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justin timberlake and britney spears denim on denim

justin timberlake and britney spears denim on denim. justin timberlake william rast
  • justin timberlake william rast

  • 61132
    Jul 25, 09:21 AM
    ordered mine, the regular mm will go to another computer in the house.

    Should be here around aug 8th :)

    justin timberlake and britney spears denim on denim. William Rast, the denim and
  • William Rast, the denim and

  • ariechel
    Jul 29, 11:35 AM
    My only fear: M$oft and the music companies are going to sign deals and this is what could hit Apple very bad... Major labels do not care where the music is bought... Apple... M$oft... the money goes into their pocket... So Apple need to have an idea to keep the Ipod owners their side.... The fact that Apple is proprietary is not a factor...

    I think the music companies are at least a little worried about Apple's dominance of the music download and mp3 player markets, particularly after Apple strongarmed them into continuing the single 99 cent price scheme under iTunes.

    It would not be unreasonable for them to provide preferential treatment to competitors in order to break the quasi-monopoly Apple has in this area and thus provide themselves with more leverage in price negotiations. Whether they will be willing to throw in their lot with MS, on the other hand, is somewhat questionable.

    justin timberlake and britney spears denim on denim. Britney is a Pimp
  • Britney is a Pimp

  • jessica.
    Jan 25, 09:37 PM
    Pretty sure there are worse things you could keep in your basement. :D

    I just bought some super cute cupcake liners in both brown and brown polka dot. :)

    justin timberlake and britney spears denim on denim. and denim label,
  • and denim label,

  • lPHONE
    Apr 22, 06:02 PM
    I want screen on both sides.


    justin timberlake and britney spears denim on denim. justin-timberlake-jessica-biel
  • justin-timberlake-jessica-biel

  • SciFrog
    Oct 20, 10:28 PM
    With similar hardware, is Umbutu faster at Folding?
    I saw some strange results on the Folding forum.

    Any chance to get GPU via wine in MAc OS X?

    justin timberlake and britney spears denim on denim. Britney Spears in True
  • Britney Spears in True

  • Ivan P
    Apr 29, 07:24 AM
    The strangest part for me is, that his white iPhone is made of plastic instead of glass - maybe he should buy it at the Apple Store and not on the streets, Mr. "I can measure the thickness by hand, but not detect that it's fricken glass."

    They're not talking about the glass screens at all - they're referring to the material on either side of the stainless steel band on the side of the phone (that holds the glass in place). It is most certainly some form of plastic or rubber.


    justin timberlake and britney spears denim on denim. denim, Justin Timberlake
  • denim, Justin Timberlake

  • zep1977
    Apr 22, 12:05 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)


    justin timberlake and britney spears denim on denim. Filed Under: Justin Timberlake
  • Filed Under: Justin Timberlake

  • ABernardoJr
    Apr 23, 09:09 PM
    What product will the T-Mobile chic bash now??? :rolleyes:

    lol If you think about it, she mostly bashes AT&T, just as Verizon did with their ads about the iPhone. Which makes sense because they both wanted the iPhone, so they wouldn't bash the phone directly. It looks like the tactic worked for Verizon, and it looks like it's headed that way for T-Mobile one way or another too lol :D

    This bit of news is ironic because I just happened to cancel my T-Mobile contract to switch over to AT&T for the iPhone (old phone's broken so I couldn't just wait lol). And I know of AT&T buying T-Mobile, I've been hearing that it'll take till next year before they get it really moving


    justin timberlake and britney spears denim on denim. Finally, Justin pulled his
  • Finally, Justin pulled his

  • Core Trio
    Aug 15, 04:41 PM
    NO one uses iChat because no one uses AIM. Its all crappy MSN!

    It must just be where I live but...everyone I know uses AIM, ichat, or adium (my weapon of choice) I dont have a single friend that uses yahoo or msn

    justin timberlake and britney spears denim on denim. ritney spears day 668 7
  • ritney spears day 668 7

  • lordonuthin
    Nov 26, 02:28 AM
    i hope they do. we'll see.

    in the meantime, i'm thinking about putting a few video cards in my 2006 mac pro to fold with - since it's only getting like 3500 ppd running the smp client. i know i'll have to run windows to do the GPU2 client for now, but it might be worth it.

    does anyone know if this (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814133304) card will work? and could i put 2 or 3 or 4 in there?

    The GeForce 9800 will work from what I have seen, thy this thread for more info. (http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=461892) and here (http://www.hardforum.com/showthread.php?t=1322096) google "gpu folding" to find all kinds of info

    Let us know how it goes if you do get one to try.


    justin timberlake and britney spears denim on denim. 29) Justin Timberlake was
  • 29) Justin Timberlake was

  • Jason Beck
    Apr 12, 02:04 AM
    Currently on ebay as I'm about to part with it. :( What a beautiful lens.


    Camera Canon EOS REBEL T2i
    Exposure 0.02 sec (1/50)
    Aperture f/4.0
    Focal Length 27 mm
    ISO Speed 2000

    What lens?

    justin timberlake and britney spears denim on denim. pop star Justin Timberlake
  • pop star Justin Timberlake

  • disisdave
    Apr 13, 08:50 PM
    I saw one in the wild.

    Employee at an AT&T store in Charlotte, NC had one last week when I stopped in to purchase a car charger. He said they are probably going to be out soon, but mentioned that he is having problems with the proximity sensor. he said the screen display is staying on when he is on calls and that his cheek/ear are activating display controls. Could it be an issue with the bright white reflecting too much light into the sensor?


    justin timberlake and britney spears denim on denim. Justin Timberlake and his
  • Justin Timberlake and his

  • goodcow
    Jun 6, 01:11 PM
    This is like the risk of using the 1-Click Ordering feature at amazon.com.

    Not really, because you can refuse delivery of a package for a full refund off Amazon. Digital content like Apps are generally non-refundable.

    justin timberlake and britney spears denim on denim. partners Justin Timberlake
  • partners Justin Timberlake

  • LbSigman
    Apr 14, 03:01 PM
    Things seem to be smoother with my VZ iPhone 4 opening and closing programs. I always though my iPTouch 4G was snappier than my VZ iPhone but I think they are on par with each other now. This probably has nothing to do with it, but I just did a speedtest and I have yet to ever hit those numbers until now. I was averaging anywhere from 650-1200kbps and sometimes 1500kbps on rare occasions.

    (Picture will resize if it is huge. I apologize. It just takes a little bit of time for Photobucket to catch up.)


    justin timberlake and britney spears denim on denim. Britney Spears In Paige
  • Britney Spears In Paige

  • nies
    Apr 27, 08:41 PM
    when ive played this game twice how can this be considered weird, maybe this is how i am.. or did you guys not think of that?

    justin timberlake and britney spears denim on denim. and Justin Timberlake,
  • and Justin Timberlake,

  • appleguy123
    Apr 26, 05:34 PM
    What's that supposed to mean? You're not specials but you're still special? Maybe in the sense that you both are wolves?
    How could we be wolves if you are one, and there are only two?


    justin timberlake and britney spears denim on denim. Justin Timberlake The Love
  • Justin Timberlake The Love

  • MacNut
    Feb 28, 06:30 PM
    Between him and Cryer, that's still half of what the show brings in. And you're still not factoring in production costs.The show is filmed at and owned by Warner Brothers so I assume the production costs are eaten in with the rest of the studio. Not sure if the crew gets anything above union wage.

    justin timberlake and britney spears denim on denim. Does denim on denim work?
  • Does denim on denim work?

  • damixt
    Mar 15, 09:09 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8B117 Safari/6531.22.7)

    Cerritos had a reseller asking people to buy him some. **** him.

    justin timberlake and britney spears denim on denim. timberlake 1 Celebs in Denim:
  • timberlake 1 Celebs in Denim:

  • NATO
    Jul 25, 10:07 AM
    well it must be available in the uk if macworld have a price, they just haven't updated the store. did the US and canada stores go down before it launched?

    We know... it's just that Apple are taking their time to update the store. Quite interested in getting this ordered, I hope the Laser tracking means I can finally ditch my mousemat :)

    Apr 23, 10:22 PM
    What product will the T-Mobile chic bash now??? :rolleyes:

    You know how fickle women can be, so does it really matter?! :rolleyes:

    Oops, just made somebody's hit list. :eek: Let me rephrase that... :cool:

    As a woman, the T-Mobile "chic" has the right to change her mind! Thus probably will bash Android Fragmentation! :D

    Yes, Dear...

    Jul 10, 09:53 AM
    As a frequent user of Pages 2, I would like more toolbars and less of the 'inspector' stuff, which to me is not as convenient.

    Apr 14, 03:36 PM
    Okay, I just reproduced this problem. After which I rolled my eyes and said "What's the big deal?"

    I mean really, this is BEYOND picky. No wonder us Apple users have a reputation for being douchebags.

    I hadn't even NOTICED this until now, and now that I have, I'm not really sure why I'm supposed to care. Honestly, if it's a choice between fixing this and putting more development resources into iOS 5, I much prefer the latter.


    EDIT: I wanted to add that I'd rather my app launch faster than for time to be wasted playing a silly animation. Based on how fast the app comes up, that may be what's going on here.

    Open a stock app, like Messages or Photos.

    Watch the animation, look at how the icons fly off to the edges of the screen and the app you pressed zooms forward from the centre of the screen and into full screen view. That, is the animation for launching an app.

    Now try it on, for example, Infinity Blade, Engadget, TUAW, Dead Space, Final Fantasy 3 (basically 99.9% of third party apps). Notice that when you press the app icon, it dulls as normal, but then the app immediately appears on screen. No home screen icons zooming off to the edges of the screen, no app you are loading zooming forward from the centre of the screen to fill the entire viewable area.

    Only once the app has been loaded, and is in the memory, can you open/close the app and get the animation as normal.

    No doubt you'll say you don't have that on your phone, but there you go.

    Apr 12, 09:42 AM

    Simply because htcSensation is 1.2GHz dual core

    and... and... iphone5 will have lesser RAM than htcSensation.

    Also, Apple is closed and Google is open.


    Ok, I'm convinced.

    Also, comparing a product that hasn't been released yet to a product that hasn't been announced yet is a rather weak argument and makes zero sense.

    Apr 14, 11:45 AM
    I'm going to speculate here. Lion is the eighth release of OS X. Perhaps the ninth release will support touchscreens and iOS apps.

    I envision something like the Macbook Air with a touchscreen and reversible hinge (like the early 2000s Windows tablets, but a much cleaner design) that could run OS X and iOS apps. The Air is already not much bigger than an iPad.

    Now, if Apple is internally working on something like this, and wanted to test existing apps from the store, then the alpha OS would need to be supported in the store. Of course, Apple probably intended to hide the string that IDs the compatibility, but sometimes mistakes happen.

    Or, of course, the whole thing could be an accident/bug and it means nothing at all.

    could be a touch panel iMac...

    So Apple does in fact have a patent or patent application for a hinged iMac that can transition from an upright position to a near-flat angled position for touch-based operation. Several have also done notebook computers with a swivel hinge or a flip screen to make it double as a tablet.