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conan the barbarian movie

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  • AJClayton
    Apr 1, 06:12 AM
    That is really horrible. I think it's so awful that I'm at a loss to find suitably cutting adjectives to describe just how dreadful it is. :eek:

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  • BrianKonarsMac
    Jun 6, 03:19 PM
    15 minutes?

    45 Seconds is all it took to get the facts...

    Google search: "android market return policy"

    First result: http://www.google.com/mobile/android/market-policies.html

    For those too lazy to click...

    "Returns: You have 24 hours from the time of purchase (not download) to return any applications purchased from Android Market for a full refund of any applicable fees."

    Summary: 24 Hours, not 15 minutes.
    Yep, I've bought a few apps that weren't worth the money and returned them for a refund. It's a nice system, because you can then see if the app is actually worth the purchase to you.

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  • Balli
    Jul 24, 03:18 PM
    I voted negative on this story. As I was hoping that Apple would concentrate on fixing the sticking scrollbars on the current Mighty Mouses, (or make it easier to open them and clean) before they just made it wireless.

    Also, I'n not a big fan of using batteries in mice. Why not have a wireless mouse that is re-chargable? Or one that you can use wires with if the battery gets low?

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  • camomac
    Mar 2, 12:24 PM
    best quotes ever on being charlie sheen...



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  • johndope83
    Apr 12, 03:55 AM

    Russ Swift in action from the recently concluded Manila International Auto Show 2011 Philippines.

    First time to post pics here! Didn't know this forum has a lot of good photographers!!! Anyone from the Philippines here? :D

    you can check more of my photos http://johndope83.multiply.com/


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  • jephrey
    Jul 24, 03:12 PM
    YES! Now I can trade in my Microshaft Bluetooth mouse for this one! I've waned a mighty mouse for a while, but didn't want to give up bluetooth (even though I'm never really a distance away that a cord wouldn't reach).




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  • kiriad
    Jul 25, 12:55 AM
    I have a MX-1000, but I'm thinking of buying this BT Mighty Mouse. I agree that MX-1000 is a pretty good mouse, and I don't have much complaint in terms of its functionalities. However, unlike others here, I hate that cradle. I bought a wireless mouse because I didn't like clutters. But this thing has TWO cords dangling on the back, and it takes up valuable desktop space. I find this actually bothers me more than the wire of a wired mouse sometimes.

    I know for others those two more wires on the back and small desktop space might be nothing to complain about. But, to me, it's really annoying. And with my new MBP, it's simply not an option to carry that cardle around. Right now I use an RF receiver from another Logitech mouse I have, and use the cradle only for recharge. But even that small receiver is annoying when you have to move around, since my MBP won't fit into sleeve with that thing attached.

    So, a BT mouse with standard battery is a perfect fit to me. I don't mind lifting index finger for right click much, since I'm already doing that most of the time any way, although I wish the mouse surface were pressure sensitive rather than simply touch sensitive.

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  • zombierunner
    Apr 26, 08:12 AM
    Nu Eye Max

    New iMacs


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  • BigHat
    Aug 1, 12:32 PM
    I've had them all since Gen one excpet for the Video. Lost my Nano and gave other away. Now just have a Gen 3. Need a new one here soon when they make a car adaptor for the optical bus equipped BMWs. Gen 3 will go there and the new one will be for home, work and travel.

    Is the smart play to wait a month or two?

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  • striker33
    Apr 22, 09:18 AM
    The main reason I bought the current MBA in January was for the C2D/Nvidia combo and I love it. It handles everything I throw at it including gaming on the LAN with my son. My fear is that the next MBAs will be graphically crippled compared to the current models. But time will tell. :)

    Also, my current MBA runs silent and cool. Seeing all the current heat issues with MBs and MBPs running Sandy Bridge it will be interesting to see how cool or silent the SB MBAs run.

    Thats probably because the new MBPs completely obliterate the MBA in terms of specs. Run a photoshop render, any render you like, on both machines, you'll see a HUGE difference. The are quiet up till around 70c, which only happens when gaming or doing anything CPU intensive, the same as the MBA.


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  • archipellago
    Apr 29, 06:04 PM
    It would seem unusual to give a company with 10% of the revenue at least 35% rebate over a company with 90% of the revenue. This looks very much anti-competitive to me.

    They have even much cheaper downloads sometimes; I suspect some were pricing mistakes. The iTunes LP "Plastic Beach" by Gorillaz was �1.69 (18 songs, one video + extras), probably a mistake :-) "24 Hour of Classical Music" is exactly that for �7.99.

    You know that you have to pay tax on all items that you buy without paying sales tax? Most people just "forget" to tell the tax man.

    anti-competitive when the prices goes down..??

    wow, which planet do you live on..?

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  • NewSc2
    Jul 28, 05:43 PM
    I think this is great news~ I mean, really a few things would happen:

    Zune sucks, doesn't do well (good for Apple)
    Zune is well designed, but Apple makes an even better iPod (good for us)
    Zune is really really well-designed, better than the iPod. (good for me, I'll get a Zune over an iPod)


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  • vincenz
    Apr 23, 07:57 PM
    I'd be surprised if this comes true. T-Mobile's network is not exactly up to par with AT&T and Verizon.

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  • aristobrat
    Oct 24, 08:55 AM
    whats funny is that I walked into the Mac Store yesterday, the guy new everything about the product but seemed a little too clueless about the product cycle.
    Mac Store employees *don't* know anything specific about product updates.

    There's almost 1000 Apple store employees worldwide. If they knew details, don't you find it really, really odd that none of them leaked any?


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  • nxent
    Jul 11, 04:07 PM
    haha, here's what would have been had microsoft designed the ipod from the beginning...
    now, this is only the packaging...


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  • superfula
    Apr 22, 04:37 PM
    Why is this schmuck on the front page? The guy has a history of trolling for page hits. Now that he's trying to get his new site up and running, it's quite obvious what his intent is. He has as much inside information as my grandmother.


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  • clientsiman
    May 2, 12:09 AM
    Hopefully the US can now stop invading and bombing other countries with the excuse of the Al-Qaeda. Maybe it's time to move on.

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  • Rodimus Prime
    Dec 29, 11:09 AM
    fattest person in the world is not exactly an honor anyone should want.

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  • stroked
    Apr 26, 11:05 PM
    Almost as funny as your daughters face when she discovers that her dad is a brutal bigot who waits outside toilet doors to beat people up (http://forums.macrumors.com/showpost.php?p=12453464&postcount=56).

    Relax dude, your safe. You said that you used the mens room. What's wrong, did I actually guess your bra size?

    May 1, 10:05 PM
    Good. Hell of a way to kick off your reelection campaign.

    Apr 24, 03:26 PM
    Here? Never.

    Online surveys are worth the paper they are written on. The best data suggest that iPhone marketshare in the US is stagnant and Android based handsets are booming

    Yeah... and based on sales, not surveys, the iPhone sure is hurting now given it just had it's best sales quarter ever. :rolleyes:

    Win... why don't you get it? There is the iPhone and then there is everything else. Android is a good smart phone OS... IMO, the best alternative to the iPhone. But the reality is, people buy an iPhone because they want an iPhone. People buy an Android based phone because they want a phone and it's on sale this week.

    Android is not going to slaughter the iPhone. It's a huge market out there and there will always be multiple alternatives for the OS's. If anything, the companies with the most worries are RIM and Microsoft. They continue to loose market share like crazy to Apple and Android based phones.

    But please... If you want to fantasias about Android OS phones taking over the world, I'm sure there more people like you over on the Android forums that also have this twisted view. Besides, why does the iPhone worry you so much? It's great that it's there and it's great the Android is there too. The competition is making both solutions better.

    Feb 1, 07:47 PM
    - Afterglow ps3 controller (purple)
    - Philips lcd cleaner for my Mac
    - Bamboo plant with a asian theme bowl

    Mar 31, 12:09 PM
    Looks good to me.

    Apr 14, 06:08 AM
    at a chinese plant manufacturing electronic cigs?:confused:

    I think it's just a mistranslation of the speaker's first language.

    So he attends at university since fall (so since september) and studies Commerce. Yet he thinks this rumor is part of a leaked advertisement and cannot comprehend why it is advertised like that.

    Well, that's what I get from it anyways...

    It was spam, the spammer used some text to give the post the illusion of making a valid post (this time the text was pretty random) however the post also contained a signature with spam links.

    You can report posts like this via the report post button http://images.macrumors.com/vb/images/buttons/report.gif which is at the left of every post.