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arnold schwarzenegger now and before

arnold schwarzenegger now and before. arnold schwarzenegger now and
  • arnold schwarzenegger now and

  • French iPod
    Nov 3, 06:36 PM
    Would quite love this to keep me occupied on the cold nights at uni now.

    I would also love a bridge camera of some sort too.

    omg i want that set so much:)!! i hope they have some on Amazon=)!!

    well since i bought my christmas gift early (my ps3)!! well i was thinking to get one of the MIDI Keyboard Controller (M-Audio Oxygen 49 Key's) and Logic Express 9:apple: since i'm going travelling alot for the holiday seasons i need to play some music too and my current keyboard is way too big

    arnold schwarzenegger now and before. Now, Schwarzenegger#39;s time in
  • Now, Schwarzenegger#39;s time in

  • jamesnajera
    Mar 31, 12:53 PM
    I do not like the leather look. Hopefully they make something more clean looking. This look is to childish.

    arnold schwarzenegger now and before. Arnold Schwarzenegger.
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger.

  • Texas04
    Aug 15, 02:01 PM
    Granted there are a few changes... and they are pretty nice, (spaces I cant see myself using) and time machine is the only thing i see worth while. They need to fix the Aim/iChat thing with Trinton users... they need easier connection 2.. tabbed is nice... but its not a huge improvement... Its just a lot of little stuff.

    But I stand by Apple for now, that they do have some "bigger" features they just aren't showing us....

    arnold schwarzenegger now and before. arnold schwarzenegger now and
  • arnold schwarzenegger now and

  • lilmitchmitch
    Sep 13, 09:51 PM
    Picked a couple of these up a few days ago. Definitely not for picky writers. I still prefer a traditional .5mm mechanical pencil, but I love how smoothly these write.


    arnold schwarzenegger now and before. arnold schwarzenegger now and
  • arnold schwarzenegger now and

  • G-Force
    Apr 15, 11:07 AM
    I had the same issue with my 3GS, I had to edit my /etc/hosts file using Terminal and remove the line with gs.apple.com in it.

    arnold schwarzenegger now and before. Arnold Schwarzenegger calls on
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger calls on

  • Vantage Point
    Apr 25, 11:50 AM
    Add a third option, 24" with a 16:10 ratio and a matte option. Easier on the eyes and more vertical space. The 27" was murder on my eyes and I had to sell mine.


    arnold schwarzenegger now and before. Every Arnold Schwarzenegger
  • Every Arnold Schwarzenegger

  • pudrums
    Feb 1, 06:34 AM
    Ocean's Eleven


    Bad Religion: The Process of Belief


    arnold schwarzenegger now and before. arnold schwarzenegger now and
  • arnold schwarzenegger now and

  • AaronEdwards
    Apr 28, 07:52 PM
    You don't get it.

    That's all you got?

    What don't I get?

    How I can get a 3GS for $50? Or how I can get a 3GS for $50 with a $10/month additional line? Please tell me how.

    Or why paying 90% of the total cost for a 4 and only getting a 3GS is a good deal.


    arnold schwarzenegger now and before. arnold schwarzenegger now.
  • arnold schwarzenegger now.

  • pdot
    Sep 13, 12:54 PM
    My weekend beer purchase was some Blue Moon.

    I've almost always got a pretty full stock of Blue Moon and Hoeegarden.

    arnold schwarzenegger now and before. arnold schwarzenegger workout
  • arnold schwarzenegger workout

  • SeaFox
    Dec 2, 06:51 PM
    I voted "yes" becuase I'm concerned what this will do PR-wise for Apple, not so much about actual security concern. "LMH" may claim he's not an Apple-hater but a few things poke out from the interview:

    The Linux kernel takes little time to break. I'm more familiar with the code and thus it also takes less time to isolate issues. OS X kernel (XNU) takes less time but depending on the area you're checking, debugging and isolation may require a bit more time (if you take into account that AppleTalk source code is almost unreadable and totally deprecated) [...] I didn't have much time left for working on Microsoft Windows but I've received the most helpful feedback from the MSRC people on potentially interesting stuff to check.

    What I read from this passage is:


    arnold schwarzenegger now and before. Arnold Schwarzenegger
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger

  • andiwm2003
    Oct 23, 07:56 AM
    This is incorrect.

    Microsoft's Vista EULA says:

    4. USE WITH VIRTUALIZATION TECHNOLOGIES. You may not use the software installed on the licensed device within a virtual (or otherwise emulated) hardware system.

    This means you can't use the *same* installation of Vista Home inside a virtualization technology on the licensed device.

    This DOES NOT mean you can't use it by itself in a virtualization product on any platform.

    The reason this is included in the EULA is because Vista Business and Ultimate actually include additional licenses specifically so the same license can be used to also run in a virtualization environment on the same device where Vista is already installed.

    So, the higher end versions of Vista actually include more in terms of virtualization licensing than any other commercial OS.

    In any case, all versions of Vista can be legally used standalone in a virtualized environment, such as Parallels or VMWare.

    that sounds more reasonable to me. i'm not a lawyer but i thought in most countries it would be not legal to restrict the software use to certain hardware settings after you bought a full version.

    arnold schwarzenegger now and before. arnold schwarzenegger now and
  • arnold schwarzenegger now and

  • Reach9
    Apr 28, 07:29 PM
    See? This article proves that Black iPhone 4 > White iPhone 4.


    arnold schwarzenegger now and before. Arnold schwarzenegger
  • Arnold schwarzenegger

  • MacProCpo
    Nov 28, 05:04 AM
    The water here in Japan IS a bit freaky :p

    Here is a link to Atlas's machine stats, it's freeking awesome to look at!!!!!

    I KNOW!!! Where's the "drool" emotiocon! Each one of his GPU monsters is making 66K ppd....and he's got FIVE OF THEM!!!

    arnold schwarzenegger now and before. schwarzenegger+workout
  • schwarzenegger+workout

  • Westyfield2
    May 3, 08:27 AM
    Nice upgrade :) ... but I was hoping for an 500GB SSD option :(

    Apple's SSDs are always overpriced and slower than third-party ones anyways.

    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    maybe our day will come soon,

    Just seems mental how the iMacs are now on second generation Core i processors, yet the Mini is still on C2D.


    arnold schwarzenegger now and before. arnold schwarzenegger now and
  • arnold schwarzenegger now and

  • wordoflife
    Jan 30, 05:23 PM
    Tickets, to see:


    All I can say is wow, just wow. No wonder it has a 48% rating on Rotten Tomatoes.

    arnold schwarzenegger now and before. arnold schwarzenegger now and
  • arnold schwarzenegger now and

  • SteveRichardson
    Jul 11, 03:01 PM
    yeah I could actully see windows users buying this....just because it's made by microsoft.

    perhaps this could slightly hurting the iPod, but then again, it'll up the competition and make apple come out with COOLER STUFF YEA!

    uh huh.


    arnold schwarzenegger now and before. More Arnold Schwarzenegger
  • More Arnold Schwarzenegger

  • roar08
    Mar 11, 11:22 PM
    Got mine at Target today. No waiting. They had 10 16's and 5 64's, all black. A Target 10 minutes away had 5 16's - all white.

    arnold schwarzenegger now and before. Long efore Arnold
  • Long efore Arnold

  • halledise
    Feb 26, 01:43 PM
    the guy's an overpaid idiot.

    and at least Mel Gibson can act �

    arnold schwarzenegger now and before. arnold schwarzenegger now and
  • arnold schwarzenegger now and

  • iMeowbot
    Jul 26, 10:51 AM
    but who would want to have a full featured iTunes when you still haven't solved the problem of typing. The most efficient part for me is to type out what you're looking for. I do, however, see the advantage to making playlists more efficiently on the go, giving you the ability to shuffle anything you choose, not just "All Songs" which is a bother. :)
    Some of these patent applications have also included keyboard overlays that magically pop up on demand and so on. Much of this gesture stuff looks like major overkill for a media player, I do wonder if the iPoddish appearance of the examples is a red herring.

    Apr 14, 03:18 AM
    I wonder if anyone has been waiting on getting a iPhone 4 because white hasn't been released yet. Well 10 months later here you go.

    To answer your question: I have waited for the White iPhone 4, hoping that with the White iP4 release the antenna death grip issue would have been solved. I really hope I am right! Moreover, since adding a plastic protection cover to the Black iP4 solves the issue, probably the new White out-layer has been designed to improve the antenna (i really hope it's the case!)

    Apr 22, 04:39 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Hope not...

    Don't panic
    Apr 28, 12:56 PM
    The best I can do on short notice...

    that's pretty good.
    let's hope in a short night (but not too short, as in abruptly ended ;))

    the tricky part will be to find the infected (which probably is not infected yet)

    Apr 14, 10:24 AM
    A native Mac OS X app that will run iOS apps.

    Interesting possibility. It would be extremely difficult to emulate a complete iOS device (custom ASICs and all). But Apple could emulate just enough ARM instructions to emulate an app that was compiled by Xcode & LLVM (which would limit the way ARM instructions were generated), and used only legal public iOS APIs (instead of emulating hardware and all the registers), which could be translated in Cocoa APIs to display on a Mac OS X machine.

    Mar 29, 07:59 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8B117 Safari/6531.22.7)

    Does anybody else see the 9.6 inside the apple?
    Sept. 6th?

    Whatever it means, it's interesting.

    After you point it out, yes, I do, but I can't imagine that Apple would give ANY clues to future release dates/announcements.

    They did with the iPad 2.