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Five Reasons Why We're Okay With New Directions' Loss at Nationals in the Glee Season 2 Finale

If you’re like us, you’re still dressed in black and a veil to grieve New Directions’ big loss in Nationals. (Twelfth? We still can’t believe it!) But as much as we hate to pour salt in the wound, we’re thinking it sorta makes sense that they didn’t take the big prize. So here are our five reasons why it’s not so bad that New Directions got served a slice of humble pie “New York.” Don’t hate us too much, Gleeks!
Photo Credit: Adam Rose/FOX
Guess who’s back? New Directions takes on longtime rivals Vocal Adrenaline at Nationals, and the onetime Jesse-fronted performers are now led by none other than Sunshine Corazon (Charice). Sorry, New Directions, but you guys aren’t the only ones to bust out original songs!  
5. What would be the point of next season?
Now, if everyone was in their senior year, we would have been truly devastated. But the glee kids have one more year to win it all. If they don’twin it all next year, we’re really going to freak out on Ryan Murphy!

4. Let’s face it — that kiss totally screwed them over
Okay, so we loved seeing Finn (Cory Monteith) and Rachel (Lea Michele) kiss in front of all those people, but it felt totally high school, and not something a polished singing group would do. We hate to point a finger at Finn but… actually, that’s exactly what we’re going to do! Sorry, Finn — next time, get a room.

3. They’re not the only ones with original songs
It totally made sense that original songs would help New Directions clean the other groups’ clocks at Regionals. But once Vocal Adrenaline busted out their original song — Sunshine’s number — we realized that New Directions wasn’t the only group with a trick up its sleeve. (Translation: Damn you, Vocal Adrenaline!)

2. Schue (Matthew Morrison) is still only in his second year
Look, no one is expecting realism from a show that has involved a fake pregnancy and a kid in a wheelchair playing on the football team. But it would be kinda crazy to expect Mr. Schue to go from having no one in the club to having the best choir in the nation in only two short years. Be patient, people!

1. Vocal Adrenaline really is good
We love our ragtag bunch of misfits, but let’s face it: Vocal Adrenaline has some serious talent. It would be one thing if New Directions were beaten out by, say, some silly barbershop quartet. But the best team should win, and right now, that’s Vocal Adrenaline. Who knows — maybe it’s time for New Directions to take a page from the Tanya Harding playbook and hire someone to take out their rivals’ kneecaps? Hey, we’re just tryin’ to help!