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Willow Smith At The Grammys

Willow Smith At The Grammys. %IMG_DESC_1%
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  • Keebler
    Jul 18, 08:03 AM
    i'm not too surprised if this holds true.

    1. renting a movie make sense if it's a good quality. you don't buy the movie when you go to a cinema. for someone like myself, a stay-at-home Dad, i often want to hit the theatre, but with 2 kiddies and a home business....not alot of time....but i could dload a movie while the kids are eating lunch/having a nap and then watch it later :) hey, it just bleeds further into developing an impatient society :) ie. . I want it NOW :)

    2. of course the movie execs don't want ppl to buy a dloaded movie b/c dvd sales are insanely massive. dvd sales/marketing are now part of the ENTIRE movie process starting at pre-production. they want us to spend the $20 - $30 per dvd and higher for box sets

    3. I believe Jobs doesn't want to push the movie execs. they see how the music biz just fought with jobs over trying to increase prices. they want to hold the upper hand imho.

    4. i'm joining the whining about not releasing tv shows/movies in other countries. i'm in canada and would love to dload tv shows which i don't get a chance to see. i understand there are legal implications, but i would think that a lg amount of the groundwork would have been done with the music? (I know there may be different issues, but it's driving me nuts :)

    Either way, i hope apple does something. they need to lead the charge. people want it.


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  • mrwheet
    Sep 15, 02:26 AM
    Then allow me to confirm what he said. I cannot use my iPhone 4 at home without a case; every other phone I've owned (including several iPhones) has always shown full signal in every room in the house. The iPhone 4's antenna problem is real, and listening to Apple sheep swear up and down that it's not doesn't change the fact that my iPhone 4 says "No Signal" when I make the mistake of holding it in my left hand. :rolleyes:

    Zero problems with my iPhone 4. Totally happy with it. I bought it fairly recently (just over a month ago), so maybe it's a more recent run, and doesn't have the problem. Not sure. Really don't care. But the fact that my phone works doesn't make me a f***king "Apple sheep." It's really simple; the phone does what it says on the box. I'm not saying every unit does, by mine does. Deal with it.



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  • way2l84sanity
    Jul 18, 02:01 AM
    Does this mean a new Video Ipod will be releaed also at the WWDC??
    and if the rumors are true about the mac pro being announced also, that's alot of new goodies from Steve.
    I don't like the rental model, it could find it's way into the music downloads. A $9.99 movie download at good quailty would be realy attractive. (too own)

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  • milbournosphere
    Feb 25, 11:43 PM
    I do believe I saw him holding his sign... ;)

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  • Silentwave
    Aug 6, 09:48 PM
    This is all so yummy! I'm quite excited. I've been preparing for WWDC big time....i've got the MR Live site as my homepage, the MR contributors' updates coming to my mobile, i've been watching all the old Stevenotes just to get all psyched up!

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  • rxse7en
    Oct 24, 06:20 AM
    Amazing! Here's to new MBPs today. *fingers crossed*

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  • appleguy123
    Jun 22, 09:11 PM
    Ah yes. A porn free, tightly censored, code controlled desktop machine. That's what everyone wants right? :rolleyes:

    Actually maybe.

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  • lynfordd
    Jan 13, 03:46 PM
    Could it be this is what Apple has done to work with the new Sprint
    WiMAX service. To start this month around the USA!

    Willow Smith At The Grammys. %IMG_DESC_9%
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  • BruiserB
    May 2, 04:18 PM
    I guess that's way easier than dragging it to the trash?

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  • ILL Robinson
    Jan 12, 10:55 AM
    The most obvious reason behind the name MacBook Air for me is the removal of the wired Ethernet connector to the MacBook. There is two thing that prevent from making a very slim notebook: an optical drive and an ethernet connector (look at the ethernet connector on a MacBook, it take most of the height of the notebook).

    So the MacBook Air would be the first Apple notebook having only a wireless connection...

    And I agree that it will be made of aluminium...


    Name or no, I completely agree with this. If the word "Air" isn't part of a product (and given the ad hook, it most likely is) expect Jobs to repeatedly use "Air" throughout the keynote.

    All aside, we should start a thread where people can boast if their Mac product speculations were correct or admit they were flat out wrong.

    Willow Smith At The Grammys. %IMG_DESC_11%
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  • fswmacguy
    Apr 3, 10:42 AM
    Since the iPad does nothing useful this appeal to the wimpy "feelings" crowd is no surprise. Replace the iPad with a pair of pants and this could easily double as a Levi's commercial.

    I don't think you understand how this works.

    Ads like this create mystery, excitement, and ultimately pulls customers into Apple's retail chain out of pure interest.

    I'd rather have ads like this than ads that shout specs in my face and exaggerate their knockoff plastic crap.

    Willow Smith At The Grammys. %IMG_DESC_12%
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  • quagmire
    Feb 22, 09:35 PM
    The vexing part of that is that the cost is largely artificial - i.e. taxes. Popular pickups like the Ford F-250 have been available in a diesel for years, and because they are trucks they are allowed to use diesel engines that are far more polluting and sooty than they need to be, and are tuned for torque rather than economy - meanwhile Volkswagen has to jump through flaming hoops in order to certify a diesel in its passenger cars, meeting stringent emmissions standards. And yet how many huge displacement V6/V8 diesel trucks are sold in the US each year vs diesel VWs? It's all about arbitrary regulatory nonsense.

    That has changed. The Cummins, Powerstroke, and Duramax now have to meet the stringent emissions regulations. Why do you think they cost $8K now compared to the $3-4K before the new emission laws?

    Willow Smith At The Grammys. %IMG_DESC_13%
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  • gauriemma
    Jul 18, 09:49 AM
    I like to know that I can listen to (or view) my music on my schedule, at my convenience, on my time. If someone's telling me that I've got to hew to THEIR schedule, then it's just ceased being convenient.

    Thanks, but I'll pass.

    Willow Smith At The Grammys. %IMG_DESC_14%
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  • /user/me
    Mar 23, 01:38 PM
    No, no one is forced to do anything. Apple is more extreme with what they will and will not allow. Others follow suit b/c they know Apple changes the world. Android market allows practically everything.

    As far as I know there's three rules that have to be followed when designing an iOS app.
    1. No porn
    2. no flash
    3. it has to be approved.

    I really dont' think that's too much to ask.... especially since Apple has complete ownership of the app store. Nbody's forcing you to get their procuts... If you dont' like it, buy an Android phone.

    Willow Smith At The Grammys. %IMG_DESC_15%
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  • DaveN
    Apr 19, 09:36 PM
    This would be nice:

    1) Sandy Bridge of course
    2) Decent graphics
    3) Large hard drive plus option for laptop size SSD port easily accessible via a door on the bottom of the iMac. Having a SSD build option is nice but this way you also can easily upgrade RAM and SSD easily as time goes on. That way you can have a TB hard drive as a base and then add more storage as desired and as the price drops.

    Bottom line is that the new iMac would be killer fast and user upgradable for great value.

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  • aswitcher
    Jan 12, 05:23 PM
    AirMacExtreme AirMacPro


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  • TangoCharlie
    Aug 29, 11:33 AM
    Yonah doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Merom is pin-compatible and costs exactly the same amount. Besides, it would be a PR boost for Apple to have the entire lineup 64-bit and "Leopard ready". The Mac Mini is going to use the 5000 series Meroms and the iMac is going to use the 7000s.
    Yonah makes perfect sense in the Mac mini.
    Apple is hardly going to upgrade the Mac mini to Merom before the MBP and/or the iMac. Apple can upgrade the Mac mini line to Core Duo 1.66 and 1.83 GHz _and_ benefit from improved margins as the price of Yonah based chips drop.
    Apple _will_ update the Mac mini to Core 2 Duo, but not yet.

    Willow Smith At The Grammys. %IMG_DESC_18%
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  • AdeFowler
    Jul 20, 05:06 AM
    I found this to be most interesting. I think we could actually see some Adobe apps by Septemeber. Adobe has been going on an 18-24 month cycle and based when CS2 was released Sept/Oct would be 18 months and 24 would be April when Adobe has said basically "no later than".
    I think it'll be very awkward for Steve to announce the Mac Pros without a UB version of Photoshop being available, however I can't see CS3 being finished. However we know that Indesign is progressing well, so I wouldn't be surprised if Bruce Chizen came on stage and announced the availability of time limited betas; assuming Adobe are willing to help Apple.

    Now what should we spend that 9.5 billion on? ;)

    Willow Smith At The Grammys. %IMG_DESC_19%
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  • rjgonzales
    Aug 16, 08:09 AM
    That way, I can stream my music from iPod to Airport Express directly.

    I would also love that feature.:D

    Apr 19, 01:40 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    One step closer to a MBA refresh.

    Seriously?! How long have you been waiting? Since last refresh?

    Please...Please...Please...provide a pro graphics card option (FirePro or Quadro)

    Keep dreaming. They couldn't even get a Radeon HD 5770, let alone a 5850. The best that could be done was a 5750 in the 27", and while it's not a terrible GPU, it's certainly nowhere near pro-level.

    Not expecting a huge update here other than Sandy Bridge, Thunderbolt, and 6XXX series AMD graphics.

    Lulz to that. It's not like those things weren't key to the Early 2011 MacBook Pros being as critically acclaimed as they are now.

    Does this mean a Mini update is right behind it?

    No. While Mac mini updates could be right around the corner, the two are on different release timelines and aren't always released at the same time. Essentially, it's irrelevant.

    6950 6950 6950 6950 6950 6950 6950 6950 6950!

    For heavens sake give it a nice GPU!!!!!!!!:eek:

    If the 5750 was the best that we got on the highest end model of current, then I'd be shocked if we got anything past 6770. We're definitely not getting cards that use up as much power as the iMac itself or require a second six-pin connector in the Desktop PCIe equivalent.

    So, is this the fast iMac refresh in years?

    Since July 2010; not even a full year really.

    You misunderstood me friend...I meant an HD 6950 2GB (Desktop Card)

    Yes, its a pipe dream...but cant a man dream:rolleyes:

    Sure, but that doesn't mean it'll ever happen.

    Ah yes, well a desktop card would be nice. And the 27" does have the room when compared to the 21". They could engineer it in there if they wanted to.

    But yes, I share your dream.

    How many of those machines have you seen naked? As in, without the glass or panel with bare innards in full view? My guess is not very many. They don't have the room to engineer a better video card in the 27". It's almost a wonder they even have the room for something like the Radeon HD 5750 in what they have now. It's not like they took the design of the 21.5", gave it a larger chasis and screen and suddenly had more room to play with. Even so, as it stands, both sizes of iMac get extraordinarily hot. Sure, the 5750 in the Mid-2010 27" model draws less heat than the 4850 in the Late-2009 27" model, but that difference is negligible and even with a 6 series GPU's improvement, I doubt the difference will be substantial enough to warrant THAT much more power relative to the 6 series' lineup.

    So, no, they couldn't engineer THAT much better of a card if they wanted. Not without making the iMac thicker than it already is. But it's Apple, they never do.

    Nov 26, 04:23 PM
    To end all further BS do I feel like an idiot for putting sunglasses in a gun case? No.

    Was it over kill? Yeah, I'll admit that.

    ......Apparently everyone was bullied as a child or something because when ANYONE says something that isn't correct or seems "odd" people here jump on them and make sure to rub whatever it is in their face.

    Wait a sec....you bought a gun case to protect your Oakleys?

    No wonder people commented. ;)

    Bought this.


    Loving it.

    neko girl
    Mar 20, 11:38 AM
    Several court rulings have placed the rights of Gay people above the rights of people holding religious beliefs.
    I'm all for the distribution of the app on grounds of free speech (which may or may not apply to a curated app store like Apple's). However, I do like the ignorant statement you just made here, that I've quoted.

    Can you give me an example where the basic RIGHTS of a religious person was violated by upholding gay rights?

    Mar 30, 08:58 AM
    I decided I don't need to right now so it's back to bigadv units now.

    Your PPD has improved a lot :eek:

    Still no new Mac Pro announced...

    On another note, I updated four computer to 10.6.3 that were running a3 and all of them resumed and finished. Can't wait for a3 bigadv.

    Also rumors are all over the place for PPD on the new Nvidia GTX 480. Soem say 13k PPD, some say 29k...

    Nov 15, 03:09 PM
    Any one have an idea how this might affect OSX server usage? I am starting the process of looking to add another X serve and while I like the Woodcrest numbers I see, will Clovertown be a huge impact?

    I normally run AFP, Mail, FTP, web services, LDAP and want to add QT streaming server along with some new features in Tiger which I hope get improved upon in Leapord.

    My gut says 8 cores would give some performance improvements but I'm sure other's out there know more than I....