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Justin Bieber Perfume Bottle Drama! Did The Biebs Copy Marc Jacobs?

Beliebers, say it’s not so! When I heard that Justin was coming out with a fragrance for women I was over the moon, but as soon as I saw the first ad and commercial for Someday I asked why it looked so similiar to the Marc Jacobs Lola perfume bottle.I love that Justin has given all us ladies a chance to smell like his dream girl, but the bottle of his new fragrance looks strinkingly similiar to a Marc Jacobs perfume! Has Justin become a copycat?

Clearly I wasn’t the only one making the connection. When Marc was asked by WWD about the connection between the two similar looking perfume bottles he said, “Do we sue them? You know what? Let everyone else say what they want. I received Google Alerts about people saying it was derivative. Were not going to do anything about it.”
I’m glad to hear the Bieb’s isn’t getting sued, but I am a little disappointed in Justin! I love how you always stayed true to yourself and have done things that truly speak volumes about you, so I hope this perfume doppleganger isn’t the start of a new trend!