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  • andyblac
    Aug 9, 11:58 AM
    UK specs have been updated.

    :), just ordered myself a Mac Pro 2.66 with 20" ACD. shipping on the 15th August :D

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  • Appel
    Apr 29, 04:19 PM
    Holy ****. Ical looks so f gross.

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  • menlotechnical
    Apr 20, 12:31 PM
    People who are not geeks - live their lives and will want 'ease of use' and they will want more and more to view the computer as an appliance. Like a toaster or toilet. They will not replace or adjust it until it breaks.
    That being said, as the exploits to Windows grows, and less decisions are being made in MS by the old boy team of Gates and his peers... I think there continues to be an invisible hand that drives people away from Windows machines.
    Business and most people just want a functioning machine and easy to use UI. They could care less about file systems and USB 3, they just want it to work.
    When you have a HUGE mass of people wanting to overtake your Windows computer, with 100's of daily new infections, why would ANYONE want to learn how to surf the web defensively? They just want to surf the web. With Windows, you have to surf defensively. You need antivirus, you need anti malware, you need to dump temp files regularly, protect and delete cookies and do a ton of stuff that is just unrealistic to most of the market.
    I question the ideas that Lion Server is going away, that Samba is going to be pushed out, and that NFS will not work. I can't understand why they would put so much effort into a mac mini server and just drop it like Microsoft does: see their book scan project, Sharepoint, MSN Music, Zune players, etc. They chase markets - see Windows seven mobile features - and then they cancel them, leaving people in the cold.
    There is a lot in the favor of apple today and going forward. I hope that Jobs has a legacy plan in place whenever he has to leave this Earth. Because there is HUGE opportunity in the next ten years.

    beautiful friendship quotes with. Beautiful Friendship Quotes .
  • Beautiful Friendship Quotes .

  • TwinCities Dan
    Apr 5, 10:47 PM
    Okay, I've changed my mind....I downloaded this app, and now it's my most favorite app ever.:D


    May it bring you success and wealth! :D


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  • AppliedVisual
    Oct 19, 06:41 PM
    Ah, a fellow HVX user. Hooorah! :D

    Bring on the BluRay recordables and holographic storage... Tape archives are killin' me too.

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  • Beautiful Quotes: 742

  • 229dan229
    Sep 9, 10:50 AM
    i thought it was pretty good tbh.

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  • ssk2
    Apr 16, 07:19 AM
    I don't know why Google is bothering. The Amazon cloud system *should be*/is great and competition enough for iTunes - both in terms of pricing (certainly) and usability (more debatable).

    The fact that Android doesn't need an iTunes-esque system to compete with Apple means that they should probably give it up now.

    Note: For the fanboys out there, please don't get too excited by this. Amazon's cloud is going to present new and interesting challenges for Apple, I don't think Google's failure to negotiate with the jumped up music industry is necessarily a bad thing, all things considered!

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  • Ugg
    Apr 17, 12:08 PM
    More to the point, where do you draw the line? Should every school curiculum include the struggles of Jews, Blacks, Native Americans, Chinese, Muslims, Hispanics, Christians, Women, etc... gonna be kinda tough to fit all that in. Or does your plan draw the line somewhere? I mean are gay people more important than Native Americans? In terms of history, whom do you believe got screwed over more and whose struggles should be taught in school?

    If you were to walk onto the street and ask 100 people which group of people were persecuted the most out of blacks, Native Americans, Jews, women or gays, I'm pretty sure the majority of people would place gays last, out of those groups. Now a liberal state like New York, Hawaii or California may add gay history to their school programs, but don't expect to see it in the majority of the US States. It's simply not important to single out a persons sexuality to highlight their importance in history. Was Oppenheimer's religion put before his contributions to the bomb? I mean is there a little star next to his name with an annotation listing his religion?

    Maybe its just me. But I simply don't care if someone was black, blue, brown, Jewish, the Egyptian god Ra, whatever... its the persons contributions, not their ethnicity, sexual pref or religious affiliation that define(d) them. Treat people equally, not with preference.

    I don't think you understand the thrust of this law. It's not about creating a separate class on gay rights, it's about incorporating gay people into existing history lessons. You mention Oppenheimer. Unless, I'm mistaken, the fact that he was a jew is mentioned in most history books. The same with Einstein. The Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 was a pretty big deal, as were the US internment camps for Japanese-Americans during WWII. The Act and the camps are pretty self-explanatory. They were directed at a specific ethnic group of people. Gay accomplishments and persecution has mostly been swept under the rug.

    Harvey Milk wasn't shot because he was gay, he was shot because he defeated a very disturbed man in an election. But, the fact that he was gay is pretty important.

    The story of America is a story of minorities.

    Awesome, to make enough time for this lets just forget everything after the Great Depression because it's not like that junk matters as much as gays being persecuted. Seriously, the Holocaust and the Rape of Nanjing are totally trivial events compared to the Stonewall riots. We should totally drop coverage of the bombing of Pearl Harbor to make room for a lecture on how NAMBLA doesn't represent gays. To top it off we should ditch the civil rights movement in favor of the White Night riots!

    :rolleyes: there is no time available to teach this, if we teach this something else gets whacked. As is we get to the 1930s by the tests which go to the 1980s...

    So the Pink Triangles of the Holocaust are irrelevant?

    His life and what he did was not irrelevant. I'm sure a movie or book could be done on his life's story. Teaching kids to look more at a person because of their sexual orientation, rather than their contributions, is irrelevant.

    Wow, I don't know what to say. People of distinction aren't simply born that way, one's upbringing and the time in which they came of age play an enormous role. Any number of American industrialists were driven by adverse events during their formative years. Those events are almost always touched on. Being gay for most of human history has been pretty difficult. To not touch on that is really stupid and shows a bias that when it comes to history, should not be shown.

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  • macsmurf
    Apr 16, 02:01 AM
    Apple's success is in large part driven by the ecosystem that they have built around iPod/iTunes/iPhone/iPad. Good luck to anyone breaking into that anytime soon. The day I can buy a song on Mac/PC, synch it to my Android phone, then stream it around my home to HiFi or TV then we will have a competitor. Apple knows it, the record companies and studios know it, someone needs to tell Google.


    beautiful friendship quotes with. Beautiful friendship Quotes .
  • Beautiful friendship Quotes .

  • ct2k7
    Apr 16, 10:26 AM
    Yes, if it's A1285. Hard to read...

    Just looked up A1289, it's the 8-core Nehalem Mac Pro.

    Either way, B.S.

    I agree, although I like the design (I like metal things, the 3G and 3GS didn't appeal to me as it was plastic and that looks cheap to me - or maybe I'm a magpie and like shiny things :o)

    beautiful friendship quotes with. The most eautiful view is the
  • The most eautiful view is the

  • spjonesi
    Oct 10, 08:29 PM
    I'm sorry, but with the release of the "true video" iPod "imminent" for months now, I'm just not going to pay any attention whatsoever until I have one in my hands.

    Just like the iPhone, PowerBook G5 (and more recently, Core 2 Duo MacBook Pro, although that release hasn't been "imminent" often enough yet,) etc.

    I'm starting to doubt page 1 rumors just as much as I doubt Page 2 rumors. Unless you (MacRumors, not the 'source' website of the rumor,) have credible, reliable, direct sources, it belongs on Page 2. If you don't have direct sources, (as rumors on other websites would be,) it does not belong on page 1. By your own standards.

    Just because it's getting a lot of talk, and Engadget claims their sources are good, is no reason to upgrade it to page 1 status. (Heck, the iWalk got a lot of talk back in the day, and SpyMac claimed their sources were good. That didn't make it true.)


    The quote, "G5 powerbooks on tuesday" comes to mind.


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  • peas
    Sep 28, 12:39 PM
    what sucks is that academic ve4rsions are not allowed this free update.
    what bs. considering i just bought the freakin app not more than 3 weeks ago.

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  • eautiful friendship quotes

  • Music_Producer
    Jan 12, 04:20 AM
    and just for the record, i don't want platium apple phone with surround sound speaker floating around it. ew.

    I think people's first reaction to see a phone with speakers floating in air.. would be 'wow.. WTF!' instead of 'ew'

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  • MySpace friendship quotes

  • quadrakid
    Sep 12, 01:07 AM
    it looks slick but really uncomfortable in the hand

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  • friendship quotes with images

  • swingsong
    Jan 10, 03:52 PM
    Movie and TV show rentals coming to iTunes. Karoke added to iTunes and fun for Apple TV.

    I think a new Mac Book Pro design is long overdue. Apple remote stores in laptop, perhaps in expansion card slot. May move away from aluminum to something lighter like magnesium, carbon fiber or cubic zirconium, or may just anodize the aluminum case black. May see new screen ratios and HD resolutions across MBP line. Track pad will be bigger and multi-touch gestures will be expanded.

    Cinema displays will be thinner, specs improved and all will be HD resolution. Aspect ratios may change. iSight cameras across the line are possible.

    Mighty mouse made of metal to compliment new keyboards, and support for pinch - push.

    Movie and TV show rentals require more space.

    Bump iTouch and iPhone to 16gb and 32gb to allow more room for content. Possible 50 dollar price cut on 16gb iPhone and 16gb iTouch. No other changes to iPhone / iTouch for now. Possible partner for iPhone in Mexico announced.

    iPhone/iTouch SDK introduced, premier partners ready with first applications. Demo of new apps. iPhone software update has bonus features not leaked to public.

    iPod nano, classic, iTouch and iPhone will control Apple TV. Fair Play Video recording enabled on Apple TV. Games enabled on Apple TV with third party remotes.

    iPod classic now supports Time Machine and Home on an iPod is a reality.

    One more thing...
    iTablet. Kicks Wacom Cintique out of the game. Supports stylus and finger gestures. Pressure sensitive. 8-12" in size. Runs iWork and Adobe Creative Suite support coming soon. Thinest Mac ever. No optical drive, but not sure about a hard drive.

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  • danielbrowning
    Jul 21, 09:27 AM
    At 0:42 he changes his grip to hold the phone to holding it with just his fingers and the signal rises again. It looks like his fingertips are touching the lower left of the phone. If you do this on the iPhone 4 and bridge the antenna gap, you don't regain signal.

    Looks to me like they're trying to pass off the problem of bridging the antenna gap on the iPhone as the same as blocking the antenna with your whole hand on all phones. All phones have the latter problem... But that's not the issue here.

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  • Dosti Shayaris: Beautiful

  • Hephaestus
    Mar 17, 06:06 PM
    Yeah there are some people that genuinely ask about the pros and cons but most people in my experience just ooze envy and I don't understand it. No one is forcing anyone to go buy one so why complain about something you don't have. People that don't own Apple products also have this idea that Apple fans have this superiority complex which if anything it's the opposite. A lot of people seem to hate on Apple products just because they're made by Apple.

    Typed from my iPhone

    beautiful friendship quotes with. Beautiful Friendship Quotes
  • Beautiful Friendship Quotes

  • martymcr
    Nov 27, 06:01 AM
    It says it's a "shopping event" (http://www.apple.com/uk/retail/shopping/?CDM-EU-0994) though, not a sale.

    It's hard to decide from the ad whether it means special prices or not - I'm about to order a Macbook and can't decide if it's worth waiting!!

    beautiful friendship quotes with. I looked for a friend
  • I looked for a friend

  • Erwin-Br
    May 3, 05:58 PM
    Too many people think they are entitled to get everything for free. No matter if it is a new service for $20 a year or if it is tethering they didn't pay for ... Don't know where people get it from that they should get everything for free (or cheap).

    I didn't hear anyone saying they have the right to use free tethering, or that they are entitled to get it cheap.

    Since when can't people complain about the price being too high anyways? And who on Earth would prefer to pay extra for tethering instead of getting it for "free". And note that I put free in quotes, because you're still paying for your data and bandwidth, so it's really never been free anyways. You're just paying twice for the same thing now, which is consuming bandwidth.

    Mar 7, 05:38 AM
    Apple isn't the origin of all their ideas, some, but not all. Look at it this way.

    Oct 10, 06:26 PM
    argh... enough with the speculation. these guys are shooting blanks.

    Surf Monkey
    Mar 17, 02:02 AM
    It's very hard to take anyone seriously who believes in fairy tales like karma.


    Fearless Leader
    Aug 8, 12:35 AM
    go apple for having the 30" as cheap or cheaper than every one else. now the other models are getting better. most 20" are sub 300, 24" sub 800. if i had 2000 to spend the apple 30" is my choice.

    the 20 isnt appeal cuase i just bought a 19wide for 170.

    Jan 12, 06:56 PM
    He didn't do it by himself. There was a whole company working on things. The difference is that he had a vision of what should be happening.

    It took smart people in all areas to make Apple what it is today.

    What about all the former Apple CEO's. They had a company behind him too, but he simply could not lead like Jobs can.