade.

    iOS 4.3, last release before iPhone 5 - murder your battery to force an upgrade.

    You've guessed it, I'm not very happy with Apple at the moment. So which is it; underhand tactics, sloppy Q&A or declining standards?

    google barcode logo. google barcode logo. wasp
  • google barcode logo. wasp

  • Vitruviux
    Apr 11, 07:24 PM
    I have to laugh to myself whenever I read someone say "If Apple waits too long, I may jump ship and head over to Android/RIM/Win7/whatever."

    Yeah, right. And then come December you'll make a thread titled "Owned Droid 3, now own iPhone 5 and LOVE IT!!!!"

    Apple won't suffer from delaying. If iPhone 4 and survive "antenna-gate", I doubt a 3-6 month delay of releasing a product will have a lasting negative effect on them at all.

    ^ This!

    All your empty threads of moving to another platform are laughable! You are not going anywhere, you WILL wait or if you move, you'll swallow your pride and come crawling back to the iPhone.

    Even if Apple does not release anything in 2011 at all, iPhone 4 will still be the best phone on the market.

    It does not matter that Galaxy S II is a monster of a phone, it's running on Android... which does not even have a Hardware Accelerated UI... dual core CPUs and it's still jittery and choppy.

    I just hope Apple works A LOT on iOS 5, and keeps the design the same as 4.

    As for iOS 5...

    Notifications need to be revamped/ripped off from Android(the only good feature Android has over iOS).
    Widgets or Live icons
    Integrated SIP support
    Mass Storage Support on Windows
    Filesystem, so we can drag and drop media easily
    REAL multitasking option/toggle for apps of your choice
    Alarm with a configurable snooze function(amount of snoozes, time in between)
    Custom SMS/email tones
    Full Bluetooth support, sending files, contacts, syncing, etc...
    Free navigation with an ability to download maps to use them offline

    google barcode logo. Happy 60th Birthday Barcode!
  • Happy 60th Birthday Barcode!

  • toddybody
    Mar 26, 04:33 AM
    So its like, the complete version er...not quite done yet, but nearly finished..

    google barcode logo. google barcode logo. ferrari
  • google barcode logo. ferrari

  • ryanx27
    Aug 27, 10:30 PM
    Hey for what its worth, i understand where you're coming from Zadillo BUT some people still find the joke funny and therefore it deserves to be told.

    You know what, I found it funny before going into this thread, and now I don't. :rolleyes:

    google barcode logo. google barcode logo.
  • google barcode logo.

  • bibbz
    Jun 11, 09:09 PM
    Okay, the guy I talked to seem pretty good. He just said he can't guarantee that they are even going to get the phones on the 24th. Thats what worried me. He said he couldn't promise me that they will have the phones on the 24th.

    The way our DC knows to send us phones on launches is by how many we pre order.

    For example for the evo launch my store pre ordered 10, so we were guaranteed to get 10. We also got some extra based on how many pre orders we took, so we got 15 total. The 5 extra were gone within the 1st hour. About 1/2 the pre orders were gone by 10, then the rest of the pre orders came in randomly throughout the day.

    As a company we had 10k we could pre order. Once all the stores reached that limit, pre orders stopped. Then we had a different allocation of phones that were sent to stores based on how many preorders they did. I would imagine apple will have us in waaaay better position than just 10k for 4500ish stores.

    One thing to be concerned about though if you are on the west coast is if we have say 25k to pre order from, the other 3 time zones have a 3 hour jump on those. All the pre orders could be gone by the time the west coast stores open. Pre order early, and pre order often!!

    google barcode logo. google barcode logo,
  • google barcode logo,

  • bokdol
    Aug 18, 09:22 AM
    hey bokdol, you and i can start a business and help all the intel mac pro users dispose of their old G5 power macs

    we can go into business :)

    i'm in
    we can start today

    google barcode logo. google barcode logo. arcode
  • google barcode logo. arcode

  • blackcrayon
    Mar 22, 09:56 PM
    Christ I am so sick of them taking fantastic hardware and absolutely ruining it by using proprietary file formats and frankenstein versions of Android. I do get a kick out of their 10.1" model being both thinner and lighter than the 9.7" Ipad2 though. That will undoubtedly have the apple apologists out en masse.

    Yes 2 tenths of a millimeter thinner and 6 - 12 grams of weight difference... I'm sure the "apple apologists" are losing a lot of sleep over that one :rolleyes:

    google barcode logo. google barcode logo. bar code
  • google barcode logo. bar code

  • citizenzen
    Mar 22, 08:19 PM
    It is obvious the UN has taken sides here, no doubt about it. Do you disagree with that decision?

    The U.N. Security Council perhaps, but not the entire assembly. It would have been interesting to open that issue up to debate and seen how all the members would have voted.

    What I always wonder is what diplomatic efforts were used to pressure Qaddafi? There were no (as far as I know) threats of economic embargoes, freezing of assets, or other less violent methods to coerce Qaddafi. We didn't need to convince him to step dow. We simply needed to convince him that he needed to tone down, defend himself against the armed insurrection, but not cast a wider and violent campaign against innocent civilians.

    I need a clearer demonstration that serious steps were taken before resorting to war. War should be used as the last resort and only when it's clear that all other options have failed.

    google barcode logo. Google#39;s new logo is a arcode
  • Google#39;s new logo is a arcode

  • babyj
    Sep 19, 09:46 AM
    I am new to this (and still waiting to buy my first Mac). BUT why all this talk about speed and not about screen size.

    I will buy a new Mac as soon as the new models arrive, but I could probably do with a MacBook - but I just think 13" is to small (my eyes are getting old). Does anyone think a 15" MacBook will be out anytime soon - or do I just have to pay the extra price for the MacBook Pro

    I used to think that until I replaced my 12" Thinkpad with a (budget) 15" Thinkpad. A 15" laptop is obviously a lot bigger, possibly heavier and definetly more difficult to carry around everywhere. I'll never buy a 15" laptop again.

    It depends on how you will be using it, but one good option that works for me is to go for a 13" so its more portable then get a cheap 17"/19" TFT monitor for home and use it to extend the desktop. Forget Merom, I don't know how I survived for so long without an extended desktop.

    An extra 17"s really does change your life!

    Apr 27, 03:10 PM
    I'd be fascinated to know exactly what you did to "discover" those layers, 5P. I have Photoshop and Illustrator too. Guess what? One layer. Nothing selectable. At least one of us is talking complete bollocks.

    Nov 28, 07:48 PM
    If we're already paying a royalty on blank CD-Rs because they say we are using Limewire, then aren't those of who aren't using Limewire essentially paying to use a service which we are not using?

    By my logic, if we are already compensating the music industry through our purchases, we should then be entitled to use the services I just found out from these posts that we are paying for!

    They'd have us go back to CD-format if they could, and impose whatever restrictions necessary to control whatever we do.

    Mar 26, 12:13 AM
    I still don't know what people want on these forums. I am SUBSTANTIALLY more excited about Lion than I was about Leopard or Snow Leopard. I don't care about more eye candy. Versions, autosave and resume are all great features and more importantly they're features non-techies will appreciate even more.

    Merging server is damn cool, Mission Control and the improvements to Spaces both look very compelling and I like the interface changes.

    Some of the comments on this board are inane.

    1) Launchpad is the selling point...Really? You think Versions, Resume, Mission Control, OS wide Full Screen App support are not selling points?
    2) $129 is too much. This one cracks me up. Apple is bundling a $500 product into the OS (and other OS based servers are far more expensive) and people think $129 is too much?
    3) When has Apple released an OS, and not shown new features on the final release keynote?

    Aug 15, 01:03 PM
    has adobe dropped any hints as to when CS3 will be available

    Aug 12, 01:35 AM
    What OS will the iPhone be running? :confused:

    Mac OS Kitten.