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'Glee' Finale: Behind-The-Scenes 'Epic' Vid!

Glee's season two finale aired last night and absolutely reminded us of how much we truly adore the show! Lucky for all Gleeks everywhere, we snagged this behind-the-scenes 'epic' video of the cast filming in New York City and commentating on their favorite part of the musical adventure!
Check out the video below where both Cory Monteith and Chris Colfer spill some finale filming deets!
Although New Directions did not make it into the Top 10 at Nationals, the cast had a pretty fantastic time filming and creating a truly memorable episode! Glee star, Cory Monteith aka Finn Hudson -- described what it was like filming in the big city, 'let me just put it this way, it was epic!' He continued, "When I sang the first line of the song, it was so amazing. I just realized within that moment how incredible it was to be shooting where I was shooting. I was floored."
And... we loved watching you bring your music to the Big Apple!
Behind-the-scenes of Glee in NYC - Hollywire

Both Cory and Chris Colfer could not stop talking about how they were so amazed by the number of fans that came out to watch them shoot. Colfer who plays Kurt Hummel commented, "It was absolutely insane the amount of people that came out to watch us film. I mean, you know you're loved when 7,000 people ditch school and work for the day and come watch you perform.  it was just a huge reminder at how many people the show affects on a daily basis."
With the season of Glee now over, we feel sad -- But excited to catch them while on their Glee! Live in Concert tour this spring! The musically talented cast will be performing in cities throughout California for the remainder of May! Woo hoo!
Which Glee episode has been your favorite this season!?